1. 1 Infinite Campus Parent PortalOnline Forms 2008-2009
2. 2
3. 3 Two Online Forms 1. Parent/Student Portal Acceptable Use Policy
Both parents/students must read and initial this document.
2. Household Form
This form must be completed and returned either via email or to your child's school.
4. 4 Parent/StudentAcceptable Use Policy What is an acceptable use policy (AUP)?
This is a written policy that you as a user must agree to abide by the guidelines in order to activate your account.
5. 5 Student Household Information Infinite Campus keeps each student in a Household.
Since the implementation of Infinite Campus, the district has been verifying correct Household information.
The following information must be completed before an activation number will be given to parents/guardians.
Verify the mailing address
Verify telephone numbers
Verify the students within each household
\Verify that all students have a parent/guardian designated
Verify Emergency Contact Information
6. 6 Links for Online Forms 1. Click the following link
Parent/Student Acceptable Use Policy
or key in the following link
2. Click the following link
Student Household Information
or key in the following link
7. 7 Parent Portal Forms Parents can submit forms via the following:
submit forms by clicking Submit by Email
Print the forms and submit to your child’s school
8. 8 Contact Information For portal assistance send an email tocampushelp@millvillenj.gov
Please include the following information:
Your full name
Description of the problem or your request
Please do not call the school district directly for telephone support.
If you wish to be contacted by phone include your daytime phone number in an email addressed to the account above.