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The solicitation SPE8ED15Q0573 was posted on 14 AUG 2015 with a <br><br>bid due in date of 20 AUG 2015 and was not set aside for U.S. Small <br><br>Businesses exclusively. ( Exhibit 1 ) and this solicitation has a value of <br><br>between $ 3,000 and $ 150,000. There is no Brand Name or Equal <br><br>and there is no salient characteristics, characteristics or specifications. <br><br>This is a Sole Source and Sole Brand without a Justification and <br><br>Approval being posted. This is a defective solicitation that does not <br><br>have a justification and approval for sole source. Another Violation of <br><br>Small Business Act.
Latvian Connection LLC Al Shareefa Complex – 5th FL Kuwait City, Kuwait Tel: 707 385 9344 September 24, 2015 BY REGISTERED EMAIL Matthew T. Crosby Government Accounting Office 441 G Street, NW Washington DC 20548 Email: Protests@gao.gov Attn: Procurement Law Control Group, Room 1139 RE: AGENCY REPORT RESPONSE TO B-411936 DLA SOLICITATION No SPE8ED15Q0573 FAILING TO SET ASIDE SOLICITATION WITH VALUE OF $ 3,000 - $ 150,000 FAILING TO PROVIDE SOLE BRAND JUSTIFICATION AND APPROVAL Dear Mr. Crosby: Latvian Connection LLC, (“ LC LLC”) A U.S. SMALL BUSINESS SAM REGISTERED with DUNS 534749622 and CAGE SGM59, submits this Agency Report response to the Defense Logistics Agency report regarding DLA not setting aside solicitation for U.S. Small Businesses exclusively and violating the Small Business Act. State argues that the GAO decision of Latvian Connection General Trading and Construction LLC, B-408633, Sept. 18, 2013 CPD ¶ 224, applies here. In that case, GAO ruled that FAR 19.000(b) limits the application of FAR part 19 (dealing with SBA’s small business programs) to acquisitions conducted in the United States (and its outlying areas). We believe the basis for the GAO’s ruling was that SBA’s regulation were silent on this issue and therefore, the more specific far regulations controlled. Heeding this advice, the SBA recently promulgated regulations to address this issue. Specifically, SBA made wholesale changes to 13 CFR § 125.2 on October 2, 2013. As a result, SBA issued a final rule stating that: “Small business concerns must receive any award ( including orders, and orders placed against Multiple Award Contracts) or contract, part of any such award or contract, and any contract for the sale of Government property, regardless of the place of performance, which the SBA and the procuring or disposal agency determine to be in the interest of:” 13 C.F.R. § 125.2(a)(emphasis added). Likewise, the rule also states that: “Small Business Act requires each Federal agency to foster the participation of small business concerns as prime contractors and subcontractors in the contracting opportunities of the Government regardless of the place of performance of the contract.” Id. 125.2 (c)(emphasis added). Therefore, SBA’s policy and legal interpretation of the Small Business has been incorporated into the regulations. In sum, according to statute and regulations, small business set asides, regardless of place of performance, are mandatory for acquisitions valued from $ 3,000 to $ 150,000 We request you invite the SBA to comment please. Additionally, there is no Justification and Approval for a Sole Brand or Sole Source DLA has failed to utilize the DD Form 2579 in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations requirement that: (A) Reviewing and making recommendations for all acquisitions (including orders placed against Federal Supply Schedule contracts) over $10,000, except those under the simplified acquisition threshold that are totally set aside for small business concerns in accordance with FAR 19.502-2. Follow the procedures at PGI 219.201(c)(10) (DFARS/PGI view) regarding such reviews. RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
2 | P a g e DLA has attempted to utilize an outdated DD Form 2579 that never could have been a Blanket Exemption from complying with the Competition in Contracting Act or the Small Business Act. The FAR doesn’t give the option to issue a Blanket DD Form 2579, so this TAB 3 DD Form is illegal, demonstrates that the Blanket is illegal and doesn’t comply with the purpose of the Form to look at each acquisition. A new DD Form 2579 (ATTCH 10 ) replaced TAB 3 on August 1, 2015 and it renders DLA’s attempt to circumvent the Competition in Contracting Act and Small Business Act as incomplete. FAR 219.201 was violated as there was not an individual DD Form 2579 completed and this solicitation was not set aside for Small Businesses. DLA did not post on the Government Point of Entry ( ATTCH 3 ) the specifications for the solicitation. FEDERAL LOGISTICS INFORMATION SYSTEM and HAYSTACK Database does not comply with the requirement to post the specifications for a solicitation with a value of greater than $ 25,000 on the GPE. DLA appear to have a DD Form 2579 partially filled out that claims to be a Blanket ( ATTCH 9 ) pre-signed on October 9, 2014 for a solicitation that didn’t appear until August 13, 2015. This violates the General Policy regarding the Small Business Coordination Record. 219.201 General policy. (c) For the defense agencies, the director of the Office of Small Business Programs must be appointed by, be responsible to, and report directly to the director or deputy director of the defense agency. (8) The responsibility for assigning small business technical advisors is delegated to the head of the contracting activity. (10) Contracting activity small business specialists perform this function by— (A) Reviewing and making recommendations for all acquisitions (including orders placed against Federal Supply Schedule contracts) over $10,000, except those under the simplified acquisition threshold that are totally set aside for small business concerns in accordance with FAR 19.502-2. Follow the procedures at PGI 219.201(c)(10) (DFARS/PGI view) regarding such reviews. (B) Making the review before issuance of the solicitation or contract modification and documenting it on DD Form 2579, Small Business Coordination Record (seePGI 253.219-70 for instructions on completing the form); and (C) Referring recommendations that have been rejected by the contracting officer to the Small Business Administration (SBA) procurement center representative. If an SBA procurement center representative is not assigned, see FAR 19.402(a). (11) Also conduct annual reviews to assess— (A) The extent of consolidation of contract requirements that has occurred (see 207.170); and (B) The impact of those consolidations on the availability of small business concerns to participate in procurements as both contractors and subcontractors. (d) For information on the appointment and functions of small business specialists, see PGI 219.201(d) (DFARS/PGI view). RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
