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Doing Business with Government: Getting a Contract, Grant and Award

Doing Business with Government: Getting a Contract, Grant and Award. Panelists. Bob Alpago Assoc. Director – ATLSS Center, Lehigh University Leonard L. Bishop III Senior Auditor – Draw Professional Services, Inc. Christine Retarides Contract Administrator - Alcoa

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Doing Business with Government: Getting a Contract, Grant and Award

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Doing Business with Government:Getting a Contract, Grant and Award

  2. Panelists • Bob AlpagoAssoc. Director – ATLSS Center, Lehigh University • Leonard L. Bishop IIISenior Auditor – Draw Professional Services, Inc. • Christine RetaridesContract Administrator - Alcoa • Patrick McDonnellDirector – PA DEPModerator • William Michalerya Assoc. Vice President Government Relations – Lehigh University

  3. Today’s GoalDoing Business with Government • Sources of Funding • Partnerships • Recommendations • Success Stories


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