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Afghanistan. Overview of the Microfinance and BDS Sectors and Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs FAO 8 th of March 2005 Ruxandra Boros . Afghanistan ethnic profile. Complex and fluid: Pashtuns; Tadjiks Hazara Uzbek, etc. 80% Sunny Muslims; 20% Shia Muslims

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Afghanistan Overview of the Microfinance and BDS Sectors and Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs FAO 8th of March 2005 Ruxandra Boros

  2. Afghanistan ethnic profile Complex and fluid: Pashtuns; Tadjiks Hazara Uzbek, etc. 80% Sunny Muslims; 20% Shia Muslims Official languages: Dari (Persian) and Pashto

  3. Some elements of History 1746 1st Afghan kingdom created by Pashtuns (also known as Afghans) 1881-1901 Abdur Rahman creates a centralized state 1921 Independence from the British and 1st constitution 1973 Coup: Kingdom is replaced by a Republic 1979 Soviets invade Afghanistan 1989 Soviets pull out from Afghanistan Factional fights by the mujahideen parties 1996 the Taliban enter Kabul and establish the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan 2001 Fall of the Taliban regime

  4. Labor market indicators Population: 24.5MM 10.7MM workforce; 70% < 30yrs 70% of men and 10% of women access employment: total est. 4.2MM, of which 2.3MM involved in opium cultivation thus 1.9MM available workforce 80% urban; 20% rural Literacy rates: 29% male; 14% female 11% of women are widows Women said to contribute 43% to family income 55% of all enterprises are ‘family owned’

  5. Living conditions 13% have access to safe water and 12% to adequate sanitation Life expectancy at birth: 42.8 years Highest infant mortality rate in Asia N-E region the highest maternal mortality in the world Chronic malnutrition 50% 40% of medical facilities have no female staff

  6. Economic indicators GDP: $7.3BN ($2.5BN opium) GDP/capita: $199 (excl. opium) 90% informal economy 52% agriculture; 24% industry; 24% services

  7. MICROFINANCE MISFA (Microfinance Investment and Support Facility for Afghanistan) A vehicle to channel funds to MFIs that comply with MF best practices

  8. MICROFINANCE 14 MFIs active in 18/32 provinces (including a microbank) $15-$100/loan up to $3000 (60% loans o/s < $100; 30$ loans $100-$200) 75,000 savers and 51,139 borrowers 100% repayment rates $15.7MM disbursed by end 2003

  9. Business Development Services (BDS) A nascent sector: transition from humanitarian aid to economic development Scarce supply; Weak demand Embryo BDS Prviders Forum Need for a Certification mechanism Need to support entrepreneurship and enterprise development by men and women including in rural areas need for an innovative approach to disseminate information: radio!

  10. Women entrepreneurs Observe ‘purdah’ Lack of information Sense of isolation Need for training, exposure, opportunities Need advice on product development & linkages to market Networking

  11. Entrepreneurship development model Comp. Advantage Strategic assets Competencies Capabilities Resources • Resources • Human • Social • Physical • Financial • Technological • Organizational Complex combination

  12. R. Boros, Babson SOE

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