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CHANGES 2009-2010. TAKS-Alt online training now includes a fourth module Teachers must use the state-developed documentation form to record TAKS-Alt observations.All forms can be found on the TEA Web page. Students enrolled in grade 11 are required to be assessed every year they remain in grade 11 regardless of what test they took the previous year.This requirement includes students even if they passed the assessment during a previous test administration..
1. TAKS Alt2009-2010
Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills-Alternative
3. CHANGES 2009-2010 TAKS-Alt online training now includes a fourth module
Teachers must use the state-developed documentation form to record TAKS-Alt observations.
All forms can be found on the TEA Web page.
Students enrolled in grade 11 are required to be assessed every year they remain in grade 11 regardless of what test they took the previous year.
This requirement includes students even if they passed the assessment during a previous test administration.
4. Features of TAKS-Alt ? Four essence statements per assessed subject; all state-required
? Standardized assessment tasks at three levels of complexity developed from state-selected prerequisite skills
? Three state-developed predetermined criteria for each assessment task
? Online submission of student performance at any time during the TAKS–Alt assessment window
? Online automated scoring based on teacher evaluation of the observation
? Interrater reliability study
? Audit of teacher documentation forms
? Locally stored documentation forms according to district guidelines
? Mandatory training including three online training modules with qualification activities for new TAKS–Alt test administrators and for returning TAKS–Alt test administrators who have not previously passed the qualification activities for Modules 1, 2, and/or 3
? Completion of Module 4: “Beyond the Basics” for all returning TAKS–Alt test administrators
5. Who Can Administer TAKS-Alt Teachers who administer the TAKS–Alt assessment are required to complete online training and successfully pass the qualification activity for each of Modules 1–3. A score of 80% or above on the qualification activities for these three training modules is required before a test administrator can administer the assessment.
The TAKS–Alt test administrator should be the student’s teacher of record. In the event that a student has more than one teacher, the student’s case manager/folder teacher should be designated as the teacher of record. The teacher of record is the teacher who has been assigned the student in the online system. Only the teacher of record can access the TAKS–Alt online instrument to evaluate student performance in the online system.
The TAKS–Alt test administrator may enlist the support of teaching assistants and other school personnel in instructing students in the classroom and during the assessment observation. Personnel acting in this capacity must view the TAKS–Alt training modules, but are not required to pass the qualification activities.
Any person who is performing the test administrator role must view all three training modules and pass the qualification activities. Only the teacher of record to whom the student is assigned in the online system can evaluate student performance in the online system.
Note that at no time may the teacher of record or any other person share his or
her TAKS–Alt username and password with anyone. Sharing a password may
result in the loss of student assessment data and could result in testing
irregularity penalties from the state.
6. Test Administrator (Teacher) Role The TAKS–Alt test administrator chooses the assessment task for each required essence statement and is responsible for determining the implementation of the assessment task, including adding presentation supports and identifying appropriate student response modes to provide access to the assessment task.
After instruction, the test administrator determines an appropriate time to administer the assessment where the student performance will be observed and documented on the state required documentation forms.
Documentation of student performance is then
used by the teacher of record to evaluate student performance and submit the results in the online instrument.
8. Functions Performed by Test Administrator 1. Choose the assessment task for each required essence statement. (TASK) p. 5
2. Determine implementation of the assessment task. (IMPLEMENTATION) p. 6
3. Observe and document student performance on the predetermined criteria. (OBSERVE/DOCUMENT) p. 7
4. Evaluate student performance and enter the information into the online instrument. (EVALUATE) p. 8
9. Participation Requirements
10. Transfer/Repeating/LEP For students designated to take TAKS–Alt who transfer into a district prior to March 26, 2010, the receiving district is responsible for starting and/or completing the assessment.
