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SVD on-call shift summary 05/04/21 – 05/04/28 K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama,S.Ono There is no big problem. Troubles(1) error messages : http://belle.kek.jp/group/svd/ushiroda/svd/daq/elist.html 04/23 18:13:37 command STANDBY(28138):Rejected by SVD
SVD on-call shift summary 05/04/21 – 05/04/28 K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama,S.Ono There is no big problem. 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Troubles(1) error messages : http://belle.kek.jp/group/svd/ushiroda/svd/daq/elist.html • 04/23 • 18:13:37 command STANDBY(28138):Rejected by SVD • -> checked the status window -> everything looked OK -> send command STANDBY again -> OK • I think that it was too early to send command. • 04/24 • 17:58:28 ERROR from [SVD] PSON failed in sending “INIT(VA ON)” to TTM • -> check the status window -> TTM busy -> restart HD -> start new run • 18:10:54 FATAL from [SVD] PC DAQ fatal: PPCI card null read(0x22) from: SVD SP13 minor 0 • -> start new run -> OK 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Troubles(2) • 04/28 5:00 Called by expert shift • FATAL from [SVD] [Relay process(fbdaq side)] Unexpected termination of HD in SVDlocal side. • -> Expert shift restart SVD x2. -> OK • known problem • Kawasaki-san who was BCG-shift in time told me this problem. • PC12 was hung up 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Radiation Dose you can get figure from http://belle.kek.jp/~tajimao/public/background/shift.gif Total dose 379.350 kRad Week dose 6.322 kRad 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Leak current It seemed that there is no a problem. ~svddaq/monitor/a.ps or http://belle.kek.jp/group/svd/monitor/hvmon.ps.gz 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database On ill hybrid page 05/04/21 • Pedestal of H139 seems to recover to reference. 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database 05/04/24 05/04/21 • Total noise of H16-1,2 is higher than reference. • It has a peak on about 250ch after 24th. 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database 05/04/20 05/04/22 • Total noise of H20(~250ch) have peak after 22th. 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database On ill hybrid page 05/04/21 • Total noise of H44(~510ch) seems to recover to reference. 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database 05/04/21 05/04/26 • Gain of H158-3 was faint until 24th. • But, recover to reference after 26th. 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Exp 43, Run 181 Exp 43, Run 176 Other Comments • For Beam vertex (r-phi) resol at SVD for Bhabhas, It seems that there is a peak at -0.009cm. • What is the cause of the problem? 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Pedestal of hybrid (all_ref.ps.gz) 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Pedestal of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Total noise of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Total noise of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Total noise of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Total noise of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Total noise of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Total noise of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Gain of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Gain of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Gain of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Gain of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Gain of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Gain of hybrid 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Gain of hybrid • I listed the local run results which are different from references.( faint, hot channel, etc) 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database(1) Local run results are available at /fs00/svddaq/va_calib or http://belle.kek.jp/group/svd/ushiroda/svd/localrun <0504211006> Total noise : H16 140~470ch higher than ref. Noise : H20-250ch,H205-150,200,460ch recover H26-260ch,H48-370ch,H92-325ch up Gain : H8-1 unsettled?,H139-50ch up,H27-0,H125-145ch recover H19-250,370,460ch,H35-0,H51-25,125ch,H82-145ch,H135-50ch, H107-100,390,480ch,H195-310ch down -- Most of total noise were lower than ref. yesterday. But, they recovered today. <0504221005> Total noise : H16 140~470ch,H127-125ch same as yesterday,H20-260ch up Noise : H16 160~380ch,H20-260ch,H104-350ch,H113-425ch, H157 150~225ch,H199 up H26-260ch,H48-370ch,H205-150,200,460ch same as yesterday H92-325ch recover, H16 160~380ch a little higher than ref. Gain : H8-1,H19-250,370,460ch,H168-1 recover,H195-160ch up, H91-0,H107 100~130,480~512ch,H124-50ch,H148-125ch down, H27-0,H125-145ch same as yesterday 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database(2) <0504231115> Total noise : H16 140~470ch,H20-260ch same as yesterday H70,71,78,79,82,86,144,145,146,147,156,157,202,203 higher than ref. H127-125ch recover,H105-0ch up Noise : H16 160~380ch,H20-260ch,H26-260ch,H104-350ch,H113-425ch, H157 150~225ch same as yesterday H48-370ch,H118-480ch,H195-160ch down H92-325ch,H105-0ch,H145-270ch up Gain : H19-2,3 down,H207-90ch up,H139-0,H164-0 unsettled H8-1,H27-0,H35-0,H91-0,H195-160,310ch same as yesterday H51-0,H82-145ch,H124-50ch,H148-125ch recover <0504241006> Total noise : H0,30,38,50,94,96,114,164,205 lower than ref. H20-260ch,H146 same as yesterday,H16-250ch,H125-360ch up H70,71,78,79,82,86,144,145,147,156,157,H105-0ch recover 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database(3) Noise : H26-260ch,H113-425ch,H199 same as yesterday H125-360ch,H131-360ch,H173-140ch,H195-160ch up H92-325ch,H104-350ch,H118-480ch down H145-270ch,H157 150~225ch recover Gain : H107,H139-0,H141 unsettled H8-1,H19-2,3,H27-0,H35-0,H82-145ch,H91-0,H124-50ch, H148-125ch,H164-0,H207-90ch same as yesterday H195-310ch up,H51-100ch,H179-240ch,H195-160ch down <0504260708> Total noise : H0,H50,H97-240ch up,H113-40ch down H16,20,30,70,71,78,79,82,86,94,105,114,144,145,147,156,157,169, 202,203 same as yesterday, H96,H146 recover H177,H184 lower than ref. Noise : H16,20,26,92,105,125,145,157,173,199 same as yesterday H97-240ch,H104-350ch up,H113-420ch,H118-490ch,H134-190ch down H131,195 recover 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama
Local Run / L1.5 database(4) Gain : H8-1 unsettled,H158-280ch,H195-160ch down, H207 same as yesterday,H164,H179 recover, H51-0,H59-0,3,H89-420ch,H107-1,2,H139-0 faint <0504271009> Pedestal : H53-1 down Total noise : H16-260ch,H20-260ch,H32-1,H105-75ch,H173-125ch down H97-240ch recover,H64-130ch,H71-250ch,H94-130ch,H101-0ch up, -- Most of total noise of hybrid are lower than ref. Noise : H16-260ch,H20-260ch,H173-125ch down,H71-250ch up, H97-240ch recover Gain : H19-2,3,H35-0,H51-0,195-160ch recover,H59-0,H158-280ch up, H89-420ch,H164,H179-240ch same as yesterday, H179-0 faint 4/21-4/28, K.Hara,Y.Fujiyama