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. Overview. This Presentation Will Cover the Following Topics:. The Seven Steps to Becoming an FSIS-Inspected Establishment Application OFO District Offices FSIS Regulations and Requirements Facilities and Equipment Labels and Brands Water and Sewage Standard Operating Procedure for Sanitation Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point .
1. Applying For A Federal Grant of Inspection for Meat and Poultry Establishments An Overview of the Steps Required for Obtaining Federal Meat and Poultry Inspection This slide gives the title of the presentation. State the title and subtitle.
This presentation is an overview of the steps necessary to obtain a Federal Grant of Inspection for establishments producing meat and poultry products. The information contained in this presentation is the same as the information contained in the packet you will receive from the district office (we will discuss district offices in a few minutes). This information is also posted on the FSIS Web site under “Federal Grant of Inspection Guide,” and you’ll be given the Web address for that at the end of the presentation. This slide gives the title of the presentation. State the title and subtitle.
This presentation is an overview of the steps necessary to obtain a Federal Grant of Inspection for establishments producing meat and poultry products. The information contained in this presentation is the same as the information contained in the packet you will receive from the district office (we will discuss district offices in a few minutes). This information is also posted on the FSIS Web site under “Federal Grant of Inspection Guide,” and you’ll be given the Web address for that at the end of the presentation.
Read Slide
This Presentation Will Cover the Following Topics:
The Seven Steps to Becoming an FSIS-Inspected
OFO District Offices
FSIS Regulations and Requirements
Facilities and Equipment
Labels and Brands
Water and Sewage
Standard Operating Procedure for Sanitation
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Read Slide
This Presentation Will Cover the Following Topics:
The Seven Steps to Becoming an FSIS-Inspected
OFO District Offices
FSIS Regulations and Requirements
Facilities and Equipment
Labels and Brands
Water and Sewage
Standard Operating Procedure for Sanitation
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Read slide
General Information
FSIS Regulations and Requirements
Separation of Official Establishments and
Inauguration of Inspection
Inspection Office
Laundry Service
Hours of Operation
Inspection Charges and Hours of Duty
Rules of Practice and Withdrawal of Inspection
Regulations Pertaining to E. coli and L.
Read slide
General Information
FSIS Regulations and Requirements
Separation of Official Establishments and
Inauguration of Inspection
Inspection Office
Laundry Service
Hours of Operation
Inspection Charges and Hours of Duty
Rules of Practice and Withdrawal of Inspection
Regulations Pertaining to E. coli and L.
FSIS is the public health agency in the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) responsible for
ensuring that the nation's commercial supply of
meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome,
and correctly labeled and packaged.
You will need to apply to FSIS for a Federal Grant of
Inspection if you are producing meat and poultry
products to ship in interstate commerce. State the title and subtitle.
FSIS is the public health agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture say acronym (USDA) responsible for ensuring that the nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged.
FSIS derives its authority from the Federal Meat Inspection Act, the Poultry Products Inspection Act, and the Egg Products Inspection Act.
You will need to apply to FSIS for a Federal Grant of Inspection if you are producing meat and poultry products to ship in interstate commerce, or if your State does not have a meat and/or poultry inspection program. If your State has a meat and/or poultry inspection program, you may wish to apply for State inspection, which allows you to ship products inside the State. State the title and subtitle.
FSIS is the public health agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture say acronym (USDA) responsible for ensuring that the nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged.
FSIS derives its authority from the Federal Meat Inspection Act, the Poultry Products Inspection Act, and the Egg Products Inspection Act.
You will need to apply to FSIS for a Federal Grant of Inspection if you are producing meat and poultry products to ship in interstate commerce, or if your State does not have a meat and/or poultry inspection program. If your State has a meat and/or poultry inspection program, you may wish to apply for State inspection, which allows you to ship products inside the State.
5. File an Application for Inspection
Contact the FSIS Office of Field Operations (OFO) district
office with jurisdiction over plants in your State.
There are currently 15 district offices. The contact
information for each district office can be found on the FSIS
Web site at:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The first step to receiving a Grant of Inspection from FSIS is to file an Application for Inspection. You begin the process by contacting the FSIS Office of Field Operations, abbreviated as say acronym (OFO) that has jurisdiction over plants in your state. There are currently 15 district offices. The contact information for each district office can be found on the FSIS Web site at click to bring in address, then point to the Web address on the slide and say http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Contact_US/Office_Locations_&_Phone_Numbers/index.asp.
We’ve prepared a handout with the information that’s on this Web page Pass out handout with the information from the Web site. The Web site can be accessed by typing http://www.fsis.usda.gov/ into your Web browser. On the left side of the page, you’ll see a section titled “Browse by audience” with a drop down menu-select Businesses and Partners. On the right side of the Businesses and Partners page, you’ll see a section titled “I want to.” Click on “Locate an FSIS Office,” and it will take you to the page. Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The first step to receiving a Grant of Inspection from FSIS is to file an Application for Inspection. You begin the process by contacting the FSIS Office of Field Operations, abbreviated as say acronym (OFO) that has jurisdiction over plants in your state. There are currently 15 district offices. The contact information for each district office can be found on the FSIS Web site at click to bring in address, then point to the Web address on the slide and say http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Contact_US/Office_Locations_&_Phone_Numbers/index.asp.
We’ve prepared a handout with the information that’s on this Web page Pass out handout with the information from the Web site. The Web site can be accessed by typing http://www.fsis.usda.gov/ into your Web browser. On the left side of the page, you’ll see a section titled “Browse by audience” with a drop down menu-select Businesses and Partners. On the right side of the Businesses and Partners page, you’ll see a section titled “I want to.” Click on “Locate an FSIS Office,” and it will take you to the page.
6. Point to different districts on the slide as you read. On this slide we have a map of the mainland United States with the OFO districts marked. Locate the State where your plant is located, and that will give you the district. District 05, located in Alameda, California, covers only California. District 65, located in Albany, New York, covers Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. District 85, located in Atlanta, Georgia, covers Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. District 75, located in Beltsville, Maryland, covers Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. District 50, located in Chicago, Illinois, covers Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. District 40, located in Dallas, Texas, covers only Texas. District 15, located in Denver, Colorado, is the largest District, and it covers Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. District 25, located in Des Moines, Iowa, covers Iowa and Nebraska. District 90, located in Jackson, Mississippi, covers Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. District 30, located in Lawrence, Kansas, covers Kansas and Missouri. District 45, located in Madison, Wisconsin, covers Michigan and Wisconsin. District 20, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, covers Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. District 60, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, covers New Jersey and Pennsylvania. District 80, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, covers Kentucky (point to Kentucky with the asterisk), North Carolina, and South Carolina. And finally, District 35, located in Springdale, Arkansas, covers Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
NOTE: Presenter may decide to simply point out the District Office for the State where the presentation is being given.Point to different districts on the slide as you read. On this slide we have a map of the mainland United States with the OFO districts marked. Locate the State where your plant is located, and that will give you the district. District 05, located in Alameda, California, covers only California. District 65, located in Albany, New York, covers Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. District 85, located in Atlanta, Georgia, covers Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. District 75, located in Beltsville, Maryland, covers Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. District 50, located in Chicago, Illinois, covers Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. District 40, located in Dallas, Texas, covers only Texas. District 15, located in Denver, Colorado, is the largest District, and it covers Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. District 25, located in Des Moines, Iowa, covers Iowa and Nebraska. District 90, located in Jackson, Mississippi, covers Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. District 30, located in Lawrence, Kansas, covers Kansas and Missouri. District 45, located in Madison, Wisconsin, covers Michigan and Wisconsin. District 20, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, covers Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. District 60, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, covers New Jersey and Pennsylvania. District 80, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, covers Kentucky (point to Kentucky with the asterisk), North Carolina, and South Carolina. And finally, District 35, located in Springdale, Arkansas, covers Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
NOTE: Presenter may decide to simply point out the District Office for the State where the presentation is being given.
The district office will provide you with a packet of information which will include FSIS Form 5200.2, Application for Federal Meat, Poultry or Import Inspection.
State the title
The district office will provide you with a packet of information which will include FSIS Form 5200.2, Application for Federal Meat, Poultry or Import Inspection. State the title
The district office will provide you with a packet of information which will include FSIS Form 5200.2, Application for Federal Meat, Poultry or Import Inspection.
In addition to completing the application, pay particular attention to item 10(b), “Attach a Description of the Physical Limits of the plant Premises that is to be under Federal Inspection.”
State the title. Read:
Complete all sections of the application. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact the district office. For import inspection, contact the FSIS Office of International Affairs.
