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A good practice from Portugal Lisbon Region Managing Authority

This good practice from Portugal's Lisbon Region Managing Authority focuses on empowering migrant and migrant descendant children and youngsters in critical areas through the "Generation Orchestra Project", aiming to contribute to their social integration and provide a favorable environment for their future projects in life.

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A good practice from Portugal Lisbon Region Managing Authority

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  1. Bacau - Romania - 30 September 2010 BHC - Building Healthy Communities Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” A good practice from Portugal Lisbon Region Managing Authority

  2. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority Who we are Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Development • Strategic Planning –“Lisboa 2020” Regional Development Plan • Territorial Planning and Management • Environment • Regional Operational Programme – POR Lisboa • Support to Local Government • Transnational and Inter-regional cooperation Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  3. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority We are an important link between central government and local administration (municipalities), but also regarding regional / European relations, through the management of the Regional Operational Programmes and the European territorial cooperation. Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  4. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority From 2007 to 2009 URBACT II City of Amadora Region of Lisbon Fast Track from the City to the Region Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  5. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority Critical areas concentration in the region Regional Strategy • Diagnosis: • - Concentration of migrants • High poverty rate and degraded life conditions • High taxes of failure and desertion in all the teaching levels • Risks of social conflict MILE was an opportunity to share different experiences with other cities and regions Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  6. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority Region and city: Common interests – different perspectives Region of Lisbon City of Amadora Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  7. MAIN GOAL Empower migrant and migrant descendent children and youngsters Contribute to social integration of children and young people resident in critical areas Provide a favourable environment to the future construction of individual projects of life A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority Empowering Migrant Communities – “Generation Orchestra Project” Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  8. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority Main target group CHILDREN 6 TO 16 YEARS OLD IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (1ST up to 7th)) IN PROBLEMATIC NEIGHBOURHOODS POSITIVE ACTION ON TO MIGRANTS, MIGRANT DESCENDENTS AND RESIDENTS OF DEGRADED QUARTERS Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  9. ● ● ● ● ● ● A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority ●2008 (pilot project in Amadora) Extended Regional Action: Call “Empowering organizations” of the Lisbon OP for all the 18 councils Axis 1 – “Competitiveness, Innovation and Knowledge” Obj. 5 – “To reinforce regional governance” 5/MAR/2009 - Approved joint metropolitan application from 6 cities Total investment: 881.225,00 € ERDF:352.490,00 € ●2009/10 Lisbon OP (new projects) Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  10. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  11. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority Another case The Tagus Estuary is the central space of the region, the entire urban system has developed around its margins. This space has conditions for the development of economic, sport and leisure activities and is crucial for the Region development. It is important to preserve the riverside in articulation to the use of the estuary, converting the obsolete industrial areas and promoting their use for economic activities and public leisure. The Operational Programme of Lisbon Region as a financial instrument to achieve this ambition. Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  12. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority We financed, under the flagship “Partnerships for Urban Regeneration”, intervention projects in urban waterfront areas. These areas are in a privileged location and it is their own identity that distinguishes them from other areas. Therefore it is a priority to qualify and make them available for the population. It is necessary to promote the proximity to water through their recovery, revitalization and attractiveness. Our Planning Strategy advocates an intervention in these territories, so we promoted meetings with all municipalities with waterfront in order to create strategies for restructuring its margins, able to be funded by the Regional Operational Programme. Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  13. A good practice from Portugal: Lisbon Region Managing Authority At these meetings we worked the strategies of each municipality, in order to have projects with sufficient quality for approval and have a real impact at local and regional level. In two calls - “Partnerships for Urban Regeneration: Riverfront" - 12 Action Programmeswere approved, sponsored by 10 municipalities in the Region, involving over 50 local and regional partners, and with ERDF funding over 35 million Euros. Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” - Bacau - 30 September 2010

  14. BHC - Building Healthy Communities Use of Structural Funds in developing "Health Gains” Thank You! joao.afonso@ccdr-lvt.pt www.ccdr-lvt.pt

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