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vmls.edu.in-Join VMLS for 3 Year LLB amp 5 Year Law Programs

Vinayaka Missionu2019s Law School (VMLS) has been established by Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation u2013 Deemed to be University (VMRF-DU) to impart legal education and legal skills relevant to the evolving needs of the local, national and global communities.<br><br>Vinayaka Mission began in 1981 with the establishment of the Thirumuruga Kirupananda Variyar Thavathiru Sundara Swamigal (TKVTSS) Medical Educational and Charitable Trust, to achieve excellence in education and bring about social change. Thereafter, in 1982, the Founder-Chairman, Dr. A Shanmugasundaram instituted the Vinayaka Missionu2019s Colle

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vmls.edu.in-Join VMLS for 3 Year LLB amp 5 Year Law Programs

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  1. JoinVMLSfor3YearLLB&5YearLawPrograms vmls.edu.in/academics.html CLOSE 18Oct2024VMLS InternationalConferenceonRivers2024 The International Conference on Rivers 2024, scheduled for October 18-19, 2024, brings togetherscholars,experts,andpractitionerstoengageininterdisciplinarydialogueonthe socio-legalaspects of river governance. 09Nov2024 FacultyDevelopmentProgram(FDP)

  2. Thedocumentprovidesdetailsofa VirtualFacultyDevelopmentProgram(FDP)on AcademicScholarship&ResearchExcellenceinLaw,organizedbyVinayakaMission's LawSchool (VMLS) ResearchCommittee. +917358201234|admissions@vmls.edu.in MENU Programmes B.A.,LL.B.(Hons.) B.Com.,LL.B.(Hons.) B.B.A.,LL.B.(Hons.) LL.B.(Hons.) Buildafoundationthatwillsupportyouraspirations.

  3. TheLawProgrammeisdesignedwiththeoverarchingobjectiveofcultivatingcompetent legal professionals equipped to navigate the diverse facets of the legal profession and associatedcareerpathways.Uponsuccessfulcompletion,ourgraduateswillpossessa comprehensiveskillsetencompassing effectiveverbalandwrittencommunication,critical thinking, analytical prowess, logical reasoning, and adept problem-solving abilities. They will have acquired a robust foundation across all studied courses, demonstrating proficiency in conducting high-quality legal research and the preparation, examination, evaluation, and execution of legal documents. Furthermore, graduates will exhibit a profound understanding of contemporary social issues, engaging with them in a creative andsolution-oriented manner.Thisholisticapproachextendstoinstillingasenseofsocial responsibility, encouraging active participation in civic duties, and fostering a commitment toongoing self-reflectionandlifelong learning. 12 UndergraduateCoursesfromRespectiveBachelor’sStream 24 LawCoreandCompulsoryCourses 5 ClinicalCourses 10 Electives(including8honorspapers) 2 EnglishLanguageCourses 100% MandatoryInternshipsandProfessionalSkillLabs CreditStructureandMinimumRequirements: Law(BCICoreand Compulsories)96 credits Electives(includingnon-taughtcredits)40credits Compulsories(HumanitiesandSocialSciences /BusinessAdministration/CommerceDisciplines)48credits ClinicalCourses(20)andInternships(10)30credits English8 credits

  4. Labs8credits Total230credits CompulsoryPre-LawCourses PoliticalScienceI:IntroductiontoFundamentals LegalandConstitutionalHistory FoundationsofResearch(splitinto2-creditcourses) FoundationsofResearch(splitinto2-creditcourses) SociologyI:EssentialsofSociology OrganizationalBehaviour ExploringIndia:InterdisciplinaryInsights NumericalThinkingandAccountingforLawyers EconomicsI:FundamentalsofEconomics AdditionalCompulsoryCoursesforCoreUndergraduatePre-LawOffering EconomicsII: Law andEconomics

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