If a student designated to take TAKS–Alt moves into a new school district from another Texas school district, a private school, or from out-of-state after March 26, 2010, the district is not required to assess the student. If a student has assessment data in the TAKS–Alt system, the receiving district only needs to ensure that the student data has been transferred to the district. The assessment does not need to be started or finished by the receiving district. The online system will automatically finalize the assessment as is on April 16.
Students who meet the participation requirements for TAKS–Alt and who have been recommended for TAKS–Alt by the ARD committee are required to be assessed at their enrolled grade level. This requirement includes students repeating a grade
level, including grade 11 students even if they passed the assessment during a previous test administration.
The ARD committee is responsible for determining each student’s eligibility for TAKS–Alt. In the case of a limited English proficient (LEP) student, the ARD committee must work in conjunction with the student’s language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC). Neither LEP exemptions nor linguistically accommodated testing (LAT) administrations apply to recent immigrants who
qualify for TAKS–Alt. Because of the design of TAKS–Alt, these provisions are
not necessary.
11. Interrater Reliability Study The interrater reliability study will require two educators who have successfully completed the TAKS–Alt training modules to observe the primary observation and evaluate the same student performance at the exact same time for an assigned subject and essence statement.
The two observers (the test administrator and a second rater) independently evaluate the student’s performance and enter the results into separate online systems.
12. Resources The TAKS–Alt resources may be accessed at any time from the:
? TEA website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/taksalt
? TAKS–Alt training modules at http://www.TexasAssessment.com/taksaltonlinetraining
? Resources section of the online assessment system at https://www.taksalt.com
13. Test Security Unlike paper assessments, the TAKS–Alt standardized assessment tasks and resources are not considered secure. However, student assessment information used or obtained during TAKS–Alt administrations is confidential.
Only authorized personnel may have access to TAKS–Alt student information, and all persons participating in TAKS–Alt must be trained in TAKS–Alt administration procedures and must sign a security oath before handling confidential information.
Each test administrator participating in the TAKS–Alt assessment must complete and sign the security oath.
The signed oath must be returned to the campus
coordinator and retained by the district for a minimum
of five years.
14. Test Security (cont.) TAKS–Alt test administrators
? must independently complete the online qualification activities;
? are not permitted to discuss or otherwise share the questions that constitute the online qualification system before, during, or after the qualification activity;
? will maintain the security and confidentiality of the qualification system; and
? are responsible for all activities that occur under their username and password.
15. Testing Irregularities In accordance with the Texas Administrative Code, 19 TAC §101.65(e), any person who violates, assists in the violation of, or solicits another to violate or assist in the violation of test security or confidentiality, and any person who fails to report such a violation, may be penalized through
? placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term;
? issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand;
? suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term; or
? revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently.
16. Testing Irregularities p. 15-16 (cont.) Eligibility Error
Improper Accounting for Confidential Information
Procedural Error
Potential Referral to the Educator Certification and Standards Division
17. Incident Reporting All incidents must be reported to the TEA Student Assessment Division by the District Coordinator.
Incidents involving alleged irregularities that can result in a referral to the Educator Certification and Standards Division will be reported to the Student Assessment Division Security Task Force by the Assessment Department as soon as the district coordinator is made aware of the situation.
District testing coordinators or their designees are responsible for investigating potential testing violations so that statements and reports submitted to TEA clearly lay out the sequence of events and explain exactly what occurred.
All required documentation, including statements from individuals involved, should be submitted within 10 working days of the district testing coordinator being
made aware of the incident.
18. Incident Reporting (cont.) Each of the following steps must be completed by the district to fulfill the state’s requirements for reporting testing violations:
1. An incident report must be submitted via the Online Incident Reporting Process
2. Typed and signed statement(s) must be collected from the individual(s) involved and submitted to TEA.
3. For irregularities involving the loss of secure materials or incidents that can result in a referral to the Educator Certification and Standards Division, districts are required to submit a Corrective Action Plan.
19. Training Requirements Testing coordinators must conduct a training session or sessions before test administrators begin their assessment observations.
