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Breast Feeding counselling

Searching for Breast Feeding counselor in Baner Pune? Dr. Asmita Dongare is one of the best gynecologist who provides counseling sessions for mothers who facing problems with breastfeeding.

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Breast Feeding counselling

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  1. Breast Feeding counselling What is Breastfeeding Counselling? During pregnancy and after birth it is important to discuss with women the importance of exclusive breastfeeding consultation for six months. Try to include the partner or other family members and communicate to them all about the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and baby, the process of breastfeeding, and when and how long to feed for. Dr. Asmita Dongare provides best breast-feeding consultation in baner pune. which counsels both in- patients and out-patients about breastfeeding. You should also discuss continued breastfeeding after six months and the introduction of other foods in addition to breast milk. You might find it useful to refer to more specialized breastfeeding tools and materials to support your discussion. What types of topics might be covered during an appointment? Prenatal breastfeeding plans so that when the baby is born you will be ready with the skills, information, and confidence to help reach your breastfeeding goals Latching & positioning • •

  2. Understanding babe’s normal behavior and how it relates to feeding Breastfeeding management & information on normal baby behavior, including sleep Sore nipples and breast pain Engorgement Low milk supply Concerns with baby’s weight and supplementing Breast refusal Tongue-tie assessments Stopping supplementation Mastitis and blocked ducts Candida in the breast Starting solids Weaning Breastfeeding and infertility questions Reassurance and tips • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Why is it important to counsel breastfeeding mothers? Infant mortality is high if the infants aren’t breastfed as the risk of infection rises such as pneumonia and diarrhea. It has the largest impact on any known prevention intervention. Discussion about breastfeeding should be started during the antenatal period when the woman is pregnant and should continue post-delivery also. What should be discussed is that she makes enough milk to satisfy the hunger of the baby. When we counsel the mother, we tell them that the first 6 months are important, and the baby can do extremely well and have a good weight gain if done for 6 months and can continue till 2 years. Dr. Asmita Dongare explain to them that human milk can be stored for 6-8 hours at normal room temperature. We emphasize the importance of breast milk as it also helps the mother and the child build a stronger bond. If the counseling is done properly, then the mothers are more confident and comfortable while feeding. Breastfeeding has a host of benefits for mothers as it cuts down the risk of osteoporosis, ovarian, and breast cancer, burns extra calories, and helps reduce pregnancy weight. • • • • • • • Where do you get the breastfeeding counselling in Baner, Pune? Dr. Asmita Dongare is one of the best gynecologist in baner who provide counseling sessions for mother who facing problems with breastfeeding. If you are interested in breastfeeding counseling in Baner, Pune then

  3. call 9560506620 or Click on Book Appointment for online booking with your near hospital.

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