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Explore Broadbent Stanley's affordable Slant Bed Lathes, offering a wide range for flexible choices tailored to your needs. Click for info and quotes!
SLANT BED CNC LATHES Introduction of Slant Bed Lathes Broadbent Stanley introduces a range of Slant Bed Lathes to complement their existing lineup of Manual and CNC flat bed lathes. 01 Purpose and Target Audience The SA and SB models cater to industries requiring heavy-duty machines at a cost-effective price point, offering larger capacities compared to the SS range. 02 Features and Benefits 03 Broadbent Stanley's SA and SB series slant bed CNC lathes are designed for heavy-duty turning operations, boasting dramatic productivity enhancements. Flexibility and Choice 04 With a wide range of slant bed CNC lathes available, customers have the flexibility to choose the model that best suits their specific needs and requirements. Enhanced Productivity and Performance These slant bed CNC lathes offer superior performance and productivity, making them an ideal choice for industries seeking efficient and reliable machining solutions. 05 F i n d o u t m o r e a t : H T T P S : / / W W W . B R O A D B E N T S T A N L E Y . C O . U K / S L A N T - B E D - C N C . H T M L