In addition to completing the application, pay particular attention to item 10(b), “Attach a Description of the Physical Limits of the Plant Premises that is to be under Federal Inspection.” This can be a written description or a drawing. If a drawing, place a North compass heading on the drawing. If you only identify certain areas/rooms in a building for FSIS inspection as opposed to the whole building, FSIS will do an environmental sanitation inspection if 1) there is any door way connection between the areas/rooms you want inspected and the un-inspected areas/room; and 2) we have reason to believe that unsanitary conditions exist that allow rodents, vermin and insects, contaminated air, etc., between the sections. We will enter those areas to verify the conditions of the environment in order to assure that public health is not being compromised in the FSIS-inspected areas/rooms.
Mail the application back to the district office.
After an application for inspection has been filed, an official establishment number will be reserved upon request by the applicant. In addition, you will receive the name and contact information for the Front Line Supervisor (FLS) covering the geographical area in which your establishment is located. The FLS will be available to answer any questions you may have during the process.
State the title. Read:
Complete all sections of the application. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact the district office. For import inspection, contact the FSIS Office of International Affairs.
In addition to completing the application, pay particular attention to item 10(b), “Attach a Description of the Physical Limits of the Plant Premises that is to be under Federal Inspection.” This can be a written description or a drawing. If a drawing, place a North compass heading on the drawing. If you only identify certain areas/rooms in a building for FSIS inspection as opposed to the whole building, FSIS will do an environmental sanitation inspection if 1) there is any door way connection between the areas/rooms you want inspected and the un-inspected areas/room; and 2) we have reason to believe that unsanitary conditions exist that allow rodents, vermin and insects, contaminated air, etc., between the sections. We will enter those areas to verify the conditions of the environment in order to assure that public health is not being compromised in the FSIS-inspected areas/rooms.
Mail the application back to the district office.
After an application for inspection has been filed, an official establishment number will be reserved upon request by the applicant. In addition, you will receive the name and contact information for the Front Line Supervisor (FLS) covering the geographical area in which your establishment is located. The FLS will be available to answer any questions you may have during the process.
9. Read:
Here is a sample of what the form looks like. Zoom in and point out different sections of the form.Read:
Here is a sample of what the form looks like. Zoom in and point out different sections of the form.
10. Facilities Must Meet Regulatory Performance Standards
To operate under a Grant of Inspection from
USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service,
plants must operate in compliance with FSIS
regulations, which are in Title 9 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (9 CFR 301 through 592).
Part 416 (9 CFR 416) sets forth the basic
requirements for establishing and maintaining
sanitary operating conditions. Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The second step is to make sure that your facility and equipment meet FSIS regulatory performance standards. Plants that conduct operations under a Grant of Inspection from USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service must conduct operations under the provisions of Title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations, parts 301 through 592 say citation (9 CFR 301-592). Part 416 say citation (9 CFR 416), which includes 9 CFR 416.2, “Plant grounds and facilities”; and 9 CFR 416.3, “Equipment and utensils,” sets forth the basic requirements for establishing and maintaining sanitary operating conditions.
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The second step is to make sure that your facility and equipment meet FSIS regulatory performance standards. Plants that conduct operations under a Grant of Inspection from USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service must conduct operations under the provisions of Title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations, parts 301 through 592 say citation (9 CFR 301-592). Part 416 say citation (9 CFR 416), which includes 9 CFR 416.2, “Plant grounds and facilities”; and 9 CFR 416.3, “Equipment and utensils,” sets forth the basic requirements for establishing and maintaining sanitary operating conditions.
11. Facilities Must Meet Regulatory Performance Standards
There is a compliance guide on the FSIS
Web site that contains a lot of practical
information on sanitation performance
standards. It can be found at
State the title and subtitle. Read: There is a compliance guide on the FSIS Web site that contains a lot of practical information on sanitation performance standards. It can be found at click to activate animation http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Regulations_&_Policies/Sanitation_Performance_Standards/index.asp.
State the title and subtitle. Read: There is a compliance guide on the FSIS Web site that contains a lot of practical information on sanitation performance standards. It can be found at click to activate animation http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Regulations_&_Policies/Sanitation_Performance_Standards/index.asp.
12. 9 CFR 416. 2 contains the regulations regarding a
plant’s grounds and facilities. They include
provisions for the following:
(a) Grounds and pest control
(b) Construction
(c) Light
(d) Ventilation
(e) Plumbing
(f) Sewage disposal
(g) Water supply and water, ice, and solution
(h) Dressing rooms, lavatories, and toilets
State the title and subtitle. 9 CFR 416.2 contains the regulations regarding a plant’s grounds and facilities. They include provisions for the following: click to activate animation, read from slideRead:
State the title and subtitle. 9 CFR 416.2 contains the regulations regarding a plant’s grounds and facilities. They include provisions for the following: click to activate animation, read from slide
13. Grounds and pest control.
The grounds about an establishment must
be maintained Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (a) Grounds and pest control. click to activate animation. The grounds about an establishment must be maintained to prevent conditions that could lead to insanitary conditions, adulteration of product, or interfere with inspection by FSIS program employees. Establishments must have in place a pest management program to prevent the harborage and breeding of pests on the grounds and within establishment facilities. Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (a) Grounds and pest control. click to activate animation. The grounds about an establishment must be maintained to prevent conditions that could lead to insanitary conditions, adulteration of product, or interfere with inspection by FSIS program employees. Establishments must have in place a pest management program to prevent the harborage and breeding of pests on the grounds and within establishment facilities.
14. Grounds and pest control.
Pest control substances used must be safe
and effective Read:
Click to underline subtitle. (a) Grounds and pest control. click to activate animation. Pest control substances used must be safe and effective under the conditions of use and not be applied or stored in a manner that will result in the adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions. Read:
Click to underline subtitle. (a) Grounds and pest control. click to activate animation. Pest control substances used must be safe and effective under the conditions of use and not be applied or stored in a manner that will result in the adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.
15. (b) Construction.
(1) Establishment buildings
(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within
establishments Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (b) Construction. click to activate animation. Number 1, establishment buildings, including their structures, rooms, and compartments must be of sound construction, be kept in good repair, and be of sufficient size to allow for processing, handling, and storage of product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions. click to activate animation. Number 2, walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (b) Construction. click to activate animation. Number 1, establishment buildings, including their structures, rooms, and compartments must be of sound construction, be kept in good repair, and be of sufficient size to allow for processing, handling, and storage of product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions. click to activate animation. Number 2, walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.
16. (b) Construction.
(3) Walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows
(4) Rooms or compartments in which
edible product is processed, handled,
or stored
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Continuing with construction, click to activate animation. Number 3, walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows, and other outside openings must be constructed and maintained to prevent the entrance of vermin, such as flies, rats, and mice. click to activate animation. Number 4, rooms or compartments in which edible product is processed, handled, or stored must be separate and distinct from rooms or compartments in which inedible product is processed, handled, or stored, to the extent necessary to prevent product adulteration and the creation of insanitary conditions.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Continuing with construction, click to activate animation. Number 3, walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows, and other outside openings must be constructed and maintained to prevent the entrance of vermin, such as flies, rats, and mice. click to activate animation. Number 4, rooms or compartments in which edible product is processed, handled, or stored must be separate and distinct from rooms or compartments in which inedible product is processed, handled, or stored, to the extent necessary to prevent product adulteration and the creation of insanitary conditions.
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (c) Light. Lighting of good quality and sufficient intensity to ensure that sanitary conditions are maintained and that product is not adulterated must be provided in areas where food is processed, handled, stored, or examined; where equipment and utensils are cleaned; and in hand-washing areas, dressing and locker rooms, and toilets.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (c) Light. Lighting of good quality and sufficient intensity to ensure that sanitary conditions are maintained and that product is not adulterated must be provided in areas where food is processed, handled, stored, or examined; where equipment and utensils are cleaned; and in hand-washing areas, dressing and locker rooms, and toilets.
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (e) Plumbing. Plumbing systems must be installed and maintained to: click to activate animation Number 1, carry sufficient quantities of water to required locations throughout the establishment; click to activate animation number 2, properly convey sewage and liquid disposable waste from the establishment; Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (e) Plumbing. Plumbing systems must be installed and maintained to: click to activate animation Number 1, carry sufficient quantities of water to required locations throughout the establishment; click to activate animation number 2, properly convey sewage and liquid disposable waste from the establishment;
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to activate animation Number 3, prevent adulteration of product, water supplies, equipment, and utensils and prevent the creation of insanitary conditions throughout the establishment. click to activate animation Number 4, provide adequate floor drainage in all areas where floors are subject to flooding-type cleaning or where normal operations release or discharge water or other liquid waste on the floor.Read:
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to activate animation Number 3, prevent adulteration of product, water supplies, equipment, and utensils and prevent the creation of insanitary conditions throughout the establishment. click to activate animation Number 4, provide adequate floor drainage in all areas where floors are subject to flooding-type cleaning or where normal operations release or discharge water or other liquid waste on the floor.
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Continuing with plumbing,; click to activate animation Number 5, prevent back-flow conditions in and cross-connection between piping systems that discharge waste water or sewage and piping systems that carry water for product manufacturing; and Number 6, prevent the backup of sewer gases.Read:
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Continuing with plumbing,; click to activate animation Number 5, prevent back-flow conditions in and cross-connection between piping systems that discharge waste water or sewage and piping systems that carry water for product manufacturing; and Number 6, prevent the backup of sewer gases.
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (f) Sewage disposal. click to activate animation Sewage must be disposed into a sewage system separate from all other drainage lines or disposed of through other means sufficient to prevent backup of sewage into areas where product is processed, handled, or stored. When the sewage disposal system is a private system requiring approval by a State or local health authority, the establishment must furnish FSIS with the letter of approval from that authority upon request.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (f) Sewage disposal. click to activate animation Sewage must be disposed into a sewage system separate from all other drainage lines or disposed of through other means sufficient to prevent backup of sewage into areas where product is processed, handled, or stored. When the sewage disposal system is a private system requiring approval by a State or local health authority, the establishment must furnish FSIS with the letter of approval from that authority upon request.
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (g) Water supply and water, ice, and solution reuse. click to activate animation Number 1, a supply of running water that complies with the National Primary Drinking Water regulations (40 CFR part 141), at a suitable temperature and under pressure as needed, must be provided in all areas where required (for processing product, for cleaning rooms and equipment, utensils, and packaging materials, for employee sanitary facilities, etc.). Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (g) Water supply and water, ice, and solution reuse. click to activate animation Number 1, a supply of running water that complies with the National Primary Drinking Water regulations (40 CFR part 141), at a suitable temperature and under pressure as needed, must be provided in all areas where required (for processing product, for cleaning rooms and equipment, utensils, and packaging materials, for employee sanitary facilities, etc.).
State subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content. Click again to bring in water drops. If an establishment uses a municipal water supply, it must make available to FSIS, upon request, a water report, issued under the authority of the State or local health agency, certifying or attesting to the potability of the water supply. If an establishment uses a private well for its water supply, it must make available to FSIS, upon request, documentation certifying the potability of the water supply that has been renewed at least semi-annually.Read:
State subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content. Click again to bring in water drops. If an establishment uses a municipal water supply, it must make available to FSIS, upon request, a water report, issued under the authority of the State or local health agency, certifying or attesting to the potability of the water supply. If an establishment uses a private well for its water supply, it must make available to FSIS, upon request, documentation certifying the potability of the water supply that has been renewed at least semi-annually.
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content Number 2, water, ice, and solutions (such as brine, liquid smoke, or propylene glycol) used to chill or cook ready-to-eat product may be reused for the same purpose, provided that they are maintained free of pathogenic organisms and fecal coliform organisms and that other physical, chemical, and microbiological contamination have been reduced to prevent adulteration of product.Read:
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content Number 2, water, ice, and solutions (such as brine, liquid smoke, or propylene glycol) used to chill or cook ready-to-eat product may be reused for the same purpose, provided that they are maintained free of pathogenic organisms and fecal coliform organisms and that other physical, chemical, and microbiological contamination have been reduced to prevent adulteration of product.
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content Number 3, water, ice, and solutions used to chill or wash raw product may be reused for the same purpose provided that measures are taken to reduce physical, chemical, and microbiological contamination so as to prevent contamination or adulteration of product. Reuse that has come into contact with raw product may not be used on ready-to-eat product.Read:
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content Number 3, water, ice, and solutions used to chill or wash raw product may be reused for the same purpose provided that measures are taken to reduce physical, chemical, and microbiological contamination so as to prevent contamination or adulteration of product. Reuse that has come into contact with raw product may not be used on ready-to-eat product.
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. click to bring in content Number 4, reconditioned water that has never contained human waste and that has been treated by an onsite advanced wastewater treatment facility may be used on raw product, except in product formulation, and throughout the facility in edible and inedible production areas, provided that measures are taken to ensure that this water meets the criteria prescribed in paragraph (g)(1) of this section. Product, facilities, equipment, and utensils coming in contact with this water must undergo a separate final rinse with non-reconditioned water that meets the criteria prescribed in paragraph (g)(1) of this section.Read:
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. click to bring in content Number 4, reconditioned water that has never contained human waste and that has been treated by an onsite advanced wastewater treatment facility may be used on raw product, except in product formulation, and throughout the facility in edible and inedible production areas, provided that measures are taken to ensure that this water meets the criteria prescribed in paragraph (g)(1) of this section. Product, facilities, equipment, and utensils coming in contact with this water must undergo a separate final rinse with non-reconditioned water that meets the criteria prescribed in paragraph (g)(1) of this section.
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content Number 5, any water that has never contained human waste and that is free of pathogenic organisms may be used in edible and inedible product areas, provided it does not contact edible product. For example, such reuse water may be used to move heavy solids, to flush the bottom of open evisceration troughs, or to wash ante mortem areas, livestock pens, trucks, poultry cages, picker aprons, picking room floors, and similar areas within the establishment. Read:
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content Number 5, any water that has never contained human waste and that is free of pathogenic organisms may be used in edible and inedible product areas, provided it does not contact edible product. For example, such reuse water may be used to move heavy solids, to flush the bottom of open evisceration troughs, or to wash ante mortem areas, livestock pens, trucks, poultry cages, picker aprons, picking room floors, and similar areas within the establishment.
State subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. And finally, number 6, click to bring in content water that does not meet the use conditions of paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(5) of this section may not be used in areas where edible product is handled or prepared or in any manner that would allow it to adulterate edible product or create insanitary conditions.Read:
State subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. And finally, number 6, click to bring in content water that does not meet the use conditions of paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(5) of this section may not be used in areas where edible product is handled or prepared or in any manner that would allow it to adulterate edible product or create insanitary conditions.
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (h) Dressing rooms, lavatories, and toilets. Click to bring in content Number 1, dressing rooms, toilet rooms, and urinals must be sufficient in number, ample in size, conveniently located, and maintained in a sanitary condition and in good repair at all times to ensure cleanliness of all persons handling any product. They must be separate from the rooms and compartments in which products are processed, stored, or handled.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. (h) Dressing rooms, lavatories, and toilets. Click to bring in content Number 1, dressing rooms, toilet rooms, and urinals must be sufficient in number, ample in size, conveniently located, and maintained in a sanitary condition and in good repair at all times to ensure cleanliness of all persons handling any product. They must be separate from the rooms and compartments in which products are processed, stored, or handled.
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content Number 2, lavatories with running hot and cold water, soap, and towels, must be placed in or near toilet and urinal rooms and at such other places in the establishment as necessary to ensure cleanliness of all persons handling any product. And number 3, click to activate animation refuse receptacles must be constructed and maintained in a manner that protects against the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.Read:
State the subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in content Number 2, lavatories with running hot and cold water, soap, and towels, must be placed in or near toilet and urinal rooms and at such other places in the establishment as necessary to ensure cleanliness of all persons handling any product. And number 3, click to activate animation refuse receptacles must be constructed and maintained in a manner that protects against the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
Equipment and utensils
used for processing or
otherwise handling
edible product or
ingredients must be easy
to clean
9 CFR 416.3 contains the regulations regarding a plant’s equipment and utensils. Click to bring in content (a) Equipment and utensils used for processing or otherwise handling edible product or ingredients must be of such material and construction to facilitate thorough cleaning and to ensure that their use will not cause the adulteration of product during processing, handling, or storage. Equipment and utensils must be maintained in sanitary condition so as not to adulterate product.Read:
9 CFR 416.3 contains the regulations regarding a plant’s equipment and utensils. Click to bring in content (a) Equipment and utensils used for processing or otherwise handling edible product or ingredients must be of such material and construction to facilitate thorough cleaning and to ensure that their use will not cause the adulteration of product during processing, handling, or storage. Equipment and utensils must be maintained in sanitary condition so as not to adulterate product.
33. FSIS inspection program employees must be able to inspect equipment
and utensils to determine whether they are in sanitary
Click to bring in content (b) Equipment and utensils must not be constructed, located, or operated in a manner that prevents FSIS inspection program employees from inspecting the equipment or utensils to determine whether they are in sanitary condition. Read:
Click to bring in content (b) Equipment and utensils must not be constructed, located, or operated in a manner that prevents FSIS inspection program employees from inspecting the equipment or utensils to determine whether they are in sanitary condition.
Receptacles used for storing inedible material cannot cause adulteration of product or insanitary conditions. Such receptacles must not be used for storing edible product
Click to bring in content And (c), receptacles used for storing inedible material must be of such material and construction that their use will not result in the adulteration of any edible product or in the creation of insanitary conditions. Such receptacles must not be used for storing any edible product and must bear conspicuous and distinctive marking to identify permitted uses.Click to bring in content And (c), receptacles used for storing inedible material must be of such material and construction that their use will not result in the adulteration of any edible product or in the creation of insanitary conditions. Such receptacles must not be used for storing any edible product and must bear conspicuous and distinctive marking to identify permitted uses.
35. Step 3 Obtain Approved Labels
and/or Brands
All labeling material must be federally approved
and on-hand before inspection will be granted.
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The third step in the process is to obtain approved labels and/or brands for your product. Remember, after an application for inspection has been filed, an official plant number will be reserved upon request by the applicant. This number is used to identify all FSIS inspected and passed products prepared in the plant, including all carcasses from slaughtered livestock and poultry and all packaged meat and poultry products. All carcasses from slaughtered animals must be ink-branded with the U.S. Inspection legend, which includes the plant number. All packaged meat and poultry products must have the U.S. Inspection legend, with the plant’s number printed on the label of the package. All labeling material must be federally approved and on hand before inspection will be granted. State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The third step in the process is to obtain approved labels and/or brands for your product. Remember, after an application for inspection has been filed, an official plant number will be reserved upon request by the applicant. This number is used to identify all FSIS inspected and passed products prepared in the plant, including all carcasses from slaughtered livestock and poultry and all packaged meat and poultry products. All carcasses from slaughtered animals must be ink-branded with the U.S. Inspection legend, which includes the plant number. All packaged meat and poultry products must have the U.S. Inspection legend, with the plant’s number printed on the label of the package. All labeling material must be federally approved and on hand before inspection will be granted.
FSIS labeling regulations can be found in
9 CFR 312.2, 9 CFR 312.3, 9 CFR 316
and 9 CFR 317 for red meat, and
9 CFR 381.96 through 9 CFR 381.144 for
poultry. Read:
State subtitle. FSIS labeling regulations can be found in 9 CFR 312.2, 9 CFR 312.3, 9 CFR 316 and 9 CFR 317 for red meat, and 9 CFR 381.96 through 9 CFR 381.144 for poultry. 9 CFR 312.2 and 9 CFR 312.3 deal with the official inspection legend required in 9 CFR 316 and describes their application to inspected and passed carcasses. Read:
State subtitle. FSIS labeling regulations can be found in 9 CFR 312.2, 9 CFR 312.3, 9 CFR 316 and 9 CFR 317 for red meat, and 9 CFR 381.96 through 9 CFR 381.144 for poultry. 9 CFR 312.2 and 9 CFR 312.3 deal with the official inspection legend required in 9 CFR 316 and describes their application to inspected and passed carcasses.
37. To obtain approval of labels, you must
fill out and Submit FSIS Form 7234.1.
The form may be located through the FSIS
Web site at
http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Forms/index.asp State the title and subtitle.
To obtain approval of labels, you must fill out and Submit FSIS Form 7234.1. This form can then be mailed or faxed to the FSIS Labeling and Program Delivery Division. You must submit two copies of FSIS Form 7234-1 and two copies of the sketch (3 of each for animal production, imports and exports, religious exemptions and certified pet food labels). The sketch is a printer’s proof of the label with all of the required features present. Keep in mind that if you fax your application and it is not legible, you will be asked to resubmit it. The form may be located through the FSIS Web site at http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Forms/index.asp.
State the title and subtitle.
To obtain approval of labels, you must fill out and Submit FSIS Form 7234.1. This form can then be mailed or faxed to the FSIS Labeling and Program Delivery Division. You must submit two copies of FSIS Form 7234-1 and two copies of the sketch (3 of each for animal production, imports and exports, religious exemptions and certified pet food labels). The sketch is a printer’s proof of the label with all of the required features present. Keep in mind that if you fax your application and it is not legible, you will be asked to resubmit it. The form may be located through the FSIS Web site at http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Forms/index.asp.
38. This is a sample of the labeling form. Zoom in and show some of the sections. Point out that the address to send the form is on it. Read: The address for the labeling division has recently changed, so ignore the address printed on the form. The correct address is on the Resources Handout that we will be providing to you later.This is a sample of the labeling form. Zoom in and show some of the sections. Point out that the address to send the form is on it. Read: The address for the labeling division has recently changed, so ignore the address printed on the form. The correct address is on the Resources Handout that we will be providing to you later.
39. There are up to 8 features required on
labels. These features include:
Product name
USDA inspection legend
Net weight
Handling statement
Address (signature) line
Ingredients statement
Nutrition facts
Safe handling instructions
State subtitle.
There are up to 8 features required on labels, depending on the type of product produced. The required features must be present for approval to be granted. These features are click to activate animation, read from slide State subtitle.
There are up to 8 features required on labels, depending on the type of product produced. The required features must be present for approval to be granted. These features are click to activate animation, read from slide
40. It is the responsibility of each official establishment’s
owner or operator to furnish ink brands, burning
brands, and any other device for marking products
with official marks of inspection.
All official devices for marking products with the
official Inspection legend, or other official inspection
marks, including self-locking seals, shall be used only
under supervision of an FSIS employee. Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline title of slide and subtitle. Now that we’ve discussed labels, I’d like to mention the brands. 9 CFR 316.4 paragraph (a) states that “The operator of each official establishment or official import inspection establishment shall furnish such ink brands, burning brands, and any other device for marking products with official marks as the Administrator may determine is necessary for marking products at such establishment. The official inspection legend on such a device shall be as prescribed in part 312 of this subchapter.” And paragraph (b) states that “All official devices for marking products with the official inspection legend, or other official inspection marks, including self-locking seals, shall be used only under supervision of a Program employee, and, when not in use for marking shall be kept locked in properly equipped locks or compartments, the keys of which shall not leave the possession of a Program employee, or the locker or compartment shall be sealed with an official seal of the Department as prescribed in part 312 of this subchapter.” We’ve summed that up for you on this slide point to slide.
The establishment is also responsible for supplying the ink for the ink brands used to mark carcasses and parts of carcasses.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline title of slide and subtitle. Now that we’ve discussed labels, I’d like to mention the brands. 9 CFR 316.4 paragraph (a) states that “The operator of each official establishment or official import inspection establishment shall furnish such ink brands, burning brands, and any other device for marking products with official marks as the Administrator may determine is necessary for marking products at such establishment. The official inspection legend on such a device shall be as prescribed in part 312 of this subchapter.” And paragraph (b) states that “All official devices for marking products with the official inspection legend, or other official inspection marks, including self-locking seals, shall be used only under supervision of a Program employee, and, when not in use for marking shall be kept locked in properly equipped locks or compartments, the keys of which shall not leave the possession of a Program employee, or the locker or compartment shall be sealed with an official seal of the Department as prescribed in part 312 of this subchapter.” We’ve summed that up for you on this slide point to slide.
The establishment is also responsible for supplying the ink for the ink brands used to mark carcasses and parts of carcasses.
41. Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline title. On the top row of this slide we have examples of the inspection legend as it appears on carcasses and parts of carcasses. You’ll notice they look the same except for the size. Different sizes are used depending on the species and part of the carcass you are marking. The bottom row has the legend as it appears on package labels. The legend on the left click to animate left picture is used on labels of red meat products, and the legend on the right click to animate left picture is for poultry labels. Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline title. On the top row of this slide we have examples of the inspection legend as it appears on carcasses and parts of carcasses. You’ll notice they look the same except for the size. Different sizes are used depending on the species and part of the carcass you are marking. The bottom row has the legend as it appears on package labels. The legend on the left click to animate left picture is used on labels of red meat products, and the legend on the right click to animate left picture is for poultry labels.
