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Summary of Factors Leading to New World Exploration

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Summary of Factors Leading to New World Exploration

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    1. Summary of Factors Leading to New World Exploration The Crusades (1095-1270) increased European desire for Asian spices and cloth. Europeans desired new trade routes to India and China

    2. Navigation skills improved through better use of instruments like the compass and astrolabe and construction of the stronger caravel ship. Leaders desired land, power, wealth, and conversions “Gold, Glory, and Gospel” People were searching for religious or political freedom.

    3. Renaissance Revival of learning and questioning in Europe People became interested in art, music, books (because of the printing press), etc…

    4. Reformation There was a call to REFORM (change) the Roman Catholic Church Groups broke away from the Roman Catholic Church because it was corrupt. Some of the instances of corruptions were: The Church owned too much land. The Church sold church jobs, The Church sold “indulgences” (forgiveness of sins).

    6. #2

    7. #3 Which of the following was not a result of the reformation? People left the Catholic church to start their own church. Pilgrims from England sought religious freedom in the New World. Spanish Catholics went to the New World to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. The Puritans became the most popular religious group in Europe.

    8. Spain colonizes the Americas First to discover the New World (Columbus 1492) Conquistadors (Spanish Explorers) Cortez conquered the Aztec Empire

    9. Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire

    10. 4 reasons Spanish conquered Better weapons: guns and cannons Frightened by white skinned people Gods fulfilling prophesy Lacked immunity to European diseases (measles and small pox)

    11. Coronado looked for the legendary Seven Cities of Gold. Explored New Mexico De Soto explored the Southeast and the Mississippi river. Ponce de Leon explored Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth

    12. Spain established the first settlement in what is today the U.S. St. Augustine, Florida. The Native in this area fought back more and Spain was not as successful.

    13. #4 Which of the following were Spanish explorers who conquered native American cultures? Coronados Conquistadors Crusaders Colombians

    14. #5 Which of the following explorers conquered the Incas in South America? Cortez Coronado Pizarro De Soto

    15. #6

    16. #7 Which of the following was not a reason for the Spanish being able to conquer the Natives. The Natives lacked immunities from disease. The Natives believed the Spanish were gods. The better weapons of the Spanish. The overwhelming number of Spaniards.

    17. Columbian Exchange When Columbus came to the Americas, the Indians were introduced to new foods from Europe. When Columbus went back to Europe, the Europeans were introduced to food that had been brought back from the Indians. The Columbian Exchange was not all positive. Some negative effects were: European diseases killed Indians Indians were enslaved Land was taken from Indians

    18. Other nations join in… After seeing Spain get gold and silver, French, Dutch and English begin to colonize.

    19. The French Settled the St. Lawrence River area (Canada) and the Mississippi River (Louisiana after King Louis) No gold found so went for the fur trade. Not a lot of families came. Influences today: Cajun and Creole!

    20. The Dutch Explored the Hudson River Bought Manhattan Island from natives Established New Netherlands colony with New Amsterdam as capital (now New York City)

    21. #8

    22. #9 Which Europeans would settle lands around the St. Lawrence River and the Mississippi River focusing on the fur trade? English Dutch French Spanish

    23. #10 Which Europeans settled the Hudson River Valley and the city New Amsterdam which is today New York? English Dutch French Spanish

    24. The English Sir Walter Raleigh attempted a colony at Roanoke (Lost colony of Roanoke) First permanent English colony at Jamestown. (But not first settlement, it was?)

    25. The joint stock company; Virginia Company established Jamestown to produce a profit. Settlers were given a right to elect representative (burgesses) Met in the House of Burgesses which became a model of democracy.

    26. Southern Colonies Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia Plantations (tracts of farmland devoted to one crop; tobacco, rice, indigo) would lead to slave-based agriculture. Indentured servants (7years work for passage)

    27. Triangular trade: Molasses from Caribbean to N.Y.; Rum from N.Y. to West Africa. Slaves from West Africa to the Caribbean

    28. New England Colonies Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. Puritans and Pilgrims who had separated from the Church of England. Farmers; Fishing, Lumber;

    29. Mayflower Compact: written by Pilgrims when arrived. Just and equal laws for all= idea of democracy!

    30. Middle Colonies New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland. Catholics - Maryland William Penn – Quaker- Pennsylvania

    31. Philadelphia (brotherly love) largest city of the colonies. Farming, fishing, shipping, trading Easiest place to get ahead, social advancement

    32. #11 Which of the following was the first successful English colony? Roanoke Jamestown New Netherland Philadelphia

    33. #12 How was the House of Burgesses in Jamestown significant to the formation of the United States? It granted land to proprietors for future settlements. It negotiated treaties with Native Americans so that England could settle land in Virginia. It was where Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. It was an example for how to create a democratic government.

    34. #13 Which of the following was not part of colonial “triangular trade”? Traders bought molasses in the Caribbean. Molasses was made into rum in New York. Rum was sold to England for money to buy molasses. West Africa exchanged slaves for rum.

    35. #14 Which country settled mainly in eastern North America? Russia England Spain Portugal

    36. #15 When the thirteen colonies were established in the New World, why did the Southern colonies pursue a slave-based system of agriculture? The Southern colonist grew cash crops such as tobacco, which required many laborers to cultivate it. The Southern colonists were all very wealthy. The Southern colonies were primarily by pro-slavery groups from England. Southern colonist wanted to promote more racial diversity in their colonies.

    37. Colonial Life Hardship, danger, individual freedom, hard work and self reliance. Proprietors (wealthy merchants) financed and owned much land. Governors and legislature (began with House of….?)

    38. Mercantilism: economic system based on gold need to export more than import! Britain used colonies to export to!

    39. Coasting along… England has its own problems… Catholic vs. Church of England and all those Protestant groups! England fighting Spain then France.

    40. French and Indian War (Seven Years War) Who was fighting who? English and their Indian allies vs. France and their Indian allies This was the last and most decisive battle for the land between the Mississippi and the Atlantic.

    42. England and Colonist Win! Proclamation Line of 1763 : Don’t settle west of this line you colonist! England didn’t want to spend more money to fight … even Indians.

    43. #16 According to this theory, a nation’s power is measured by its gold reserves. A country strives to export more than it imports in order to create a surplus of gold. This theory is called. Capitalism Supply side economics Socialism Mercantilism

    44. #17 Who were adversaries in the French and Indian War? French and Indians Algonquians and Hurons Britain and its colonies Britain and France

    45. #18 Which term describes the trading relationship between England and its American colonies before the Revolutionary War? Democracy Colonialism Balanced trade Manifest destiny

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