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3.6 million kids ages 12 to 13. 5.7 million kids ages 14 to 15 ... product categories they see advertising for: cars, cosmetics, movies and alcohol ...
Slide 1:Teen Television Viewing After 9:00 PM
Major Findings Presented by Global Strategy Group July 16, 2002
Slide 2:Background
Nationally representative telephone study among 750 teens ages 12 to 18 Census-balanced by age, gender, geography and ethnicity Conducted in June 2002 by Global Strategy Group Margin of error +/- 3.5%
Slide 3:Definitions
Teens: children ages 12 to 18 School-Night: Sunday through Thursday Late-Night: After 9:00 p.m. NOTE: All data in this presentation relates to the late-night viewing habits of 12- to 18- year olds on school nights.
Slide 4:Major Findings
The teen night-time TV viewing audience is very large. 22 million teens – 3 in 4 – watch TV after 9:00 p.m. on school nights. Alcohol advertisers have direct and easy access to young teens; most 12- to 15- year-olds watch TV after 9:00 p.m. on school nights UNSUPERVISED by an adult.
Slide 5:Major Findings
Teens say they don’t pay attention to commercials, but their high unaided product and brand recall -- including for alcoholic beverages -- indicates otherwise. Awareness of ads for new liquor-branded alcopops is very high and teens think they are liquor, not beer. This suggests that teens are in the TV audience for these ads.
Slide 6:Nearly 22 Million Teens Watch TV After 9:00 P.M. on School Nights
21.9 Million Teens watch TV after 9:00 on school-nights; 8.0 million after 10:00 5.5 Million 6.6 Million 9.8 Million
Slide 7:Most Teens Watch Late-Night TV; Most Have TVs and Few Have Rules
More than 3 in 4 teens (77%) watch TV after 9:00 p.m. on school nights, including 2 in 3 (67%) kids ages 12 to 13. 62% of teens have a TV in their bedroom, including 59% of 12 to 13 year olds. 62% of teens do not have to follow any rules about watching TV on school nights.
Slide 8:Younger Teens Watch Late-Night TV on School Nights Unsupervised
76% of teens ages 12 to 15 who watch TV after 9:00 p.m. on school nights do so without adult supervision at least some of the time. 3.6 million kids ages 12 to 13 5.7 million kids ages 14 to 15 4.5 million 12- to 15- year olds watch TV after 9:00 p.m. on school nights without any adult supervision at all.
Slide 9:Top-of-Mind Advertising Recall Among Teens is High
Teens say they pay little attention to late-night commercials on school nights, but have high product and brand recall More than half of teens (53%) cite 1 of 4 product categories they see advertising for: cars, cosmetics, movies and alcohol 62% of teens can name, top-of-mind, a specific company or brand: tops were Nestle, Nike, Budweiser, McDonalds and Pepsi
Top-of-mind recall of advertising for alcoholic beverages ranks fourth, even though ad expenditures are dwarfed by other industries Top-of-Mind Advertising Recall forAlcoholic Beverages Ranked Fourth $7.4 $2.2 $2.5 $0.9 Billions - TV Ads Top-of-Mind AwarenessSlide 11:Industry Ads for Alcohol Pay Off Big in Teen Awareness
Alcohol companies achieve much higher top-of-mind awareness among teens for money spent on TV advertising For every $1 Billion spent on TV advertising: Cars get 2.8% awareness Cosmetics get 7.7% awareness Movies get 5.6% awareness Alcohol gets 12.2% awareness (conservative)
Have seen alcohol advertising on TV on a school night after 9:00 p.m. Teen Exposure to Alcohol Ads on School Nights After 9:00 p.m. is HighSlide 13:High Top-of-Mind Awareness of Brands Among Teens
Which alcohol product was the ad for? Awareness of Alcopops is High, Considering the Short Time Ads Have Run
Slide 14:Teens Think TV Advertising After 9:00 PM Targets Them
Thinking of ads that appear on your favorite shows after 9:00 p.m. on school-nights, who are they designed for?
Slide 15:Aided Awareness of Liquor-Branded Alcopops is Very High: Low False Positives
Slide 16:Teens See a Liquor Brand – They Think Liquor
Is Each More Like Beer, Wine, or Liquor?
Slide 17:Conclusion
Millions of teens watch TV after 9:00 p.m. on school nights: most of them unsupervised by an adult. Teens see and remember alcohol ads, including those for liquor-branded alcopops. Many teens exposed to TV advertising for liquor-branded alcopops after 9:00 p.m. on school nights mistakenly assume they are seeing advertising for liquor.