42. Obtain Approved Water Source Letter
Water entering a plant is supplied by a city, county, or other public water system
Water is from a private water supply such as a private well Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in water drops The fourth step in the process is to obtain an approved water source letter. If the water entering an establishment is supplied by a Municipal water supply system such as city, county, or other public water system, the letter is issued by the Municipality, the State Public Health Service or its county office. If the water is from a private water supply such as a private well, the letter must be issued by the State Public Health Service or the appropriate county office. If the water is supplied from private wells, the letter must state that the wells are on the premises of the establishment and are effectively protected from pollution.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. Click to bring in water drops The fourth step in the process is to obtain an approved water source letter. If the water entering an establishment is supplied by a Municipal water supply system such as city, county, or other public water system, the letter is issued by the Municipality, the State Public Health Service or its county office. If the water is from a private water supply such as a private well, the letter must be issued by the State Public Health Service or the appropriate county office. If the water is supplied from private wells, the letter must state that the wells are on the premises of the establishment and are effectively protected from pollution.
43. No matter where the letter
is from, it should
Identify the source;
State that the source is approved;
State that the water is suitable for drinking (potable) Read:
No matter where the letter is from, it should identify the source, state that the source is approved, and that the water is potable and meets tests prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency in its “Drinking Water Standards.” In addition to the water approval letter, a current acceptable water laboratory sample report (water potability certification) must be on file before inspection is granted.Read:
No matter where the letter is from, it should identify the source, state that the source is approved, and that the water is potable and meets tests prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency in its “Drinking Water Standards.” In addition to the water approval letter, a current acceptable water laboratory sample report (water potability certification) must be on file before inspection is granted.
44. Read:
Here is a sample of what an approved water source letter may look like. Zoom in and read letter.Read:
Here is a sample of what an approved water source letter may look like. Zoom in and read letter.
45. Obtain an Approved Sewage System Letter
State or local health authorities can provide
a letter stating that the plant’s sewage
system is acceptable. Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The fifth step is to obtain an approved sewage system letter. State or Local health authorities can provide a letter stating that the plant’s sewage system is acceptable. If State and Local authorities certify the water source, they may certify the sewage system in the same letter.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The fifth step is to obtain an approved sewage system letter. State or Local health authorities can provide a letter stating that the plant’s sewage system is acceptable. If State and Local authorities certify the water source, they may certify the sewage system in the same letter.
46. Read:
Here is an example of what an approved sewage system letter may look like. Zoom in and read letter.Read:
Here is an example of what an approved sewage system letter may look like. Zoom in and read letter.
47. Provide a Written Standard Operating
Procedure for Sanitation (Sanitation SOPs)
A written Standard Operating Procedure for
Sanitation (Sanitation SOPs) tailored to your plant
will need to be developed before Federal
Inspection is granted
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The sixth step involves providing a written standard operating procedure for sanitation. A written Standard Operating Procedure for Sanitation (Sanitation SOPs) tailored to your plant will need to be developed before Federal Inspection is granted. Click to bring in regulations The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 304.3(a), 381.22(a), and 9 CFR 416.11 through 9 CFR 416.17.Read:
State the title and subtitle. Click to underline subtitle. The sixth step involves providing a written standard operating procedure for sanitation. A written Standard Operating Procedure for Sanitation (Sanitation SOPs) tailored to your plant will need to be developed before Federal Inspection is granted. Click to bring in regulations The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 304.3(a), 381.22(a), and 9 CFR 416.11 through 9 CFR 416.17.
48. These two regulations, identical for meat and
poultry, require that Sanitation SOPs be
“Conditions for Receiving Inspection,”
paragraph (a) states “Before being granted
Federal inspection, an establishment shall have
developed written sanitation Standard Operating
Procedures, as required by part 416 of this
chapter.” Read:
9 CFR 304.3(a) and 381.22(a) are the FSIS regulations that require Sanitation SOPs be developed. “Conditions for Receiving Inspection,” paragraph (a) states “Before being granted Federal inspection, an establishment shall have developed written sanitation Standard Operating Procedures, as required by part 416 of this chapter.”Read:
9 CFR 304.3(a) and 381.22(a) are the FSIS regulations that require Sanitation SOPs be developed. “Conditions for Receiving Inspection,” paragraph (a) states “Before being granted Federal inspection, an establishment shall have developed written sanitation Standard Operating Procedures, as required by part 416 of this chapter.”
49. These are the FSIS regulations that provide the
requirements for Sanitation SOPs. They include the
416.11 General Rules
416.12 Development of Sanitation SOP’s
416.13 Implementation of SOP’s
416.14 Maintenance of Sanitation SOP’s
416.15 Corrective Actions
416.16 Recordkeeping requirements
416.17 Agency verification
State the title and subtitle. 9 CFR 416.11 through 9 CFR 416.17 are the FSIS regulations that provide the requirements for Sanitation SOPs. They include the following: click to activate animation, read from slideRead:
State the title and subtitle. 9 CFR 416.11 through 9 CFR 416.17 are the FSIS regulations that provide the requirements for Sanitation SOPs. They include the following: click to activate animation, read from slide
50. Provide a Written Hazard Analysis
and Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Point (HACCP) Plan
State the title. Click to activate animation The seventh step in the process is to provide a written Hazard Analysis and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan. A hazard analysis is the process used to determine the food safety hazards reasonably likely to occur in the production process. It identifies the preventive measures that the plant can apply to control those hazards.Read:
State the title. Click to activate animation The seventh step in the process is to provide a written Hazard Analysis and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan. A hazard analysis is the process used to determine the food safety hazards reasonably likely to occur in the production process. It identifies the preventive measures that the plant can apply to control those hazards.
Whenever a hazard analysis identifies that
one or more food safety hazards are
reasonably likely to occur, a written Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
plan shall be developed.
The pertinent FSIS regulations include
9 CFR 304.3(b) and (c), 381.22(b) and (c),
and 417.
Whenever a hazard analysis identifies that one or more food safety hazards are reasonably likely to occur, a written Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan shall be developed. Click to bring in regulations The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 304.3(b) and (c), 381.22(b) and (c), and 9 CFR 417.Read:
Whenever a hazard analysis identifies that one or more food safety hazards are reasonably likely to occur, a written Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan shall be developed. Click to bring in regulations The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 304.3(b) and (c), 381.22(b) and (c), and 9 CFR 417.
52. These are the FSIS regulations that require a hazard analysis be
done and a HACCP plan be developed before Federal inspection
is granted.
9 CFR 304.3 and 381.22 “Conditions for Receiving Inspection,”
paragraph (b) states “Before being granted Federal inspection, an
establishment shall have conducted a hazard analysis and
developed and validated a HACCP plan, as required by §§ 417.2
and 417.4 of this chapter. A conditional grant of inspection shall
be issued for a period not to exceed 90 days, during which period
the establishment must validate its HACCP plan.”
State the title and subtitle. These are the FSIS regulations that require a hazard analysis be done and a HACCP plan be developed before Federal inspection is granted. Regulations 9 CFR 304.3 and 381.22 “Conditions for Receiving Inspection,” paragraph (b) states “Before being granted Federal inspection, an establishment shall have conducted a hazard analysis and developed and validated a HACCP plan, as required by §§ 417.2 and 417.4 of this chapter. A conditional grant of inspection shall be issued for a period not to exceed 90 days, during which period the establishment must validate its HACCP plan.”
State the title and subtitle. These are the FSIS regulations that require a hazard analysis be done and a HACCP plan be developed before Federal inspection is granted. Regulations 9 CFR 304.3 and 381.22 “Conditions for Receiving Inspection,” paragraph (b) states “Before being granted Federal inspection, an establishment shall have conducted a hazard analysis and developed and validated a HACCP plan, as required by §§ 417.2 and 417.4 of this chapter. A conditional grant of inspection shall be issued for a period not to exceed 90 days, during which period the establishment must validate its HACCP plan.”
53. These are the FSIS regulations that require a hazard analysis
be done and a HACCP plan be developed before new product
is produced or distributed in commerce.
9 CFR 304.3 and 381.22 “Conditions for Receiving
Inspection,” paragraph (c) states “Before producing new
product for distribution in commerce, an establishment shall
have conducted a hazard analysis and developed a HACCP
Plan applicable to that product in accordance with § 417.2 of
this chapter. During a period not to exceed 90 days after the
date the new product is produced for distribution in
commerce, the establishment shall validate its HACCP plan,
in accordance with § 417.4 of this chapter.” Read:
State the title and subtitle. These are the FSIS regulations that require a hazard analysis be done and a HACCP plan be developed before new product is produced or distributed in commerce. Regulations 9 CFR 304.3 and 381.22 “Conditions for Receiving Inspection,” paragraph (c) states “Before producing new product for distribution in commerce, an establishment shall have conducted a hazard analysis and developed a HACCP plan applicable to that product in accordance with § 417.2 of this chapter. During a period not to exceed 90 days after the date the new product is produced for distribution in commerce, the establishment shall validate its HACCP plan, in accordance with § 417.4 of this chapter.”Read:
State the title and subtitle. These are the FSIS regulations that require a hazard analysis be done and a HACCP plan be developed before new product is produced or distributed in commerce. Regulations 9 CFR 304.3 and 381.22 “Conditions for Receiving Inspection,” paragraph (c) states “Before producing new product for distribution in commerce, an establishment shall have conducted a hazard analysis and developed a HACCP plan applicable to that product in accordance with § 417.2 of this chapter. During a period not to exceed 90 days after the date the new product is produced for distribution in commerce, the establishment shall validate its HACCP plan, in accordance with § 417.4 of this chapter.”
