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Chapter 1 People and Government

I. Principles of Government. A. The StateAristotle was one of the 1st students of Govt.The Greeks gave us terms like, democracy, politics, and republicState: a political community that occupies a definite territory and has an organized govt.Over 200 states in the world todayIn 1776, the U.S. wa

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Chapter 1 People and Government

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    1. Chapter 1 People and Government

    2. I. Principles of Government A. The State Aristotle was one of the 1st students of Govt. The Greeks gave us terms like, democracy, politics, and republic State: a political community that occupies a definite territory and has an organized govt. Over 200 states in the world today In 1776, the U.S. was 13 states together Nation: any sizable group of people Bonds of language, religion, customs, or culture Term is synonymous with state today

    3. B. Essential Features of a State 1. Population Need people Places where there is a general political and social consensus are usually stable govts. 2. Territory Established boundaries Exact location can cause conflicts 3. Sovereignty The state has supreme and absolute authority in its land Complete independence 4. Government The institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces laws

    4. C. Theories of the Origin of the State 1. Evolution Theory Evolved from the family structure 2. Force Theory People were put under the authority of a person or group 3. Divine Right Theory God or gods chose rulers to lead

    5. C. Theories cont. 4. Social Contract Theory Thomas Hobbes People surrendered power to the state in order to maintain order The state in turn agreed to protect its citizens John Locke agreed He thought people could break the contract if a govt. didn’t preserve rights Life, liberty, and the pursuit of property Influenced the U.S. heavily

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