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Learn about ASTM 4340 steel, its composition, properties, manufacturing processes, and why it is a suitable material for various applications. References included.

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  1. CAM AXLE Aaron Desjardins David Perry Jason Byrd Matthew Allard Ryan Beaumont Steve Schaub William Hotchkiss

  2. Axle Material – ASTM 4340 Heat Treated Cr Mo Steel “Low Alloy, Medium Carbon Steel” Weight Composition Material Properties

  3. Constituents 4340 SteelNon-ferritic Molybdenum Raises grain coarsening temperature of austentite Hardenability Less brittle High temperature tensile and creep strength Corrosion resistance Chromium Hardenability Resistance to corrosion and oxidation High Temperature strength Abraision resistance Nickel Strengthens unhardened steels by solution effects Toughness Promotes hardenability % weight

  4. Manufacturing 4340 Steel Annealing & Cold Working Lowers strength and hardness, but increases ductility, breaks continuous carbon networks Heated to 1550 °F, oil quenched to room temperature no faster than 50 °F per hour Regains strength by separating crystals to disorient slip planes Worked to achieve desired hardness and strength Normalizing & Tempering Increases strength and hardness, reduces ductility, homoginizes grain structure Heat to 1525 °F and hold, cool to room temperature in still air To temper, heat to 350 °F (depending on desired hardness) and hold for 1 hour minimum, quench cool

  5. Why This Material? Objectives Beam to support a shear loading Ease of manufacturing Target beginner to average climber Constraints High strength-to-cost High modulus-to-cost High fracture toughness Relatively small size Fatigue resistance

  6. High Strength-to-Cost

  7. High Modulus-to-Cost

  8. Rejected Materials Ceramics, Woods, Cast Iron Fracture toughness, fatigue Composites Machineability, COST Aluminum Strength 4340 Steel Meets objectives, satisfies constraints

  9. References Ashby, Michael F. Materials Selection In Mechanical Design, 2nd Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, 1999. ASM International Handbook Committee.Metals Handbook, Volume 1, 10th Edition. ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990. Bauccio, Michael.ASM Materials Reference Book, 3rd Edition. ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1993 Nayar, Alok.The Metal Databook. McGraw Hill, New York, 1997.

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