3 | P a g e DLA state: ATTCH 3 B-411489 As stated above, the Army failed to meet its obligation to publicize the issuance of RFP For the record, we also disagree with the Army’s argument that the protester had constructive knowledge of amendment No. 4 as of April 28, the date the agency posted amendment No. 4 on the AFSI website. The AFSI website is not a government-wide point of entry (GPE) designated for the publication of solicitations. Instead, FedBizOpps has been designated as the GPE--that is, the single point where government business opportunities greater than $25,000 (such as the solicitation here), including synopses of proposed contract actions, solicitations, and associated information, can be accessed electronically by the public. FAR §§ 5.101, 5.101(a)(1), 5.102.4 While offerors are charged with constructive notice of procurement actions published on the GPE, Latvian Connection did not have constructive notice in this instance because AFSI is not the GPE. DIBBS is not the GPE for a solicitation with a value of greater than $ 25,000 The fraudulent DLA DD Form 2579 was not issued by the SBA for this solicitation No SPE8ED15Q0573. DLA has fabricated a DD Form 2579 not based on the solicitation, but based on a blanket effort to disenfranchise U.S. Small Businesses and Veteran Owned Small Business, Latvian Connection LLC. DLA state: RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
4 | P a g e In preparing a solicitation, a contracting agency is generally required to specify its needs and solicit offers in a manner designed to achieve full and open competition, so that all responsible sources are permitted to compete. 41 U.S.C. § 3306(a)(1)(A) (2012). A solicitation may include restrictive provisions or conditions only to the extent necessary to satisfy the agency’s needs or as authorized by law. Id. § 3306(a)(2)(B). To the extent a protester challenges a specification as unduly restrictive, that is, challenges both the restrictive nature of the requirement as well as the agency’s need for the restriction, the procuring agency has the responsibility of establishing that the specification is reasonably necessary to meet its needs. The adequacy of the agency’s justification is ascertained through examining whether the agency’s explanation is reasonable, that is, whether the explanation can withstand logical scrutiny. Trident World Sys., Inc., B- 400901, Feb. 23, 2009, 2009 CPD ¶ 43 at 3. DLA failed to provide specifications or promote full and open competition among U.S. Small Businesses. DLA instead fabricated a SBA blanket document that does not meet the purpose of a DD Form 2579 according to the Federal Acquisition Regulations or Policy. DLA failed to utilize the newly issued DD Form 2579 and did not present this solicitation to the Small Business Administration. They instead try to pass off that the SBA did review this acquisition when clearly the SBA did not look at this and DLA has tried to pencil-whip an approval of the SBA when they have no such approval at all. DLA state This is inconsistent with the requirements of posting salient characteristics and specifications. DLA should be issuing a solicitation as Brand Name or Equal or issue a Justification and Approval for Sole Source and Sole Brand. DLA violated the Competition in Contracting Act. The Competition In Contracting Act (CICA) makes full and open procurement as the standard for most contracting opportunities. Before CICA many Federal contracts were not competed but awarded based more on who you knew within the government. General The Competition In Contracting Act (CICA) was passed into law in 1984 to foster competition and thus reduce costs. The theory was that more competition for procurements would reduce costs and allow more small businesses to win contracts. CICA requires almost all procurements to be competed as full and open so any qualified company can submit a proposal. Provisions CICA requires all procurements with an estimated value over $25,000 be advertised for at least 15 days on FBO. The solicitation on FBO also requires use of a standard format making it easier for companies to review. The solicitation is to be posted for at least 30 days before proposal are due. If the contracting officer decides not to make the procurement full and open (also known as unrestricted) then they have to document the reasons for the decision. Procurements can still be set-aside for small businesses, disadvantaged, 8(a), HUBZone and veteran owned businesses but market research is needed to document that at least two responsible sources are available within the set-aside market. A responsible source is defined in CICA as a company that meets the following: Financial resources required to complete the contract if awarded Has the ability to meet the delivery schedule Has a satisfactory performance record Has a satisfactory record of business ethics (no government contracting RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
