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Internet Technology Update for ICCM 1997

Internet Technology Update for ICCM 1997. We do email, we use a Web browser to surf... What else is the Net good for?. Introduction. Everyone is talking about the Internet Most are actually using it! Email is wonderful WWW surfing is fun (sometimes useful too)

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Internet Technology Update for ICCM 1997

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  1. Internet Technology Updatefor ICCM 1997 We do email, we use a Web browser to surf... What else is the Net good for?

  2. Introduction • Everyone is talking about the Internet • Most are actually using it! • Email is wonderful • WWW surfing is fun (sometimes useful too) • Assuming we have already done that... what now?

  3. Five Main Areas of Promise • Enabling Effective Collaboration • More Secure Communications • Directories • Increasing Integration of Tools • Giving users (only) what they want

  4. Enabling Collaboration • Shared Databases • Keyboard chat • Audio • Video • Teleconferencing

  5. Shared Databases • We can pass around floppies or CD-ROMs • Or, we can put databases on the Internet • Allows access from most places • Can allow update from most places • Well known browser interface makes it possible for users to view ‘reports’ easily • But isn’t super easy to do (yet)

  6. Keyboard chat • Can be on WWW (Java-based, etc) • Can be IRC • Can be MOO/MUD/VR based • Can build a real sense of friendship and collaboration • Can allow real time decision making when needed

  7. Audio (HOT!) • Phone calls using the Net (free int'l calls!?) • Friendlier than email for many cultures • No computer needed -- just a phone • A lot of commercial interest already • Audio conference calling also possible over the Internet • Tech support use shows promise too • See http://www.pulver.com and http://www.von.com

  8. Video and Teleconferencing • For when you need to see the other person’s face “almost like a real meeting” • Workable (mostly) over 28.8 modem connections • CU-SeeMe current popular client (Windows or Mac). Shareware. In use for ICCM! • Audio + video + kbd chat + shared whiteboard = decent expressive power • Not hard for normal Win95 or Mac users • See http://www.cuseeme.com • Netscape and MS both have similar technologies

  9. More secure communications • IPv6 -- designed to include auth and crypto • S/WAN. Packet level encryption for today • SSH - Secure shell. Works now! • PGP - application level. Works but hard

  10. IPv6 - next generation security • IPv6 is the next Internet packet format, specified in RFC1883. It mandates the ability to do good authentication and encryption at the level of each packet. • User doesn’t have to do anything special • Not here yet, except for a few experimenters on the 6-bone • Will be a normal part of your OS soon (Win98.5 anyone?)

  11. Secure/Wide Area Networking • Using the IPv6 technologies of packet level encryption, but on today's (IPv4) Internet • Has support of EFF, John Gilmore • Can be done now using commercial routers, or Linux boxes as routers, between two LANs • Has ‘FAX effect’ -- the more people use it, the more useful it is, so more people use it! • http://www.cygnus.com/~gnu/swan.html

  12. SSH (Secure SHell) • Unix freeware to do encrypted remote shell access • Then added tunnels for any TCP port • Now $99 commercial Windows 3.x/95/NT and Mac clients exist: F-Secure by F-Prot • It works, we use it at MAFxc and at FEBC • User has per session work, not per msg. • http://www.cs.hut/fi/ssh/

  13. Directories • How to organize and find things and people • LDAP is where everyone is headed (NT 5.0, Novell, Unix (slapd, others)... already in Netscape browsers and servers) • More than an online phone book • Can be updated by individual users and kept in sync worldwide • Distributed, not one central directory! So each organization can maintain their part. • http://apt.activevoice.com/ldap/ or http://www.umich.edu/~rsug/ldap/

  14. Integration • All these technologies... lots of clients? No! • One browser does it all • MS IE 4.0 extends browser to far beyond just surfing HTML pages on the WWW -- one way of handling both local and remote information and interaction with it • NetScape 4.0 is another ‘Swiss Army app’

  15. Giving Users what they want • Today’s Internet is soooo big • Users have to ‘go find’ what they want • The ‘push’ model reverses that • PointCast customized news pages are good examples. • NWfusion (techie example) another example, merging email and WWW well

  16. Summary • The Internet is more than just email and HTML • Voice communication is my hot pick for a growth area in Internet use • Greater collaboration, security and integration are also coming soon (now?) • Better ways to find stuff are needed • Let’s use these technologies where appropriate to build God’s Kingdom

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