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SABLAM System Status

SABLAM System Status. Brian Blanton, UNC JAX, FLA 27 May, 2003. SABSOON/SABLAM Region. East Coast Domain for Tidal/Wind-Driven BCs for Limited-Area Mesh Nested SABLAM Mesh for Hindcast/Forecast System Obs. Locations: Water Level SABSOON ADCP . NC. 25m. SC. 50m. 200m.

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SABLAM System Status

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SABLAM System Status Brian Blanton, UNC JAX, FLA 27 May, 2003

  2. SABSOON/SABLAM Region East Coast Domain for Tidal/Wind-Driven BCs for Limited-Area Mesh Nested SABLAM Mesh for Hindcast/Forecast System Obs. Locations: Water Level SABSOON ADCP NC 25m SC 50m 200m GA 3000m 1000m FL

  3. SABSOON operating towers = Operating towers = Coming Soon

  4. Daily Cycle Timeline Assimilation Period Version 2 With DA 84hr FC -MMZ -NNZ 00Z HC RAMPUP Coldstart TS Initialization ADCIRC BCs

  5. During DA period…

  6. UNC’s South Atlantic Bight Limited Area Model @ the North Carolina Supercomputer Center Initialization • Climatology • Eventually, (soon) HYCOM/GODAE

  7. UNC’s Nowcast/Forecast System (2) Wind+Tide Data Assimilation Component

  8. UNC’s Nowcast/Forecast System (3) Far-Field computation of Wind+Tide

  9. UNC’s Nowcast/Forecast System (4) • Exact inverse of • frequency-domain • version of forward • model • Used to de-tide error • Memory-intensive • Formal adjoint of linearized forward model • Solution via Conjugate Gradient • Works primarily in the weather band • Time-consuming

  10. Minimize “error” by adjustment of OBC’s Prior Misfit = Observation –model Boundary Regularization Terms Bndy Elevation Bndy Slope Bndy Tendency

  11. Assimilated ADCPs

  12. Mean over Prior (Eta winds + ADCIRC open bcs)

  13. Mean over Posterior (Prior + DA)

  14. Mean Posterior-Prior

  15. Casco Time-dependent BC Adj’s

  16. Weather-band Longshore ADCP Prior RMS= .067 m/s Post RMS= .057 m/s

  17. Casco Cost Function (W)

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