5 | P a g e Has or can obtain the technical, accounting and management skills needed to complete the contract Has the equipment or production capability needed or can obtain it Qualified to obtain the contract under applicable laws and regulations CICA also establishes procedures for filing protests when errors in procurement are suspected. The protest has to be documented and filed with the GAO before the contract is awarded. GAO then has 90 days to investigate and issue a ruling. A variety of procurement methods can be used to meet CICA requirements. These methods include: Justification For Not Using Full and Open Contracting officers must document any procurement that will not be by full and open competition. Knowing what the contracting officer needs to document can help you understand the process. The justification has to include: Description of the procuring agencies needs What statute or regulation is being used for the other than full and open competition and why has this regulation been selected What is the anticipated cost of the procurement Market survey showing the targeted set-aside group has at least two responsible bidders What companies have expressed interest in the procurement in writing. This is normally from a sources sought release. A statement as to any actions to be taken in the future to remove barriers to unrestricted competition. Knowing the rules regarding procurements allows you to not only understand the procurement process but also see when the rules are not followed. If you lose a procurement and are determining whether to file a protest then you must know the provisions of CICA. DLA failed to set aside a solicitation that they acknowledge has a value of $ 44,000 State argues that the GAO decision of Latvian Connection General Trading and Construction LLC, B-408633, Sept. 18, 2013 CPD ¶ 224, applies here. In that case, GAO ruled that FAR 19.000(b) limits the application of FAR part 19 (dealing with SBA’s small business programs) to acquisitions conducted in the United States (and its outlying areas). We believe the basis for the GAO’s ruling was that SBA’s regulation were silent on this issue and therefore, the more specific far regulations controlled. Heeding this advice, the SBA recently promulgated regulations to address this issue. Specifically, SBA made wholesale changes to 13 CFR § 125.2 on October 2, 2013. As a result, SBA issued a final rule stating that: “Small business concerns must receive any award ( including orders, and orders placed against Multiple Award Contracts) or contract, part of any such award or contract, and any contract for the sale of Government property, regardless of the place of performance, which the SBA and the procuring or disposal agency determine to be in the interest of:” 13 C.F.R. § 125.2(a)(emphasis added). Likewise, the rule also states that: “Small Business Act requires each Federal agency to foster the participation of small business concerns as prime contractors and subcontractors in the contracting opportunities of the Government regardless of the place of performance of the contract.” Id. 125.2 (c)(emphasis added). Therefore, SBA’s policy and legal interpretation of the Small Business has been incorporated into the regulations. In sum, according to statute and regulations, small business set asides, regardless of place of performance, are mandatory for acquisitions valued from $ 3,000 to $ 150,000 ( ATTCH 2 ) DLA VIOLATED CICA Of course SESOLINC was the only company to submit a bid. DLA has bid-rigged this so that only this company could respond. Latvian has put forward a teaming partner and DLA should have looked at the on Federal Government approved database for NAICS and that is SAM.gov ATTCH 7 to see the NAICS associated with Marafie Kuwaitia. We also have another RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
6 | P a g e company that we bid with that has experience and that is Al Zoba. The Non Manufacturer rule doesn’t apply because IF we had the specifications and salient characteristics being withheld by DLA, we would have constructed this in Kuwait. DLA MADE A NEGATIVE DETERMINATION AND VIOLATED SBA CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY PROCESS DLA violated the SBA’s Authority to review RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
7 | P a g e B-410947 Under the Small Business Act, agencies may not find a small business nonresponsible without referring the matter to the SBA, which has the ultimate authority to determine the responsibility of small businesses under its COC B-410263, Nov. 26, 2014, 2014 CPD ¶ 344 at 6-7. In this regard, the Small Business Act provides that it is the SBA’s duty: To certify to Government procurement officers . . . with respect to all elements of responsibility, including, but not limited to, capability, competency, capacity, credit, integrity, perseverance, and tenacity, of any small business concern or group of such concerns to receive and perform a specific Government contract. 15 U.S.C. § 637(b)(7)(A) (emphasis added). Importantly, this section of the Act also provides that a “Government procurement officer . . . may not, for any reason specified in the preceding sentence preclude any small business concern or group of such concerns from being awarded such contract without referring the matter for a final disposition to the Administration.” Id. B-410981 Protest is sustained where FedBid, acting as the agent for the contracting agency, excluded the protester, a small business, from the competition based on a perceived lack of business integrity, in effect making a negative responsibility determination, without referring the matter to the Small Business Administration under the Certificate of Competency procedures. The solicitation, issued on December 11, 2014, and set aside for small businesses, sought a contractor to provide fabrication and installation of a high-density mobile shelving system to replace the current steel cantilever shelving at the U.S. Geological Survey’s library in Denver, Colorado. Agency Report (AR), Tab 5, RFQ, at 1; see Contracting Officer’s Statement (COS) at 1. The estimated value of the procurement was $95,159. COS at 1. Under our Bid Protest Regulations, we will only consider protests filed by an “interested party,” that is, an actual or prospective offeror whose direct economic interest would be affected by the award of a contract or the failure to award a contract. 4 C.F.R. §21.0(a). Determining whether a party is interested involves consideration of a variety of factors, including the nature of the issues raised, the benefit or relief sought by the protester, and the party’s status in relation to the procurement. Advanced Concept Enterprises, Inc., B-410069.3, B-410069.4 Jan. 22, 2015, 2015 CPD ¶ 53 at 2. Here, we find that Latvian Connection has sufficiently established its status as an interested party. As we noted in our prior decision, under the Small Business Act, agencies may not find a small business nonresponsible without referring the matter to the SBA, which has the ultimate authority to determine the responsibility of small businesses under its COC procedures. 15 U.S.C. § 637(b)(7); FAR subpart 19.6; Latvian Connection, LLC, supra; FitNet Purchasing Alliance, B-410263, Nov, 26, 2014, 2014 CPD ¶ 344 at 6-7. In this regard, the Small Business Act provides that it is the SBA’s duty: To certify to Government procurement officers . . . with respect to all elements of responsibility, including, but not limited to, capability, competency, capacity, credit, integrity, perseverance, and tenacity, of any small business concern or group of such concerns to receive and perform a specific Government contract. 15 U.S.C. § 637(b)(7)(A) (emphasis added). Importantly, this section of the Act also provides that a “Government procurement officer . . . may not, for any reason specified in the preceding sentence preclude any small business concern or group of such concerns from being awarded such contract without referring the matter for a final disposition to the Administration.” Id. RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
