2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Administrative Functions Review ProjectsPHASE ONE 1. SECNAV Authorities
2. DON Records Management
3. DON Organization Chart Management
4. DON SES Management
5. Administrative Support to SECNAV
6. DON Executive Dining Facility
7. Space Management for DON Facilities (NCR)
8. Personnel Security
9. Physical Security
10. Information Technology (IT) Service Contract Management (NMCI/NGEN)
11. Telecommunications Support Management
12. Secretariat Budget Support
13. DON Parking Services
14. Pentagon Displays / Office Furnishings
7. Administrative Functions Review ProjectsPHASE TWO 15. Oversight of Secretariat Service Contracts
16. Communications Security Equipment Program (COMSEC)
17. Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)
18. Civilian Human Resources (HR) and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Services
19. Internal Controls Program / Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Program
20. Accountable Property Management
21. DON Charitable Campaigns Management
22. DON Transit Subsidy Program Management
23. Executive Studies
24. DON Criminal Incident, Investigations and Adjudication Tracking and Reporting System
25. Department of the Navy Consolidated Adjudication Facility (DON CAF)
8. Administrative Functions Review ProjectsPHASE THREE 26. Document Declassification
27. Privacy Information Management and FOIA
28. DON IT Systems Accreditation
29. Common DON Information Technology Representation to OSD / DON IT SES Resources
30. Oversight of DON History Programs
31. DON Motor Pool Services
32. Mail Management Services
33. Printing Services
34. Detail of DON Personnel Outside of DoD
35. Material Handling Services
36. Locksmith Services
37. Presidential Administration Transition Management
38. Telework
9. DON/AA Organizational Chart 9
10. Secretariat Organizational Chart 10