54. These are the FSIS regulations that provide the
requirements for the hazard analysis and HACCP plan.
They include the following:
417.1 Definitions
417.2 Hazard Analysis and Hazard Plan
417.3 Corrective Actions
417.4 Validation, Verification, Reassessment
417.5 Records
417.6 Inadequate HACCP Systems
417.7 Training
417.8 Agency verification
State the title and subtitle. 9 CFR 417 are the FSIS regulations that provide the requirements for the hazard analysis and HACCP plan. They include the following: click to activate animation, read from slide Read:
State the title and subtitle. 9 CFR 417 are the FSIS regulations that provide the requirements for the hazard analysis and HACCP plan. They include the following: click to activate animation, read from slide
55. You may utilize an outside consultant who is not employed by
the plant to conduct your hazard analysis and develop your
HACCP plan(s).
In addition, each state is assigned a HACCP contact and a
HACCP Coordinator to assist establishments with the
development of HACCP Programs. A list of the state HACCP
contacts and coordinators may be found on the FSIS Web site
at: http://www.fsis.usda.gov/contact_us/state_haccp_contacts_&_coordinators/index.asp
State the title and subtitle. You may utilize an outside consultant who is not employed by the plant to conduct your hazard analysis and develop your HACCP plan(s). In addition, each state is assigned a HACCP contact and a HACCP Coordinator to assist establishments with the development of HACCP Programs. A list of the state HACCP contacts and coordinators may be found on the FSIS Web site at click to bring in address, then point to the Web address on the slide and say http://www.fsis.usda.gov/contact_us/state_haccp_contacts_&_coordinators/index.asp. Pass out handout with HACCP Contacts and coordinators.
If someone employed by your establishment will be conducting the hazard analysis, developing your HACCP plan(s), and reassessing or modifying your HACCP plan, then that person must have HACCP training. Your State HACCP contact can tell you when and where a HACCP training course is offered in your area.Read:
State the title and subtitle. You may utilize an outside consultant who is not employed by the plant to conduct your hazard analysis and develop your HACCP plan(s). In addition, each state is assigned a HACCP contact and a HACCP Coordinator to assist establishments with the development of HACCP Programs. A list of the state HACCP contacts and coordinators may be found on the FSIS Web site at click to bring in address, then point to the Web address on the slide and say http://www.fsis.usda.gov/contact_us/state_haccp_contacts_&_coordinators/index.asp. Pass out handout with HACCP Contacts and coordinators.
If someone employed by your establishment will be conducting the hazard analysis, developing your HACCP plan(s), and reassessing or modifying your HACCP plan, then that person must have HACCP training. Your State HACCP contact can tell you when and where a HACCP training course is offered in your area.
56. There are 7 steps to becoming an FSIS inspected
plant. They are:
Step 1 File an application for inspection. Complete FSIS
Form 5200.2 and send it to the FSIS district office
with jurisdiction over plants in your state
Step 2 Facilities must meet regulatory performance
standards. Review Title 9 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Sections 416.2 and 416.3 (9 CFR
416.2 and 9 CFR 416.3). Make sure your
plant meets the requirements. State the title.
Click to bring in content Step 1 File an application for inspection. Complete FSIS Form 5200.2 and send it to the FSIS district office with jurisdiction over plants in your state Click to bring in content Step 2 Facilities must meet regulatory performance standards. Review Title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 416.2 and 416.3 (9 CFR 416.2 and 9 CFR 416.3). Make sure your plant meets the requirements. State the title.
Click to bring in content Step 1 File an application for inspection. Complete FSIS Form 5200.2 and send it to the FSIS district office with jurisdiction over plants in your state Click to bring in content Step 2 Facilities must meet regulatory performance standards. Review Title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 416.2 and 416.3 (9 CFR 416.2 and 9 CFR 416.3). Make sure your plant meets the requirements.
57. Step 3 Obtain approved labels. Review labeling
regulations found in found in 9 CFR 316 and 317
for red meat, and 381.96 through 381.144 for
poultry. Complete FSIS Form 7234.1, and submit
2 copies of it plus 2 copies of the sketch to FSIS
Labeling and Program Delivery Division.
Step 4 Obtain approved water source letter. For public
water systems, contact the municipality, State
Public Health Service or its county office. For private
water supplies, contact the State Public Health Service
or the appropriate county office. A water potability
certification must accompany the letter. Read:
Click to bring in content Step 3 Obtain approved labels. Review labeling
regulations found in found in 9 CFR 316 and 317 for red meat, and 381.96 through 381.144 for poultry. Complete FSIS Form 7234.1, and submit 2 copies of it plus 2 copies of the sketch to FSIS Labeling and Program Delivery Division. Click to bring in content Step 4 Obtain approved water source letter. For public water systems, contact the municipality, State Public Health Service or its county office. For private water supplies, contact the State Public Health Service or the appropriate county office. A water potability certification must accompany the letter.Read:
Click to bring in content Step 3 Obtain approved labels. Review labeling
regulations found in found in 9 CFR 316 and 317 for red meat, and 381.96 through 381.144 for poultry. Complete FSIS Form 7234.1, and submit 2 copies of it plus 2 copies of the sketch to FSIS Labeling and Program Delivery Division. Click to bring in content Step 4 Obtain approved water source letter. For public water systems, contact the municipality, State Public Health Service or its county office. For private water supplies, contact the State Public Health Service or the appropriate county office. A water potability certification must accompany the letter.
58. Step 5 Obtain an approved sewage system letter.
Contact the state or local health authorities to
provide a letter stating that the plant’s sewage
system is acceptable.
Step 6 Provide a written Standard Operating Procedure
for Sanitation (SSOP)
Step 7 Provide a written hazard analysis and HACCP plan
Click to bring in content Step 5 Obtain an approved sewage system letter. Contact the state or local health authorities to provide a letter stating that the plant’s sewage system is acceptable. Click to bring in content Step 6 Provide a written Standard Operating Procedure for Sanitation (SSOP) Click to bring in content Step 7 Provide a written hazard analysis and HACCP plan.
Click to bring in content Step 5 Obtain an approved sewage system letter. Contact the state or local health authorities to provide a letter stating that the plant’s sewage system is acceptable. Click to bring in content Step 6 Provide a written Standard Operating Procedure for Sanitation (SSOP) Click to bring in content Step 7 Provide a written hazard analysis and HACCP plan.
59. General Information Separation of Official Establishments
Each official establishment shall be separate
and distinct from any unofficial establishment.
The pertinent FSIS regulations include
9 CFR 305.1, 9 CFR 305.2, and 9 CFR 381.26 State the title and subtitle. Click to emphasize subtitle. Separation of Official Establishments Each official establishment shall be separate and distinct from any unofficial establishment. Inspection will not be granted in any building in which any part of it is used as living quarters, unless the part for which inspection is requested is separated from such quarters by floors, walls, and ceilings of solid concrete, brick, wood, or similar material, and the floors, walls, and ceilings are without openings that communicate directly or indirectly with any part of a building used as living quarters. Click to bring in regulations. The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 305.1, 9 CFR 305.2, and 9 CFR 381.26.State the title and subtitle. Click to emphasize subtitle. Separation of Official Establishments Each official establishment shall be separate and distinct from any unofficial establishment. Inspection will not be granted in any building in which any part of it is used as living quarters, unless the part for which inspection is requested is separated from such quarters by floors, walls, and ceilings of solid concrete, brick, wood, or similar material, and the floors, walls, and ceilings are without openings that communicate directly or indirectly with any part of a building used as living quarters. Click to bring in regulations. The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 305.1, 9 CFR 305.2, and 9 CFR 381.26.
60. Inauguration of Inspection
Prior to the inauguration of inspection, an
examination of the establishment and premises will
be made by inspection personnel.
State the subtitle. Click to emphasize subtitle. Inauguration of Inspection Prior to the inauguration of inspection, an examination of the establishment and premises will be made by inspection personnel. Click to bring in regulations. The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 305.4 and 9 CFR 381.27.State the subtitle. Click to emphasize subtitle. Inauguration of Inspection Prior to the inauguration of inspection, an examination of the establishment and premises will be made by inspection personnel. Click to bring in regulations. The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 305.4 and 9 CFR 381.27.
