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The result of technology is digital e-learning. It is distinct from online learning or even just digital learning, though. Students who participate in digital learning do so with digital tools.<br><br>For Enquiry Contact Us:<br><br>Website: https://www.tutorsindia.com/<br>Mail: info@tutorsindia.com<br>(UK): 44-1143520021<br>IND: 91-8754446690<br>Whatsapp: 91-8754446690<br>For more info:<br>https://www.tutorsindia.com/blog/categories-technologies-and-instructional-methods-for-digital-learning/<br>
CATEGORIES,TECHNOLOGIES, AND INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS FOR DIGITAL LEARNING AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations, TutorsIndia Groupwww.tutorsindia.com Email:info@tutorsindia.com
TODAY'SDISCUSSION Introduction Computeranddigitaltechnologyinthe classroom BenefitsofTeachinginaDigitalAge EducationintheDigitalAge
INTRODUCTION In today’s world, technology is a popular topic. Without question, ithas swept the globe. Technology impacts every part of our lives,including cooking, communication, travelling, sports, and governance. Technology is dynamic, and it takes the right abilities to adjust to thisdynamic.Wecanonlyarmourselvesandadaptto technological changes through education. Therefore, education cannotfallbehindwhiletherestofsocietyadoptsdigital transformation. As a result, the field of education has undergone revolutionary upheavalduetotechnologicaladvances(Mahmood,2021). Contd...
The result of technology isdigital e-learning. It is distinct from onlinelearningorevenjustdigitallearning,though. Students who participate in digital learning do so with digital tools.Onlinecourses,audio-videolectures,studymaterials, textbooks,andreferencenotesareallpossible. It combines blended learning with online learning. On the other hand, digital e-learning is a method of knowledge that is entirely dependent on and made more accessible by electronic content. Teachers and students solely interact virtually and communicate withtheaidofelectricaldevices.
Digital e-learning is now a reality because of the Internet and AI innovation,whichhaverevolutionizedthefieldofeducation. Therearevariouskindsofdigitallearning strategies, including: Adaptive Education – Artificialintelligenceisused tocontrol anddirectadaptive learning. Basedonherresponsestoquestions,adaptivelearning determines a student's degree of understanding, herareas of strength,andherareasofweakness. Then, it offers a systematic delivery of simple knowledge for the studentstocomprehend(Saileretal.,2021). Contd...
Gamification and Badging – A studentisgiven digital badges for her academic performance in gamification, a motivatedlearning strategy. Studentsremainmotivated tolearnbecausetothe incentive ofgroupbadges. E-Textbook–Traditionaltextbookshavebeenmodernized andupdatedase-textbooks.Accordingtonumerous researchstudiesbyuniversitiesandothereducational institutions,E-textbooksare expectedtoovertake traditionalbooksinthenearfuture. Contd...
However, e-textbooks are preferable since they are less expensive, convenient to use and handle, non-perishable, and simpletoupdatetoreflectnewcircumstances. BlendedLearning–Combiningthebestelementsof is known as blended traditional and online learning learning. Both in-person and online classes are used to trainstudentsinthissituation. OnlineLearning– WiththeInternet,onlineeducation allows learners to expand theirknowledge. For example, an online learner can access on-demand lectures; most lessonsarepre-recorded(Nambiar,2020).
COMPUTERANDDIGITALTECHNOLOGYIN THECLASSROOM With modern technology like virtual reality, 3D printing, cloud computing,andaugmentedsocialnetworkingreality, classroomsarebeingupdated. Byshielding themfromdistractions,these devices assist in keepingpupilsinterestedintheirstudies.Teachershave noticedthatkidscancomprehendtheirlessonsmore effectively usingdigitaltechnologies. It also aids in a student's rapid comprehension and recall of thesubjectstheyhaveacquired. Contd...
InteractiveWhiteboards– Withinteractivewhiteboards, images from a computer can be projected using a digital projectorontoasizableboardthatismountedtothewall. It allows users to interact with the board's information using theirfingertipsorapen. Software Applications – Toaid studentsintheirlearning process,numerousapplications areaccessible.These programsarecreatedtorunonsmartphones, tablets,orPCs. The Internet also provides all of the online services that were not previously accessible, such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, and soon.
BENEFITSOFTEACHINGINADIGITALAGE Today,education is almost conducted online.Thepopularity of a platform that gives teachers the tools they need to teach online has increased inresponse to the demand for online education. A teacher must remember a few things when teaching in the digitalage(Milleretal.,2020). Considerthingsfromastudent'sviewpoint–Ateacher must consider the perspective of their students when teaching an onlinecourse. Contd...
This aids in the teacher's comprehension of the needs of the pupils and what will make learning more understandable for them. Technologyisusedextensively–Ateacherinanonline class must utilize technology thatsupports online learning , suchas videolectures,animation,andevenmovies,for courseslikethehumanities.
As importantas instructionis,learningisa talent.Theinitial requirement for learning is a willingness to learn. When learning through a digital media, a learner needs to be aware of a few factors. EliminateDistractions–Liketheuniverse,thedigitalworld has no end. When learners access the Internet for educational purposes, theyfrequentlywaste timeon pointless websites andapps,suchassocialnetworking. Butpupilsmustbepersistentintheirresolve toavoiddiversion. Contd... EDUCATIONINTHEDIGITALAGE
Don'tusetoomanysources–Choosingworthwhilematerialsforfocusedlearningcanbe challengingbecausethere isnoshortageofstudymaterialavailableonline. However,onemusttakecaretoavoidoverloadand maintaina finitepool oflearning resources(Baticulonetal., 2021). Digital e-learning, online learning, or digital learning– There are countless possibilities to learn and develop through all these educational methods. Anyone can know anything and gain expertiseintheirfieldofinterestwithdigital learning. Online education provides equal learning opportunities for both men and women, young and elderly(Llerena-Izquierdoetal.,2020). Contd...
Thus,theproportionofstudentsusingonline technologies to supplement their education is steadily rising. The growing trend suggests that as more things get digitized, there will be an increase in the number of studentsusingthesedigitalresources. To know more about the advantages of e-learning to researchers,kindlygetintouchwithTutorsIndia. Further, for writing a thesis on e-learning, cisco digital learning,and learningadvantages, withouta doubt, youcanalwaysreachouttoTutorsIndia.
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