8 | P a g e DLA stated: LATVIAN CONNECTION LLC WOULD HAVE CONSTRUCTED THE CONTAINER IN KUWAIT with teaming partners as afforded by FAR 9.6. ( ATTCH 7 AND 8 ) DLA made a negative determination that we could not bid in its agency report and this would be a matter that would have to be referred to the Small Business Administration for a Certificate of Competency. DLA judge out teaming partner without consulting the SAM database for their experience. DLA violated the SBA rules that they must set aside all solicitations with a value of between $ 3,000 and $ 150,000. State argues that the GAO decision of Latvian Connection General Trading and Construction LLC, B-408633, Sept. 18, 2013 CPD ¶ 224, applies here. In that case, GAO ruled that FAR 19.000(b) limits the application of FAR part 19 (dealing with SBA’s small business programs) to acquisitions conducted in the United States (and its outlying areas). We believe the basis for the GAO’s ruling was that SBA’s regulation were silent on this issue and therefore, the more specific far regulations controlled. Heeding this advice, the SBA recently promulgated regulations to address this issue. Specifically, SBA made wholesale changes to 13 CFR § 125.2 on October 2, 2013. As a result, SBA issued a final rule stating that: “Small business concerns must receive any award ( including orders, and orders placed against Multiple Award Contracts) or contract, part of any such award or contract, and any contract for the sale of Government property, regardless of the place of performance, which the SBA and the procuring or disposal agency determine to be in the interest of:” 13 C.F.R. § 125.2(a)(emphasis added). Likewise, the rule also states that: “Small Business Act requires each Federal agency to foster the participation of small business concerns as prime contractors and subcontractors in the contracting opportunities of the Government regardless of the place of performance of the contract.” Id. 125.2 (c)(emphasis added). Therefore, SBA’s policy and legal interpretation of the Small Business has been incorporated into the regulations. In sum, according to statute and regulations, small business set asides, regardless of place of performance, are mandatory for acquisitions valued from $ 3,000 to $ 150,000 ( ATTCH 2 ) RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
9 | P a g e Request of a ruling by the Comptroller General of the United States LATVIAN CONNECTION LLC specifically requests that the GAO recommend that the solicitation SPE8ED15Q0573 be conducted as a Lowest Priced, Technically Acceptable solicitation on www.fbo.gov and be reserved for U.S. Small Businesses exclusively. We also request that drawings, technical specifications, and salient characteristics are posted. This should be brand name or equal or DLA should post a J & A as to why this one company should be awarded this contract without competition. This solicitation is defective and violates the Competition in Contracting Act, the Small Business Act and the Federal Acquisition Regulations regarding elements of a solicitation and the salient characteristics and this solicitation lacks specifications. REQUEST FOR HEARING OR CONFERENCE AND PROTECTIVE ORDER If the issues in this case cannot be resolved on the basis of the documents requested, then LATVIAN CONNECTION LLC requests a hearing on all of the matters set forth above. 4 C.F.R. § 21.1 (d)(2008). Latvian Connection LLC does not request a protective order. GAO - WE EXPRESSLY REQUEST THAT THIS PROTEST NOT BE EXPIDITED. REQUEST FOR RELIEF AND CONCLUSION LATVIAN CONNECTION LLC requests that the Agency take corrective action and issue an Amendment, that is posted on www.fbo.gov and that this solicitation as a Lowest Priced, Technically Acceptable solicitation that is reserved for U.S. Small Business concerns exclusively. We also request that Latvian Connection LLC be reimbursed the costs of filing and pursuing its protest, including reasonable protest preparation fees. Bid Protest Regulations 4 C.F.R. § 21.8(d)(1) (2010). Under the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984, the GAO may recommend that protest costs be reimbursed where they find that an agency’s action violated a procurement statute or regulation. 31 U.S.C. § 3554(c)(1) (2010). The GAO’s Bid Protest Regulations provide that, where the contracting agency decides to take corrective action in response to a protest, the GAO may recommend that the protester be reimbursed the costs of filing and pursuing its protest, including reasonable attorneys’ fees. 4 C.F.R. § 21.8(e) (2010). The GAO has stated that it “does not mean that costs should be reimbursed in every case in which an agency decides to take corrective action; rather, a protester should be reimbursed its costs where an agency unduly delayed its decision to take corrective action in the face of a clearly meritorious protest. Griner’s-A-One Pipeline Servs., Inc.--Costs, B-255078.3, July 22, 1994, 94-2 CPD ¶ 41 at 5. The Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA)[i] provides for the award of attorney fees and other expenses to eligible individuals and small entities who are parties to certain adversary adjudications in administrative proceedings. An eligible party may receive an award when the party prevails over the government, unless the government’s position was substantially justified or special circumstances make an award unjust. Fee provided under the EAJA is limited to $125 per hour. The EAJA applies to adversary adjudications pending or commenced on or after August 5, 1985. RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
