How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Construction: of our Radio Trail:
First we had to get to grips with the basic layout of Garage band as we had never used it before: Here was a list of information, that would appear, of each of the sounds we would included in our radio trail: This was the area where the creation of our radio trail would appear: This would tell us the length of the radio trail but also the point in time at which the sounds were being played: This was where we could select different types of sounds to put in our documentary: Here are the controls to play, rewind, fast forward, skip and record:
Firstly, we imported an extract of an interview from our documentary in final cut express into garage for our radio trail: We did this by exporting the clip from final cut express to an MP3 file and then dragging it into garage band from our area:
Next we added the sound of a baby crying into our radio trail. We also used this sound within our documentary: We did this by converting the original wav file, of the sound, to an MP3 file and again dragging it from our area into garage band:
Our clips in our area after being uploaded from the camera: We then recorded the voice over, using the microphone, camera and headphones, for our radio trail and imported it from our area into garage band. We noticed that clips named ‘audio…’ were clips imported from final cut express, such as extracts from interviews, and that clips named ‘sequence…’ were clips imported straight from our area after they had been uploaded from the camera such as the voice over: Voice over: Clip from documentary:
Next we added sounds to our radio trail, placing them underneath clips such as the voice over. This is so that the music would play whilst the presenter was speaking: We did this by choosing a sound suitable for our documentary, from the sound choice in garage band, which was variations of the secret agent guitar. We then dragged this sound onto the area displaying our radio trail so that we could include it. (We also included this sound within our documentary):
Finally, we adjusted sound levels to make sure that they were suitable. For example, we had to make sure that the voice over could be heard over the music/sound.: We did this by clicking on the blue line below each audio clip. A blue dot was then created that allowed us to move the blue line until the sound was at a suitable level: For example, we wanted the sound of the baby crying to gradually increase at the beginning and then fade out again at the end, to create a more professional sound, so that the move from this sound to the next didn’t just jump:
Sound cloud: • Finally I exported the radio trail to sound cloud so that it could be uploaded onto our blog: