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Developing our Plan for the Future 2000 to Present

2. 3. 4. Report

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Developing our Plan for the Future 2000 to Present

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    1. Developing our Plan for the Future …2000 to Present

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    4. 4 Report & Focus on Phase I Church of Cleveland “we are the Church of Cleveland that meets, worships and ministers in many places (parishes). Bishop Richard Lennon is our pastor and chief shepherd of our local Church of Cleveland, which comprises 8 counties and 233 faith communities of believers, who gather to celebrate the Eucharist and serve God’s people.”

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    6. 6 Every year for nearly 800,000 Catholics in Northeast Ohio, the Diocese of Cleveland provides the basic foundation for the formation and fulfillment of their faith throughout their lives. Infant/Child Baptisms....8,679 Rite of Christian Initiation as Adults....1,537 First Communions....10,384 Confirmations....10,989 Marriages....3,254 Deaths....8,589 2005 Data

    7. 7 Individuals served by Catholic charities Services….470,000 Meals served through Catholic Hunger and Shelter network…3,500,000 Nights of shelter provided…70,000 2005 Data

    8. 8 Discerning Our Gifts & Talents Phase I Vibrant parish Life Composite Summary Form – Vibrant Parish Life Originated; June 2003 Revised August 2007

    9. 9 Diocese Of Cleveland Ministry Personnel -empowering the Laity

    10. 10 At the Conclusion of Phase I-Vibrant Parish Life 2006

    11. 11 Bishop's Lennon position regarding Vibrant Parish Life — Phase II VPL strives to bring together the gifts of all A goal of this clustering phase of VPL II is to reinvigorate pastoral care and ensure the equitable care of souls for the future in the cluster. The wider goal being to strengthen the whole, that is the diocese.

    12. 12 What is Clustering? Sharing Staffing Sharing Resources Sharing Ministries Providing Sacraments Reconfiguring how are parishes operate

    13. 13 What is Clustering? A means to assure that every area in our Diocese has a strong lasting Catholic presence and a healthy ministry situation for priests and ministers A strategy to better serve the mission of the church through planning for the staffing and reconfiguring of parishes

    14. 14 Why do we need to Cluster Parishes? To better share limited resources To keep the Kingdom of God flourishing A means to assure that every area in our Diocese has a strong lasting Catholic presence and a healthy ministry situation for priests and ministers

    15. 15 What Clusters are NOT! Not the merger of parishes Not the sharing of finances Not the loss of Parish Identity Not the closing of either of our parishes

    16. 16 The Long-term Goal Of Diocesan Clustering Adjust to Changes in Catholic Population Adjust for Re-Distribution of Parish Communities in Northeast Ohio Balancing the Utilization of People Resources; Both Clergy and Laity

    17. 17 What is the anticipated role of laity in cluster leadership and planning? Rooted in their Baptismal call and gifts, the laity will be very important in the work of clusters First called for in Vatican II

    18. 18 Embracing the Change in Parish Life Moving from Parochialism to Partnership; to broaden our vision.

    19. 19 What Did we Learn VPL I? Summary of Holy Angels Summary of St. Joan of Arc

    20. 20 What values are to guide the work of a cluster of parishes? Seek guidance of the Holy Spirit – prayer, discernment Reading signs of the times, circumstances of today Call all Catholics to live their Baptismal call more fully Be good stewards of gifts and resources God gives us Educate and empower people to responsible leadership Conversion of heart – profound respect and appreciation for the unique dignity, integrity, gifts, differences of each parish.

    21. 21 VPL II Timeline Collaborate to do pastoral planning and provide pastoral care for parishes in the cluster Steps to accomplish this: Process to discern and approve clusters: 2006 - April,2007 (completed) Form a “Cluster Planning Team” - pastors, lay leaders from each parish (after clusters finalized by April 30,2007) (completed) Diocesan training sessions in May/June of 2007 - Flexible resources and specific models (completed) Develop long and short term plans (next 5-10 years, next 1-2 years) to address priorities discerned - THIS REPORT-”Plan Presentation” Plans reviewed & approved by Bishop (1st Quarter 2009)

    22. 22 How has the Planning Process worked for our Cluster? Data and Information gathering (2004 to present and ongoing) Ministries Resources Demographic Data Formation of Cluster Planning & Coordination Team; Summer of 2007 (completed) Review and Commissioning of “Approved Plan” by Bishop Lennon; 1st Quarter 2009

    23. 23 Bishop Lennon’s Mandate; Specific issues and challenges for our cluster to address: I Continue to explore collaborative possibilities to strengthen pastoral care in an equitable manner. II Strengthen efforts to provide a welcoming and evangelizing presence to all people in this area III Engage all of our faithful in regularly attending and participating in the Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy

    24. 24 Bishop Lennon’s Mandate; Specific issues and challenges for our cluster to address: IV Continue to support Church in the City partnerships through cluster-cluster cooperation V Continue to monitor enrollment trends and collaborate to insure the long term presence of a strong, stable Catholic school serving this area.

    25. 25 The Cluster Planning Committee St. Joan of Arc Fr. Dave Walkowiak Deacon Denny Guritza Patty Hauserman Robert Reschke Bob Williams Holy Angels Fr. Dan Schlegel Cyndy Vogley Bill Eline (Chairman) Rob Pietrick Debbie Adams

    26. 26 CPC Team Process Follow diocesan protocol for determining recommendations to commissions and parishioners. (This is our 14th session) Develop “Priority Issues”, Goals and Objectives for consideration by consultative Councils and Commissions at each Parish. Present Plan to Parishioners for input

    27. 27 Planning Outline Format Identification of Strategic “Priority Issues” (1-5). Definition of Goals for each “Priority Issue” Delineation of clear Objectives with measurable outcomes for each “Goal”

    28. 28 I- Enrich Prayer, Liturgy and Communal Life Collaboration of Liturgy A. Rotate national holiday masses between the parishes B. Exchange offering envelopes placed in the other parish’s collection’s C. Joint advertising of parish events in local newspapers

    29. 29 I- Enrich Prayer, Liturgy and Communal Life Welcoming Church Environment A. Establish a logo or brand for VPL cluster so people would recognize collaborations B. Advertise applicable parishes’ schedules/activities in both bulletins C. Link and share parishes’ websites D. Utilize local media advertising to invite the broader community to parish events. E. Review, refresh and expand current joint advertising to increase participation in Sunday’s Eucharistic Liturgies. F. Joint staff “brainstorming” sessions on ways to improve evangelization in the community

    30. 30 I- Enrich Prayer, Liturgy and Communal Life (cont.) Shared Social Events A. Coordinate parish social events and schedules (collaborate on at least one open collective social event within the first year) 4. Welcoming Program for New Parishioners

    31. 31 II - Strengthen Pastoral Care in an Equitable Manner Collaboration of Shared Services (joint sessions between both parishes) Share priest coverage for masses in both planned and unplanned situations B. Coordinate hospital visits by key staff members C. Hold a joint/shared staff day of recollection or some kind of a social event (dinner) for everyone on staff.

    32. 32 II - Strengthen Pastoral Care in an Equitable Manner Hold a joint shared day of recollection for pastoral care givers E. Coordination of resources and time to visit our homebound and sick (organize, create a format, and communicate how people get their names on a joint/shared list to be a Eucharist Ministry and how people needing a visit from a Eucharist Minister get their names on a joint/shared list)

    33. 33 II - Strengthen Pastoral Care in an Equitable Manner (cont.) Ministry Collaboration – Share, Meld, Create A. Have matching ministries meet and discern and prioritize collaboration opportunities

    34. 34 III-Establish, Embrace and Sustain the Culture of Stewardship Collaboration of Administration/ Staff Continue collaboration of business manager Review strategic procurement opportunities (best practices, cost savings) Shared listing of available opportunities and offerings

    35. 35 III-Establish, Embrace and Sustain the Culture of Stewardship (cont.) Stewardship With Focus on Time and Talent particularly with volunteers Consider and establish specific programs on areas of stewardship (estate bequests, funeral planning, home stewardship (home finance management) Collaborate on volunteer coordination and planning of time and talent offerings and opportunities. C. Create Directory of “Volunteer” resources for joint use.

    36. 36 IV- Identify and Strive to Meet Human Needs Through Social Concern Church in the City/Collaborate with Other Clusters A. Discuss collaborative ways to jointly develop and participate with social service organizations the parishes already support (e.g., St. Thomas Aquinas School, Ozanam Center, St. Patrick Hunger Center)

    37. 37 IV- Identify and Strive to Meet Human Needs Through Social Concern (cont.) Social Services to the Community At Large A. Devise common list and contacts of multiple ways for people from both parishes to get involved with social outreach and services B. Joint social services through a “Faith-in-Action” group C. Discuss ways to collaborate on other community needs

    38. 38 V-Continue to Develop Faith Formation and Catholic Educational Support Opportunities Share and Enhance PSR Programs, Adult Faith Formation Programs, etc. Share the programs for Adult/Catholic Faith Formation between parishes B. Create combined Lenten brochure of programs and offerings C. Host a joint/shared evening of reflection for the RCIA candidates

    39. 39 V-Continue to Develop Faith Formation and Catholic Educational Support Opportunities (cont.) Support of St. Joan of Arc School Continue to support Catholic Schools Information Weekend at Holy Angels with St. Joan of Arc (SJA) School in attendance. Provide regular information on SJA School in both parish bulletins. Feature school events in both parish calendars. Invite Holy Angels parishioners to fundraisers for SJA School. Publish Opportunities to offer time/talent/treasure (e.g. tutors, corporate donations, needed materials). Establish a cluster sub-committee to explore other ways to ensure the long-term success of SJA school. Target to have recommendations within one year.

    40. 40 Questions??

    41. Appendix Support Slides

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    47. 47 Fewer Priests As of 2005 there were 299 diocesan priests serving 233 parishes 29 priests are under the age of 40 Current projections estimate there will be 238 priests by 2015, slightly more than the current number of parishes in the Diocese Further projections show 151 priests by 2030 The number of Catholics in the area has remained fairly constant over the recent years

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    49. 49 “Organizational Chart” of the Catholic Church think of a large circle composed of many circles, all connected to each other. The Catholic Church is a “community of communities” – a union (in church language, communion – communio) of local Churches with common faith, worship and practice, all in communion with one another and especially with the Church and Bishop of Rome (i.e. the Pope). We are each members of the Body of Christ and together, we form the one Body of Christ.

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    51. 51 http://www.buildingcommonground.org/VPL/default.html

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