10 | P a g e To recover fee under the EAJA, a claimant must show that s/he is a prevailing party. Prevailing party is one who achieves the benefits s/he sought. To obtain fee under the EAJA a party must also show that: the lawsuit was a material factor in bringing about the desired result; the outcome was required by law; and decision was not a gratuitous act by the government. If, in adversary adjudication arising from an agency action the demand by the agency is found substantially in excess of the decision of the adjudicative officer and is unreasonable when compared with the decision, the adjudicative officer shall award to the party the fees and other expenses against the excessive demand. To claim award under the EAJA party need not have committed a willful violation of law or otherwise acted in bad faith. Award granted should not be unjust in any circumstances. Fees and expenses awarded shall be paid only as a consequence of appropriations provided in advance.[ii] Fees and other expenses under the EAJA include: the reasonable expenses of expert witnesses: the reasonable cost of any study, analysis, engineering report, test, or project which is found by the agency to be necessary for the preparation of the party’s case; and reasonable attorney’s or agent fees.[iii] Every party other than an agency who participated in adversary adjudication can recover attorney’s fee and agent fee. Party represented by a non attorney is also permitted under the EAJA to recover fee. Award provided under the EAJA is mandatory and the agency has no discretion to deny attorney fee provided s/he complies all the requirements under the EAJA. However certain state laws also authorizes the recovery of reasonable attorney fees. N.D. Cent. Code § 28-32-50(1) requires an award of reasonable attorney fees and costs to a prevailing claimant if an administrative agency has acted without substantial justification. N.D. Cent. Code § 28-32-50(1) sets forth a two-part test which must be met in order to properly award attorney fees: first, the non administrative party must prevail, and second, the agency must have acted without substantial justification.[iv] [i] 5 U.S.C. § 504; 28 U.S.C. § 2412; [ii] 5 U.S.C.A. § 504(a)(4) ; [iii] 5 U.S.C.A. § 504(b)(1)(A); [iv] 5 U.S.C.A. § 504(b)(1)(A), Tedford v. Workforce Safety & Ins., 2007 ND 142 (N.D. 2007). Respectfully submitted, __________________________ KEVEN L. BARNES CEO LATVIAN CONNECTION LLC RESPONSE TO AGENCY REPORT B-411936 DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
SMALL BUSINESS COORDINATION RECORD (See DFARS PGI 253.219-70 for form completion instructions.) 2. PURCHASE REQUEST/ REQUISITION NO. 3. TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE (With options) b. PIID 2 (If applicable) 1. CONTROL NO. (Optional) 4a. PIID 5. SUPPLEMENTARY PIID b. DODAAC c. OFFICE SYMBOL 6a. CONTRACTING OFFICER NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) d. EMAIL ADDRESS e. TELEPHONE NUMBER(Include Area Code) 7a. ITEM AND/OR SERVICE DESCRIPTION b. PRODUCT OR SERVICE CODE c. NAICS CODE d. SIZE STANDARD 8. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE/DELIVERY DATES (Including options) 9. PURPOSE OF COORDINATION (X one) Initial Coordination Withdrawal Change 10. RECOMMENDATION (X all that apply) a. SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE (X one) b. SECTION 8(a) (X one) 100% Partial % Competitive d. SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS (SDVOSB) (X one) Sole Source c. HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESS ZONE (HUBZone) SMALL BUSINESS (X one) Competitive e. ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS (EDWOSB) SET-ASIDE g. OTHER SET-ASIDE (Cite authority, e.g., FAR 26.202-1 or 6.208; or DFARS 226.71) Sole Source Competitive f. WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS (WOSB) ELIGIBLE UNDER WOSB PROGRAM SET-ASIDE Sole Source h. OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION NOT PREVIOUSLY ADDRESSED j. MULTIPLE AWARD: Reserves (FAR 19.5) (List type(s) of small business, e.g., WOSB, SDVOSB) i. FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION (Complete block 13) Contract Delivery/Task Order HUBZONE PRICE EVALUATION PREFERENCE (Ref. FAR 19.1307) 11a. MARKET RESEARCH/ACQUISITION PLAN b. SYNOPSIS REQUIRED (X one) Yes (NOTE: Synopsis not required if <$25,000; see FAR 5.101(a)(1).) c. SMALL BUSINESS PROGRESS PAYMENTS (X one) No (Provide FAR 5.202 exception) Yes No 12. CONSOLIDATED OR BUNDLED (X as applicable) a. CONSOLIDATED REQUIREMENT (Attach required documentation per DFARS 207.170.) b. BUNDLED REQUIREMENT (Attach required documentation per FAR 7.107 including benefit analysis.) Yes Yes No No 13. SUBCONTRACTING PLAN REQUIRED (X one) Yes No DD FORM 2579, AUG 2015 PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE. Adobe Designer 9.0
9/24/2015 FormInfo_new Form Information For assistance see FAQs and Downloading Instructions FORM NUMBER: DD2579 TITLE: SMALL BUSINESS COORDINATION RECORD EDITION DATE: 20150801 CANCELLATION DATE: FORMATS: PLEASE BE ADVISED: DOWNLOAD FORM No link under "FORMATS:" indicates no electronic format is available. To obtain copies of forms, contact YOUR Military Service or Component Forms Manager click here. Cancelled forms are not available. REMARKS: ISSUANCES: DFARS PGI 253219.70 SPONSOR / POC: AT&L SUBSPONSOR: DPAP/DARS NUMBER OF PAGES: 1 USERS*: A N AF DCMA PRESCRIBED OR ADOPTED?: P DISPOSITION: O SUBJECT GROUP: 4205 FORM CONTROLLED: N MANDATORY PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: N RCS: IRCN: OMB: PRIVACY ACT IMPLICATIONS: N * All revisions and/or cancellations must be coordinated through these USERS. DISPOSITION: O = Do NOT use previous edition. U = Use previous edition until supply is depleted. http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/forms/forminfo/forminfopage1959.html 1/1
