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Dandelion's dreams bring up newest collection, Cosy on Cloud 9 100% cotton pyjamas aims to bring you this exact feeling of comfort, relaxation, calm and happiness.
CosyOnCloud9 Weallhaveoursafespaces.Forsomeone thiscouldbeunderhercoversasshe listenstoraindropshitthewindowpanewhileforanotheritcouldbecuddledon the sofa with a favourite book and drink. For us, our comfort comes more from howwefeelthanwhereweareandwefeelbestwhenwe’rewearingapairof Dandelion’s100%cottonpyjamas.Ournewestcollection,CosyonCloud9,aims tobringyouthisexactfeeling.Oneofcomfort,relaxation,calmandhappinessin the form of the cosiest, softest pyjamas you’ve ever put on. What’s more, we’ve developed a range of playful, colourful prints that will enhance your mood and makeyoufeellikeyou’relivingoncloud9! Our new collection whisksus away to celebrate those little moments where we’re blissfully unaware and just enjoying being with ourselves. The range featuresadelicatepaletteoflazyblues,stormygreysandatouchofcolourto match your mood. You can mix and match pieces to create a look that is completely your own because no matter what you choose to wear, you will alwaysfeelgreat.Webelievethatbeingyourselfisthegreatestgiftintheworld so embrace your personality and every mood you feel while laying back and watchingtheworldgoby.Ourduskypalateisperfectforendlessdreamydays whereourplayfulprintswillupliftyourspirits andmakeyoufeellikeyou’resitting onacloud.
Every season has a mood and the monsoon is most definitely one of our favourites. The sombre shades of grey and light patter of raindrops has inspired this collection and includes unique, bespoke prints. Choose from bright clouds andfunkypolkadotstoenjoytherainyseasoninstyle.Whetheryou’rewearing our comfy pyjamas, relaxed shorts or feminine camisole dresses, you will find a newloveforbedtime!Wealsohaverobesandseparatepiecesformensothat no one feels left out. This collection is a lazy girl’s dream come true! Our 100% cottonsleepwearwillhaveyousnuggleduponcloud 9wherealldreamsreally docometrue.