61. Inspection Office
Office space shall be provided by official
establishments, rent free, for the exclusive
official of the inspector and other FSIS
employees assigned to the establishment.
State the subtitle. Click to emphasize subtitle. Inspection Office Click to bring in body of slide. Office space shall be provided by official establishments, rent free, for the exclusive official of the inspector and other FSIS employees assigned to the establishment. The space set aside for this purpose shall meet with approval of the frontline supervisor. This space should be suitable for the storage of program supplies and for Inspection program personnel to change clothes if such clothes changing facilities are deemed necessary by the frontline supervisor. Read:
State the subtitle. Click to emphasize subtitle. Inspection Office Click to bring in body of slide. Office space shall be provided by official establishments, rent free, for the exclusive official of the inspector and other FSIS employees assigned to the establishment. The space set aside for this purpose shall meet with approval of the frontline supervisor. This space should be suitable for the storage of program supplies and for Inspection program personnel to change clothes if such clothes changing facilities are deemed necessary by the frontline supervisor.
62. Laundry Service
Laundry service for inspection program personnel’s
outer work clothing shall be provided by each
The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 307.1,
9 CFR 307.2, 9 CFR 307.3, 9 CFR 381.27, and
9 CFR 381.36(a)
State the subtitle. Click to emphasize subtitle. Laundry Service Click to bring in body of slide. Laundry service for Inspection program personnel’s outer work clothing shall be provided by each establishment. At the discretion of the Administrator, small plants requiring the services of less than one full time inspector need not furnish facilities for FSIS employees as prescribed in this section, where adequate facilities exist in a nearby convenient location. Click to bring in regulations. The pertinent FSIS regulations for this and the previous slide include 9 CFR 307.1, 9 CFR 307.2, 9 CFR 307.3, 9 CFR 381.27, and 9 CFR 381.36(a).State the subtitle. Click to emphasize subtitle. Laundry Service Click to bring in body of slide. Laundry service for Inspection program personnel’s outer work clothing shall be provided by each establishment. At the discretion of the Administrator, small plants requiring the services of less than one full time inspector need not furnish facilities for FSIS employees as prescribed in this section, where adequate facilities exist in a nearby convenient location. Click to bring in regulations. The pertinent FSIS regulations for this and the previous slide include 9 CFR 307.1, 9 CFR 307.2, 9 CFR 307.3, 9 CFR 381.27, and 9 CFR 381.36(a).
Operating hours must be submitted to, and
approved by, the District Manager.
No department in which operations are being
conducted that requires inspection will be
operated except under the supervision of an
FSIS employee.
Read: Prior to the initial start of operations at your facility, you will be asked to provide a written schedule of the establishment’s proposed hours of operation. The operating hours must be submitted to, and approved by, the District Manager (DM). The DM will determine if FSIS inspection can be provided during your proposed hours by taking into account the current operating hours of other establishments in your area and the inspector’s tour of duty (the official hours when an inspector is expected to be on duty). You may be asked to resubmit your hours if inspection cannot be provided. Establishments must maintain a consistent work schedule, referred to as the approved hours of operation. No department in which operations are being conducted that requires inspection will be operated except under the supervision of an FSIS employee. Read:
Read: Prior to the initial start of operations at your facility, you will be asked to provide a written schedule of the establishment’s proposed hours of operation. The operating hours must be submitted to, and approved by, the District Manager (DM). The DM will determine if FSIS inspection can be provided during your proposed hours by taking into account the current operating hours of other establishments in your area and the inspector’s tour of duty (the official hours when an inspector is expected to be on duty). You may be asked to resubmit your hours if inspection cannot be provided. Establishments must maintain a consistent work schedule, referred to as the approved hours of operation. No department in which operations are being conducted that requires inspection will be operated except under the supervision of an FSIS employee.
64. Hours of Operation
The operator of the official establishment shall
inform the inspector in charge (IIC) when the
day’s operations are over and when
operations will resume.
The pertinent FSIS regulations include
9 CFR 307.4 and 9 CFR 381.37
Click to emphasize subtitle. Continuing from the previous slide, Hours of Operation The operator of the official establishment shall inform the inspector in charge (IIC) when work in each department has been concluded for the day, and provide the IIC with the day and hour when work will be resumed by the establishment. Whenever any product is to be overhauled or otherwise handled during unusual hours, the establishment operator shall notify the IIC a reasonable time in advance of the day and hour when such work will begin and such product shall not be handled prior to that time. Click to bring in regulations The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 307.4 and 9 CFR 381.37.
Click to emphasize subtitle. Continuing from the previous slide, Hours of Operation The operator of the official establishment shall inform the inspector in charge (IIC) when work in each department has been concluded for the day, and provide the IIC with the day and hour when work will be resumed by the establishment. Whenever any product is to be overhauled or otherwise handled during unusual hours, the establishment operator shall notify the IIC a reasonable time in advance of the day and hour when such work will begin and such product shall not be handled prior to that time. Click to bring in regulations The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 307.4 and 9 CFR 381.37.
65. Inspection Charges
Inspection service is provided free of charge
for the first 8 hours per shift on 5 consecutive
days (Sunday through Saturday). Read:
Click to emphasize subtitle. Inspection Charges Click to bring in body of slide. Inspection service is provided free of charge for the first 8 hours per shift on 5 consecutive days (Sunday through Saturday). A plant is charged reimbursable overtime when: 1) the plant works outside of the approved operating hours and 2) the inspector works outside of his/her tour-of-duty (TOD). Any work conducted over an 8 hour shift, or any time beyond the initial 5 consecutive day period or 40 hours per week will be charged to the plant at the prevailing hourly overtime rate when the assigned inspection personnel are working outside their TOD. If the operator of the establishment requests that an inspector return to their establishment after the inspector’s tour-of-duty has ended (referred to as a “call back”), a minimum of 2 hours will be charged to the plant at the above rate.Read:
Click to emphasize subtitle. Inspection Charges Click to bring in body of slide. Inspection service is provided free of charge for the first 8 hours per shift on 5 consecutive days (Sunday through Saturday). A plant is charged reimbursable overtime when: 1) the plant works outside of the approved operating hours and 2) the inspector works outside of his/her tour-of-duty (TOD). Any work conducted over an 8 hour shift, or any time beyond the initial 5 consecutive day period or 40 hours per week will be charged to the plant at the prevailing hourly overtime rate when the assigned inspection personnel are working outside their TOD. If the operator of the establishment requests that an inspector return to their establishment after the inspector’s tour-of-duty has ended (referred to as a “call back”), a minimum of 2 hours will be charged to the plant at the above rate.
66. Inspection Charges
The prevailing hourly overtime rate is charged
if the plant works on any Federal holiday. Click to bring in body of slide. The prevailing hourly overtime rate is also charged if the plant works on any Federal holiday. Federal holidays are the first day of January, the third Monday of January, the third Monday of February, the last Monday of May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday of September, the second Monday of October, the eleventh day of November, the fourth Thursday of November, the twenty-fifth day of December and any other day designated as a holiday by Federal statute or Executive Order. Click to bring in body of slide. The prevailing hourly overtime rate is also charged if the plant works on any Federal holiday. Federal holidays are the first day of January, the third Monday of January, the third Monday of February, the last Monday of May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday of September, the second Monday of October, the eleventh day of November, the fourth Thursday of November, the twenty-fifth day of December and any other day designated as a holiday by Federal statute or Executive Order.
67. Inspection Charges
When any of the Federal holidays fall on a
weekday, that day becomes a holiday.
The pertinent FSIS regulations include
9 CFR 307.5, 9 CFR 307.6, 9 CFR 381.38, and
9 CFR 381.39
Click to bring in body of slide. When any of the holidays I’ve just listed falls on a weekday, that day becomes a holiday. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding work day (Friday) becomes a holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the next work day (Monday) becomes a holiday. Click to bring in regulations. The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 307.5, 9 CFR 307.6, 9 CFR 381.38, and 9 CFR 381.39.Read:
Click to bring in body of slide. When any of the holidays I’ve just listed falls on a weekday, that day becomes a holiday. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding work day (Friday) becomes a holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the next work day (Monday) becomes a holiday. Click to bring in regulations. The pertinent FSIS regulations include 9 CFR 307.5, 9 CFR 307.6, 9 CFR 381.38, and 9 CFR 381.39.