9/24/2015 Procurement Center Representative Directory WORLD Law Direct PROCUREMENT CENTER REPRESENTATIVE DIRECTORY By WORLDLawDirect [April 23rd, 2011] The U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) Procurement Center Representatives (PCRs) located in area offices, review and evaluate the small business programs of federal agencies and assist small businesses in obtaining federal contracts and subcontracts. Explanation of Acronyms: TPCR Traditional Procurement Center Representative TPCRs increase the small business share of Federal procurement awards by initiating small business setasides, reserving procurements for competition among small business firms; providing small business sources to Federal buying activities; and counseling small firms. BPCR Breakout Procurement Center Representative BPCRs advocate for the breakout of items for full and open competition to effect savings to the Federal Government. CMRs Commercial Marketing Representatives CMRs identify, develop and market small businesses to large prime contractors and assist small businesses in identifying and obtaining subcontracts. SBA OFFICES OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING AREA I = CT. MA. ME. NH. NJ. NY. Rl. VT. and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands AREA II = DC. DE. MD. PA. VA. WV. AREA III = AL. FL. GA. KY. MS. NC. SC. TN. AREA IV = IN. IA. IL. KS. Ml. MN. MO. ND. NE. OH. SD. Wl. AREAV = AR. CO. LA. NM. OK. TX. AREA VI = AK. AZ. CA. HI. ID. MT. NV. OR. UT. WA. WY. and Guam AREA I AREA I: Includes the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Area Director: JANETTE FASANO Small Business Administration Office of Government Contracting 10 Causeway Street, Room 265 Boston, MA 022221093 Tel (617) 5655622 FAX (617) 5655598 email: ianette.fasano@sba.gov Area Supervisor: MARIE BURKE Small Business Administration Office of Government Contracting 2 Gateway Center, 15th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 Tel (973) 6456491 FAX (973) 6456265 email: marie.burke@sba.gov CONNECTICUT At the present time there is no PCR assigned to CT. You may try contacting Mrs. Janette Fasano in the Boston District office for additional information. Janette.Fasano@sba.gov MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, RHODE ISLAND, VERMONT and MASSACHUSETTS SEAN F. CREAN (TPCR and CMR) SBA Representative SBA District Office 68 Sewall Street Augusta, ME 04330 http://www.worldlawdirect.com/article/3028/procurementcenterrepresentativedirectory.html 1/8
9/24/2015 Procurement Center Representative Directory WORLD Law Direct Tel. (207) 6228379 FAX (207) 6228277 email: sean.crean@sba.gov NEW JERSEY, PUERTO RICO and the VIRGIN ISLANDS MICHAEL P. CECERE (TPCR and CMR) SBA Representative TACOM, ARDEC Bldg. 1610 Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 078065000 Tel. (973) 7246574 FAX (973) 7245704 email: m.cecere@pica.army.mil TACOM, ARDEC Picatinny Arsenal LARRY HANSEN (BPCR and TPCR) US Army Communications Electronics Command ATTN: SBAPCR Bldg. 1207 Fort Monmouth, NJ 077035000 Tel. (732)5323419 FAX (732) 5328732 email: larry.hansen@sba.gov NEW YORK DEBRA B. LIBOW (TPCR) SBA Representative US Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1843 New York, NY 10278 Tel. (212)2644395 FAX (212) 2643013 or 4963 email: debra.libow@sba.gov JOYCE SPEARS (CMR and PCR) SBA Rochester Branch Office 100 State Street, Suite 410 Rochester, NY 14614 Tel: (585)2636700 FAX: (585)2633146 email: joyce.spears@sba.gov AREA II AREA II: Includes the states of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, and the Washington D.C. metropolitan area Area Director: JACK CAMPBELL (Acting) SBA, Office of Government Contracting Robert NC Nix Federal Building 900 Market St., 5th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: (215) 5802766 FAX: (215) 5802776 email: iohn.campbell@sba.gov Supervisor for the Washington, DC, Metropolitan area: DAVID LOINES (Acting) Small Business Administration 409 Third St., SW, Suite 8800 Washington, DC 20416 Tel. (202)2057311 FAX (202) 2057326 email: david.loines@sba.gov Supervisor for PA, WV and VA: JACK CAMPBELL SBA, Office of Government Contracting Robert NC Nix Federal Bldg. 900 Market St., 5th floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel. (215)5802767 FAX (215) 5802776 email: iohn.campbell@sba.gov MARYLAND and WASHINGTON DC B. MICHAEL KILYK (TPCR) SBA Representative National Aeronautics and Space Admin. Goddard Space Flight Center Building 17, Code 213, Rm S124 Greenbelt, MD 20771 Tel. (301) 2864378 FAX (301) 2861747/1746 email: bkilvk@pop200.gsfc.nasa.gov PENNSYLVANIA and MARYLAND B. J. KOEHLER (TPCR) SBA Representative Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Detachment Philadelphia 700 Robbins Ave., Bldg. 2B Philadelphia, PA 19111 Tel. (215)6979556 FAX (215) 6979554 email: b j koehler@phil.fisc.navy.mil PENNSYLVANIA http://www.worldlawdirect.com/article/3028/procurementcenterrepresentativedirectory.html 2/8
9/24/2015 Procurement Center Representative Directory WORLD Law Direct RICARDO J. SACIDOR (TPCR) SBA Representative Defense Supply Center Philadelphia 700 Robbins Avenue Philadelphia, PA 191115098 Tel. (215)7375912 DSN 4445912 FAX (215) 7377116 email: rsacidor@dscp.dla.mil or ricardo.sacidor@sba.gov JOSEPH C. GIORDANO (BPCR and TPCR) Small Business Administration Navy Inventory Control Point Building 1, Room 2213B (SBA) 700 Robbins Avenue Philadelphia, PA 191115098 Tel. (215)6976161 DSN 4426161 FAX (215) 4812728 email: Joseph giordano@icpphil.navy.mil CAROL S. DECKER (TPCR) Navy Inventory Control Point 5450 Carlisle Pike Bldg. 410, Code 006A Mechanicsburg, PA 170550788 Tel. (717)6057525 DSN 4307525 FAX (717) 6054858 email: carol_s_decker@icpmech.navy.mil VIRGINIA JUDY SAYERS (TPCR) SBA Representative Defense Supply Center Richmond/DSCR/DU 8000 Jefferson Davis Highway Richmond, VA 232975124 Tel. (804)2793690 FAX (804)2796615 email: jsayers@dscr.dla.mil OCTAVIA TURNER (TPCR) SBA Representative NASA Langley Research Center Bldg. 1209, Rm. 103, MS446 Hampton, VA 236812199 Tel. (757) 8646859 FAX (757) 8648096 email: o.turner@larc.nasa.gov WEST VIRGINIA JUDY McCAULEY (TPCR) SBA Representative US Dept of Energy PO Box 880, Mail stop L02 Morgantown, WV 26505 Tel. (304) 2854063 FAX (202) 4812799 email: judy.mccauley@sba.gov WASHINGTON, DC, METROPOLITAN AREA A. P. (MITCH) OCAMPO (TPCR) SBA Representative Naval Sea Systems Command Code 02K/SBA 1333 Isaac Hull Ave., S.E., Rm. 5W2630 Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376 Tel. (202)7813966 FAX (202) 7814772 email: ocampomp@navsea.navy.mil DOUGLAS SMITH (TPCR) SBA Representative GSA/FSS Crystal Mall Bldg. 4, Room 700B Arlington, VA 22202 Tel. (703) 3057994 FAX (703) 3053783 email: dougl.smith@gsa.gov REGINALD HOLLOWAY (TPCR) SBA Representative Department of Transportation, S42 400 7th Street, S.W., Room 9410 Washington, DC 20590 Tel. (202)3665325/1902 FAX 202) 3667538 email: reggie.holloway@ost.dot.gov RHONDA ANDERSON (TPCR) SBA Representative Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W Code HR562 (SBA) Washington, DC 20585 Tel. (202)2871411 FAX (202) 2871451 email: rhonda.anderson@sba.gov KYLE GROOME (TPCR) Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Mail Code 1310G/400W Washington, DC 20220 Tel. (202) 6224957 FAX (202) 6224963 email: kyle.groome@do.treas.gov PETER ZAHIRIEH USDA 1400 Independence Ave., SW AG Stop 9501, Room 1566, South Bldg. Washington, DC 202509501 Tel. (202)7207117 FAX (202) 7203001 email: shahrokh.zahirieh@usda.gov MALDA BROWN (TPCR) SBA Representative Dept. of Health and Human Services, Rm. 517D 200 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20201 Tel. (301) 8277224 FAX. (301) 8277228 email: mbrown@oc.fda.gov AREA III http://www.worldlawdirect.com/article/3028/procurementcenterrepresentativedirectory.html 3/8
9/24/2015 Procurement Center Representative Directory WORLD Law Direct AREA III: Includes the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee Area Director: MITCHELL MORAND (Acting) Office of Government Contracting Small Business Administration 233 Peachtree St., NE, Suite 1805 Atlanta, GA 30309 Tel: (404)3317587, ext. 203 FAX: (404)3312956 email: mitchell.morand@sba.gov ALABAMA RALPH MASSEY (BPCR and TPCR) U. S. Small Business Administration Bldg. 5303, Room 3135 Redstone Arsenal, AL 358985150 Tel. (256)8764513 FAX (256) 8420085 email: ralph.massey@sba.gov GARY W. HEARD (TAE) US Small Business Administration Bldg. 5303, Room 3135 Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898 5150 Tel. (256) 8426240 FAX (256) 8420085 email: gary.heard@sba.gov BARBARA J, JENKINS (TPCR) NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center Mail Drop PS01, Attn: SBA, PCR Bldg. 4202, Room 100 Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812 Tel. (256)5445012 FAX (256) 5448221 email: barbara.ienkins@msfc.nasa.gov FLORIDA WALTER R. WALLACE (TPCR and CMR) SBA Representative Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division 12350 Research Blvd. Orlando, FL 328263224 Tel. (407) 3808252 FAX (407)3808232 email: walter.wallace@sba.gov FLORIDA and GEORGIA JOSE GUTIERREZ (TPCR) SBA Representative SBA, No Florida District Office 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite 100B Jacksonville, FL 322565696 Tel. (904)4431904 FAX (904) 4431980 email: jose.gutierrez@sba.gov FLORIDA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI JAMES ROLLINS (BPCR, TPCR and Supervisor) U. S. Small Business Administration 205 West D Ave., Suite 631 Eglin AFB, FL 325426881 Tel. (850)8822605/9159 FAX (850) 6786240 email: rollins@eglin.af.mil GEORGIA JOYCE THURMOND (TPCR) Small Business Administration Government Contracting, Area III 233 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 1805 Atlanta, GA 30303 Tel. (404)3317587 FAX (404) 3312956 email: ioyce.thurmond@sba.gov T. C. HOLLINGSWORTH (BPCR, TPCR and Supervisor) P.O. Box611 Warner Robins, GA 310990611 Tel. (478) 9267446 FAX (478) 9263832 email: thomas.hollingsworth@robins.af.mil ANNA PENDER (TPCR) P.O. Box611 Warner Robins, GA 310990611 Tel. (478) 9265874 FAX (478) 9263832 e mail: anna.pender@robins.af.mil KENTUCKY and TENNESSEE KATHLEEN M. HYATT (TPCR) SBA Representative Small Business Administration PO Box 59, Room 173M Louisville, KY 402010059 Tel. (502) 5826662 FAX (502) 5825547 email: kathleen.hyatt@sba.gov http://www.worldlawdirect.com/article/3028/procurementcenterrepresentativedirectory.html 4/8
9/24/2015 Procurement Center Representative Directory WORLD Law Direct NORTH CAROLINA MARY BAYARD (TPCR) SBA Representative SBA, PCR C/O NIEHS Contracting Office PO Box 12874 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Tel. (919)5417895 FAX (919) 5412712 email: bayard@niehs.nih.gov SOUTH CAROLINA RICK MILLER (TPCR) Naval Facilities Engineering Command, So. Div. Attn: SBA, PCR P.O. Box 190010 No. Charleston, SC 294199010 Tel. (843) 8205724 FAX (843) 8207304 email: millerre@efdsouth.navfac.navy.mil ridgely.miller@sba.gov AREA IV AREA IV: Includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin Area Director: ROBERT MURPHY Office of Government Contracting Small Business Administration 500 West Madison St., Suite 1250 Chicago, IL 606612511 Tel: (312) 3537381 FAX: (312) 3533111 email: robert.murphy@sba.gov ILLINOIS WALTER H. THORPE (TPCR) SBA Representative Small Business Administration Operations Support Command, ATTN: SBALO Bldg. 61, 2nd Floor Rock Island, IL 612997180 Tel. (309) 7825736 DSN 7935736 FAX (309) 7824214 email: thorpew@ria.army.mil JACK BOCCAROSSA (BPCR and PCR Supervisor) Tel. (309) 7826350 DSN 7935736 FAX (309) 7824214 email: boccarossaj@ria.army.mil NAME AND ADDRESS Industrial Operations Command Rock Island, Armament and Chem. Acquisition and Logistics Activity Rock Island, IL SYED HASHMI (TAE) Tel. (309) 7825734 email: hashmis@ria.army.mil WALTER FICHTNER (TAPA) Tel. (309) 7826479 email: fichtnerw@ria.army.mil NEILA FITZPATRICK Tel. (309) 7823055 email: fitzpatrickn@ria.army.mil Address: Small Business Administration Operations Support Command ATTN: SBALO Bldg. 61, 2nd Floor Rock Island, IL 612997180 ILLINOIS and MISSOURI TUNG SHING CHU (TPCR) SBA Representative c/o DITCO/D04DT (SBA/PCR) 2300 East Drive Scott AFB, IL 622255406 Tel. (618)2299286 DSN 7798935 FAX (618) 2299110 email: chut@scott.disa.mil ILLINOIS and WISCONSIN PAMELA COLEMAN (TPCR) SBA Representative Small Business Administration Office of Government Cont. Suite 1250 500 W. Madison St. Chicago, 606612511 Tel. (312)3537442 FAX (312) 3533111 email: pamela.coleman@sba.gov http://www.worldlawdirect.com/article/3028/procurementcenterrepresentativedirectory.html 5/8
