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Purpose of The Needs Assessment. Maintain an up-to-date plan of improvement.Needs of the teaching force: All students meet challenging State content and academic achievement standards. All teachers highly qualified by the end of 2005-06 SY. The Needs Assessment Should Include. Information about numbers of teachers not HiQ (disaggregated by subject taught and grade level)A strategy for closing the achievement gap that separates low-income and minority students from other students.A process9450
1. Title IIA Needs Assessment Collaborative Planning
for the
LEA Title IIA Plan
2. Purpose of The Needs Assessment Maintain an up-to-date plan of improvement.
Needs of the teaching force: All students meet challenging State content and academic achievement standards.
All teachers highly qualified by the end of 2005-06 SY
3. The Needs Assessment Should Include Information about numbers of teachers not HiQ (disaggregated by subject taught and grade level)
A strategy for closing the achievement gap that separates low-income and minority students from other students.
A process to engage teachers, principals, and other staff in identifying key professional development and hiring needs in the context of developing a strategy for eliminating the achievement gap.
4. Activities the school system will conduct in order to give teachers the means to provide all students the opportunity to meet challenging state academic standards.
The activities that the system will conduct in order to give principals the instructional leadership skills they need to lead their schools’ efforts to increase student academic achievement.
5. Begin With Data Student data – disaggregated by sub-group (test scores and other appropriate data)
Teacher certification data: HiQ reports
Teacher recertification needs: HiQ report on teachers who have not met the Integrated Technology requirement
Paraprofessionals: HiQ status and recertification data
AYP Reports
6. Engage All Stakeholders Surveys or focus group meetings with
Principals and Assistant Principals
Community Members
Private Schools
Great place to create online surveys:
7. Collaboration Title I
Title IID – Enhancing Education Through Technology
Title IIIA
Title V A – Innovative Programs
Professional Learning
Other grant programs such as PRISM (Georgia Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics)
Special Education
Human Resources
Other appropriate staff
Local Universities
8. Human Resources Teacher Retention
Teacher Recruitment
Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals
9. Title I Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Resources for teachers
Standards-Based Instruction
Academic Coaches
Content Courses
Differentiated Instruction
10. Professional Learning Coursework to help teachers and paraprofessionals recertify
Coursework supporting teachers and paraprofessionals that helps students achieve at high levels
Differentiated Instruction
Content Courses
Classroom Management/Behavior Management
Working with Parents and Community
Mentoring for new teachers and teachers on Professional Development Plans
11. Exceptional Child Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers
Resources for teachers
Content Courses (Reading)
Differentiated Instruction
Classroom Management
12. Curriculum and Instruction Implementation of Georgia Performance Standards
Focus on Content Needs
American History Grant
Georgia Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics (PRISM)
English Language Learners
Fine Arts
13. Academic Affairs Leadership
Assistant Principals
System Improvement
Goals and Objectives
14. Mentoring Programs New Teacher Induction
National Board Certification
Academic Coaches
Teacher Support Specialists
Mentoring for New Principals
15. Technology Integrating Technology
Online Parapro Praxis
Computer Skill Competency Assessment
16. Local Universities Armstrong Atlantic State University
Teacher Leaders
Georgia Teacher Alternative Preparation Program (GaTAPP)
Troops to Teacher
Reading Endorsement
Georgia Southern University
Reading Courses
Savannah State University
General Classroom Behavior Management
17. RESA/GLRS Mathematics
Language Arts and Reading
Endorsement Programs
Leadership Training
Georgia Performance Standards
Effective Teaching Strategies
18. Georgia Professional Standards CommissionGeorgia Department of Education Georgia Alternative Teacher Preparation Program
Troops to Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards
Academic Coaching
19. Prioritized Goals and Objectives Broadly address the most important findings of the Needs Assessment:
Teacher Quality
Professional Learning Needs
Teacher Recruitment and Retention
20. Any Questions? Charlene Jones and Karen Connelly
Professional Learning
208 Bull Street, room 207
Savannah, Georgia 31401