Since the TAKS–Alt assessment process is an observation-based assessment, teachers need ample time to properly implement the assessment.
Assessment observations may begin before the TAKS–Alt online system opens for teachers. For this reason, it is recommended that training on test security and general testing procedures be scheduled and conducted as early in the school year as possible.
Testing coordinators are responsible for ensuring that
all TAKS–Alt test administrators have been trained
in test security and general testing procedures, signed
the oath, and have passed all three qualification
activities prior to administering the TAKS–Alt
20. TAKS–Alt Online Training and Qualification TAKS–Alt online training is mandatory for all test administrators.
Test administrators and second raters are required to complete Modules 1–3 and pass the qualification activity for each of these three modules.
A score of 80% or above on all qualification activities is required before a test administrator can administer the assessment.
Beginning in 2009–2010, TAKS–Alt online training includes a fourth module, “Beyond the Basics”.
Teachers who qualified previously on Modules
1–3 are only required to complete Module 4.
There is no qualification activity for Module 4
21. TAKS–Alt Online Training and Qualification (cont.) The TAKS–Alt online training modules are available on the Texas TrainingCenter website at
The website should be used by testing coordinators to access training reports from 2008–2009.
A test administrator is required to
repeat any module and qualification activity not successfully passed last year.
In addition to the TAKS–Alt online training modules, all test administrators must receive face-to-face
training in general test security and test administration procedures before administering the 2010 assessment.
22. Entering Students in the TAKS–Alt OnlineAssessment System Prior to January 4, 2010, when the online system opens for teacher access, testing coordinators are responsible for providing maintenance to existing student demographic data. Such maintenance includes:
? Each student’s enrolled grade needs to be updated along with any other demographic and program information that may have changed or needs to be corrected from last year.
? Students who are now in grade 12 and who are in the TAKS–Alt system should be archived.
? New students need to be added to the system. New students include:
? rising grade 3 students
? students new to the district
? any student whose ARD committee has determined
for the first time that the student is to be assessed
with TAKS–Alt
23. “TAKS–Alt Documentation Form of Student Performance” The state-required “TAKS–Alt Documentation Form of Student Performance” must be used by all test
? before the observation to record supports, materials, and student response modes;
? during or immediately after the observation to record student performance (Demonstration of Skill) and any additional assistance needed in the form of cueing and prompting (Level of Support); and
? after the observation to evaluate student performance in the online system.
24. 2010 Interrater Reliability Study The interrater reliability study will require two educators who have successfully completed the
TAKS–Alt training modules to observe the primary observation and evaluate the same student performance at the exact same time for a specific standardized assessment task.
The two observers independently evaluate the student’s performance and enter the results into separate online systems.
The second rater will enter his or her evaluation of the student’s performance at http://www.TexasAssessment.com/TAKSAltInterraterStudy0910 .
To ensure the validity of the study, the test administrator and second rater should not discuss the observation or evaluation with each other.
Notification of student information for the study will be sent
to districts on November 20, 2009.
Students will be rated on only one essence statement within
a content area for the primary observation.
25. TAKS–Alt Audit The TAKS–Alt audit provides evidence to support the validity of TAKS–Alt scores by auditing teachers’
documentation of student performance.
?how well the teacher’s documentation of the assessment observation supports the evaluation of
the assessment task, and
? if the complexity level of the assessment task was maintained when the teacher carried out the
assessment observation with the student
Districts will be notified on April 9, 2010, of students whose TAKS–Alt documentation forms need to be
submitted to Pearson for the audit
Evidence is required for the primary observation and
for the generalization observation, if appropriate, for
all four essence statements per subject.
26. Training
All Assessment trainings;
Registered using the ERO system
Have a sign-in sheet
Have an agenda
Contact Numbers
Assessment – 554-2806
Mr. Vasquez – 832-8940 (cell)
Pam – 698-0065