9/24/2015 Procurement Center Representative Directory WORLD Law Direct MICHIGAN PAMELA THOMPSON (TPCR) SBA Representative U. S. TankAutomotive Comm. Bldg. 231, Room E125 Warren, Ml 483975000 Tel. (586)5745513 DSN 7865513 FAX (586) 5745560 email: thompsop@tacom.army.mil JOSEPH W. PECK (BPCR) SBA/PCR U.S. Army TankAutomotive Command Bldg. 231, Room E125 Warren, Ml 483975000 Tel. (586)5748124/5513 DSN 7865513 FAX (586) 5745560 email: peckj@tacom.army.mil MISSOURI, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, NEBRASKA and IOWA MARLIN FRANCKSEN (TPCR, CMR and Sup.) SBA Representative Small Business Admin., Suite 501 323 West 8th Street, Lucas Place Kansas City, MO 64105 Tel. (816)3746815, ext. 290 FAX (816) 3746759 email: marlin.francksen@sba.gov KANSAS DAVID TURNER (PCR and CMR) SBA Representative SBA, Suite 501 323 West 8th St., Lucas Place Kansas City, MO 64105 Tel. (816)3746815, ext. 291 FAX (816) 3746759 email: david.turner@sba.gov NEBRASKA DWIGHT JOHNSON (PCR) SBA District Office 11145 Mill Valley Road Omaha, NE 681543949 Tel. (402)2217206 FAX (402) 2213680 email: dwight.iohnson@sba.gov OHIO MARK BOALS (TPCR) ASC/SBA, Bldg. 39 2196 D Street Wright Patterson AFB OH 454337201 Tel. (937) 2252569 FAX (937) 6564037 email: mark.boals@sba.gov DAVID PATTEE (TPCR) SBA Representative Defense Supply Center Columbus, Bldg 20 3990 E Broad Street ATTN:SBAPCRA Columbus, OH 43213 Tel. (614)6920718 FAX (614) 6922388 email: david.pattee@dscc.dla.mil EUGENE DROMBETTA (BPCR) Defense Supply Center Columbus 3990 E Broad Street, ATTN: SBAPCRB Columbus, OH 43213 Tel. (614)6922669 FAX (614) 6922388 email: gene.drombetta@dscc.dla.mil AREA V Includes the states of Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas Area Director: JOHN BATEMAN Office of Government Contracting Small Business Administration 4300 Ammon Carter Blvd., Suite 116 Fort Worth, TX 76155 Tel: (817) 6845302 FAX: (817) 6845310 email: iohnny.bateman@sba.gov Area Supervisor: DAVID MARTIN Office of Government Contracting Small Business Administration 4300 Ammon Carter Blvd., Suite 116 Fort Worth, TX 76155 Tel: (817) 6845303 FAX: (817) 6845310 email: david.martin@sba.gov ARKANSAS and TEXAS LONDELL WHITE (TPCR) SBA Representative U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 700 West Capital, Rm. 3333 P. O. Box 867, AR Little Rock, AR 722030867 Tel. (501) 3246532 FAX (501) 3246968 email: londell.white@sba.gov http://www.worldlawdirect.com/article/3028/procurementcenterrepresentativedirectory.html 6/8
9/24/2015 Procurement Center Representative Directory WORLD Law Direct COLORADO Jose Martinez (TPCR) SBA Representative 721 19th Street, Suite 447 Denver, CO 802022517 Tel. (303)8440513 FAX (303) 8440514 email: iose.martinez@sba.gov LOUISIANA KENNETH J. ENCLADE (TPCR and CMR) SBA Representative U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, SADBU, Room 151 P. O. Box 60267 New Orleans, LA 701602067 Tel: (504) 8622992 FAX: (504) 8622492 email: kenneth.i.enclade@mvn02.usace.army.mil NEW MEXICO and TEXAS VACANT (TPCR) Air Force Research Lab Phillips Research Site 2000 Wyoming, S. E., Rm. B6 Kirtland Air Force Base, NM 87117 Tel. (505) 8464946 DSN 2446427 FAX (505) 3462883 email: OKLAHOMA VACANT (BPCR and TPCR) OCALC/SBAPCR 3001 Staff Drive Ste 1AD81A Tinker AFB, OK 73145 Tel. (405)610 4784 DSN 6107821 FAX (405) 6105330 email: TEXAS ANN MONTES (TPCR) SBA Representative 8101 Arnold Street, Bldg. 1160 Brooks AFB, TX 782355367 Tel. (210)5365131 FAX (210) 5364363 email: ann.montes@brooks.af.mil PAUL STONE Procurement Center Representative (PCR) U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) c/o U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, TX 76102 email: paul.p.stone@swf.usace.army.mil Tel: 817886 1024 Fax:8178866407 VALERIE COLEMAN (TPCR) SBA Representative NASA 2102 NASA Road 1 Mail Code: BD 35 Houston, TX 77058 Tel. (281)4831549 FAX (281) 4834326 email: vcoleman@ems.isc.nasa.gov AREA VI AREA VI: Includes the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and Guam Area Director: ROBERT PACCIONE Office of Government Contracting Small Business Administration 455 Market Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 941052445 Tel. (415)7446828 FAX (415) 7440314 email: robert.paccione@sba.gov Area VI Supervisors: San Francisco JAMES GAMBARDELLA Office of Government Contracting Small Business Administration 455 Market Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 941052445 Tel. (415)7448429 FAX (415) 7440314 e mail: iames.gambardella@sba.gov Los Angeles NICHOLAS MANALISAY Small Business Administration 330 North Brand Blvd., Suite 1200 Glendale, CA 912032304 Tel: (818)5523294 FAX: (818)5523221 email: nicholas.manalisay@sba.gov ALASKA http://www.worldlawdirect.com/article/3028/procurementcenterrepresentativedirectory.html 7/8
9/24/2015 Procurement Center Representative Directory WORLD Law Direct CHARLOTTE EBERLE (TPCR and CMR) SBA Representative Small Business Administration 510 L Street, Suite 310 Anchorage, AK 99501 Tel. (907)2712297 FAX (907) 2712262 email: charlotte.eberle@sba.gov ARIZONA and NEVADA HANK RAMIREZ (TPCR and CMR) SBA Representative SBA District Office 300 Las Vegas Blvd., Suite 1100 Las Vegas, NV 891012527 Tel. (702)3886015 FAX (702) 3886469 email: hank.ramirez@sba.gov CALIFORNIA PAUL CHANN (TPCR) SBA Representative Small Business Administration 455 Market St., Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 941052445 Tel. (415)7448481 FAX (415) 7440314 email: paul.chann@sba.gov M. LEONARD MANZANARES (TPCR) SBA District Office 330 North Brand Blvd., Suite 1200 Glendale, CA 91203 2304 Tel. (818)5523296 FAX (818) 5523221 email: m.manzanares@sba.gov LINDA COAKLEY (TPCR) SPAWAR Command (OOK) 4301 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 921103127 Tel. (619)5247669 FAX (202) 5247443 email: linda.coakley@sba.gov HAWAII and GUAM MARY SPENCER (TPCR) Naval Facilities Engineering Command 4262 Radford Drive, Bldg. 62 Honolulu, HI 96818 3296 Tel. (808)4747317 FAX (808) 4719342 email: mary.spencer@sba.gov OREGON and MONTANA JOHN BAGAASON SBA, Office of Government Contracting 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1805 Seattle, WA 981011128 Tel. (206) 5538546 FAX (206) 5536263 email: iohn.bagaason@sba/gov UTAH and WYOMING LYMAN KANO (TPCR and CMR) SBA Representative 6038 Aspen Ave., CE, Bldg. 1289 Hill AFB, UT 840565805 Tel. (801)7774150 DSN 4584150 FAX (801) 6255585 email: lyman.kano@hill.af.mil WASHINGTON KEVIN MICHAEL (TPCR and CMR) SBA Office of Government Contracting 400 15th SW Auburn, WA 980011128 Tel. (253)9317161 FAX (253)9317743 email: kevin.michael@sba.gov Note: The article above may not contain uptodate information. See also... Government and Administrative Law Business and Finance Law © 20002015 by WORLDLawDirect.com, Inc. http://www.worldlawdirect.com/article/3028/procurementcenterrepresentativedirectory.html 8/8