68. Part 500, “Rules of Practice”
This part spells out enforcement measures that
may be taken by FSIS, such as suspension or
withdrawal of inspection. They include due
process provisions such as notice
requirements and appeal rights.
Now let’s talk briefly about Part 500 of the regulations say citation (9 CFR 500) “The Rules of Practice. The Rules of Practice are the FSIS enforcement regulations. They spell out the enforcement measures that may be taken by FSIS, such as suspension or withdrawal of inspection. These regulations guarantee that those plants regulated by FSIS receive due process rights under the law, such as notice requirements and appeal rights. Simply put, they provide a procedure that helps to ensure that FSIS enforces regulations in a fair and consistent manner. Read:
Now let’s talk briefly about Part 500 of the regulations say citation (9 CFR 500) “The Rules of Practice. The Rules of Practice are the FSIS enforcement regulations. They spell out the enforcement measures that may be taken by FSIS, such as suspension or withdrawal of inspection. These regulations guarantee that those plants regulated by FSIS receive due process rights under the law, such as notice requirements and appeal rights. Simply put, they provide a procedure that helps to ensure that FSIS enforces regulations in a fair and consistent manner.
69. Withdrawal of Inspection
Inspection may be withdrawn from an
establishment because of:
Insanitation causing product adulteration
Failure to destroy condemned product
Assault, threats, intimidation or interference with FSIS employees
Click to emphasize subtitle. Click to activate animation Withdrawal of Inspection. Inspection may be withdrawn from an establishment where the sanitary conditions are such that its products are rendered adulterated, or for failure of the operator to destroy condemned products as required by the Act and regulations. The assignment of inspectors may be temporarily suspended, in whole or in part, to the extent it is determined necessary to avoid impairment of the effective conduct of the program when the operator of any official establishment or any subsidiary therein, or any officer, employee, or agent of any such operator, or agency, threatens to forcibly assault or forcibly assaults, intimidates, or interferes with any FSIS employee in or on account of the performance of his/her official duties. Read:
Click to emphasize subtitle. Click to activate animation Withdrawal of Inspection. Inspection may be withdrawn from an establishment where the sanitary conditions are such that its products are rendered adulterated, or for failure of the operator to destroy condemned products as required by the Act and regulations. The assignment of inspectors may be temporarily suspended, in whole or in part, to the extent it is determined necessary to avoid impairment of the effective conduct of the program when the operator of any official establishment or any subsidiary therein, or any officer, employee, or agent of any such operator, or agency, threatens to forcibly assault or forcibly assaults, intimidates, or interferes with any FSIS employee in or on account of the performance of his/her official duties.
70. Other Administrative Actions
The inspector in charge may withhold
inspection (conditional withdrawal or
suspension) and notify the establishment.
Frontline Supervisors and District Managers
have authority to grant an establishment’s
request to receive inspection or to have
inspection services voluntarily suspended or
Click to activate animation Other administrative actions that you should be aware of: The inspector in charge can withhold inspection (conditional withdrawal or suspension) and notify the establishment.
In addition, FSIS Directive 5220.1, Revision 1, “Granting, Refusing, Voluntary Suspension or Voluntary Withdrawal of Federal Inspection Service,” provides Frontline Supervisors and District Managers with procedures for granting an establishment’s request to receive inspection or to have inspection services voluntarily suspended or withdrawn.Read:
Click to activate animation Other administrative actions that you should be aware of: The inspector in charge can withhold inspection (conditional withdrawal or suspension) and notify the establishment.
In addition, FSIS Directive 5220.1, Revision 1, “Granting, Refusing, Voluntary Suspension or Voluntary Withdrawal of Federal Inspection Service,” provides Frontline Supervisors and District Managers with procedures for granting an establishment’s request to receive inspection or to have inspection services voluntarily suspended or withdrawn.
71. Other Administrative Actions
Decisions made by FSIS inspection personnel
may be appealed by plant management.
Guidance on appealing inspection decisions
may be found at
Decisions made by FSIS inspection personnel may be appealed by plant management. Guidance on appealing inspection decisions may be found at click to activate animation http://www.fsis.usda.gov/PDF/SVS_Appeals_Guidelines.pdf
Decisions made by FSIS inspection personnel may be appealed by plant management. Guidance on appealing inspection decisions may be found at click to activate animation http://www.fsis.usda.gov/PDF/SVS_Appeals_Guidelines.pdf
72. Under the Pathogen Reduction/HACCP
Regulation, livestock and poultry slaughter
establishments are required to test carcasses
for generic Escherichia coli (E. coli Biotype 1)
as a means of verifying process control. Read:
Click to bring in subtitle. Additional Regulations Click to bring in regulation. 9 CFR 310.25 and 381.94(a) Under the Pathogen Reduction/HACCP Regulations, 9 CFR 310.25 and 381.94(a), livestock and poultry slaughter establishments are required to test carcasses for generic Escherichia coli (E. coli Biotype 1) as a means of verifying process control.Read:
Click to bring in subtitle. Additional Regulations Click to bring in regulation. 9 CFR 310.25 and 381.94(a) Under the Pathogen Reduction/HACCP Regulations, 9 CFR 310.25 and 381.94(a), livestock and poultry slaughter establishments are required to test carcasses for generic Escherichia coli (E. coli Biotype 1) as a means of verifying process control.
73. Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes ) can contaminate
ready-to-eat (RTE) products that are exposed to the pathogen
after they have undergone a lethality treatment.
L. monocytogenes is a hazard that an establishment producing
post-lethality exposed RTE products must control through its
HACCP plan or prevent in the processing environment through
a Sanitation SOP or other prerequisite program. Read:
Click to bring in subtitle. Additional Regulations Click to bring in regulation. 9 CFR 430.4 Regulation 9 CFR 430.4 states that Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes ) can contaminate ready-to-eat (RTE) products that are exposed to the environment after they have undergone a lethality treatment. L. monocytogenes is a hazard that an establishment producing post-lethality exposed RTE products must control through its HACCP plan or prevent in the processing environment through a Sanitation SOP or other prerequisite program. Read:
Click to bring in subtitle. Additional Regulations Click to bring in regulation. 9 CFR 430.4 Regulation 9 CFR 430.4 states that Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes ) can contaminate ready-to-eat (RTE) products that are exposed to the environment after they have undergone a lethality treatment. L. monocytogenes is a hazard that an establishment producing post-lethality exposed RTE products must control through its HACCP plan or prevent in the processing environment through a Sanitation SOP or other prerequisite program.
74. For information on receiving FSIS
inspection of egg products plants,
contact the OFO District Office
with jurisdiction over
establishments in your state.
FSIS regulations governing egg
products are 9 CFR 590 and
9 CFR 592. Read:
As we said at the beginning of this presentation, we have only discussed the steps necessary to obtain a Federal Grant of Inspection for establishments producing meat and poultry products. If any of you are producing egg products and wish to receive FSIS inspection, please contact the OFO District Office with jurisdiction over establishments in your state. FSIS regulations governing egg products are 9 CFR 590 and 9 CFR 592. Read:
As we said at the beginning of this presentation, we have only discussed the steps necessary to obtain a Federal Grant of Inspection for establishments producing meat and poultry products. If any of you are producing egg products and wish to receive FSIS inspection, please contact the OFO District Office with jurisdiction over establishments in your state. FSIS regulations governing egg products are 9 CFR 590 and 9 CFR 592.
75. State and local authorities may have
additional steps, including permits that
you must obtain to operate a meat or
poultry establishment.
State and local authorities may have additional steps, including permits that you must obtain to operate a meat or poultry establishment. Please contact your local authorities for this information.
State and local authorities may have additional steps, including permits that you must obtain to operate a meat or poultry establishment. Please contact your local authorities for this information.
FSIS Web site at http://www.fsis.usda.gov
Brochures, Pamphlets, and DVDs
are available free of charge from the FSIS
Office of Outreach, Employee Education
and Training: Phone 1-800-336-3747
Read: There is a lot of useful information available to you on the Agency’s Web site. The handout we are giving you contains some of the Web addresses and information you may find most helpful. In addition, Brochures, Pamphlets, and DVDs are available free of charge from the FSIS Office of Outreach, Employee Education and Training. To obtain these materials, we are passing out an order form-just fill it out, PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY, and mail or FAX it to OOEET. Read: There is a lot of useful information available to you on the Agency’s Web site. The handout we are giving you contains some of the Web addresses and information you may find most helpful. In addition, Brochures, Pamphlets, and DVDs are available free of charge from the FSIS Office of Outreach, Employee Education and Training. To obtain these materials, we are passing out an order form-just fill it out, PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY, and mail or FAX it to OOEET.