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17 y ears. Jack Roberts Alysha Prowse Henry Hocking Jacob Mason. Setting the scene. It’s 01:13 am on Friday Our film is set in Amsterdam on a housing estate There are lots of flats around There is a nearby park Walls have graffiti on them. synopsis.
17 years Jack Roberts Alysha Prowse Henry Hocking Jacob Mason
Setting the scene • It’s 01:13 am on Friday • Our film is set in Amsterdam on a housing estate • There are lots of flats around • There is a nearby park • Walls have graffiti on them
synopsis A young boy, Adam Jones, witnesses his mother (Catherine Jones) being murdered by his father (Frank Jones). Who is then killed by a mystery character. However the police maintain that Adam’s dad committed suicide. After this incident Adam goes into a foster family and is never quite the same. He changes his name to James McCaffrey (the same second name as his foster parents). Tormented by his parents death, James starts to get into drugs and gangs. One of his best friends, Johnny G, almost like a brother, is the son of the gang leader Kofez. As James begins to settle down into gang life, he starts to notice something is wrong. To prove his loyalty in the gang he is handed a note, much like the one his father dropped, telling him to kill someone. He does it. To show he is worthy of being in the gang, he is given a ring, and states that it is similar to the one his father wore every day. As James begins to put the pieces together, Kofez realises that James is the son of ex gang member Frank Jones, James' father. James goes to confront Kofez himself, in order to avenge his parents’ death. Johnny G knocks Kofez out and tells James to leave. As James is walking away from the building, we hear a single gunshot, and then the film ends.
characters • We have a range of characters acting in our opening sequence; • A young boy named Adam Jones grows up to change his name to James McCaffrey after witnessing his mother and fathers death. • Adam’s Mother – Catherine Jones gets killed by Frank Jones who is a member of the gang that Adam joins later in life. • Adam’s Father – Frank Jones gets shot by a character, but the police are certain it was suicide. • Older Adam – James McCaffrey joins the his father’s old gang and attempts to avenge his mother’s death • James’ Friend – Johnny G helps James with his quest although he is the son of the gang leader Kofez/ • Gang Leader – Kofez realises that James is the son of Frank and tries to kill him.
Script SCENE1: INT: ADAMS BEDROOMCatherine wakes Adam up, shaking him franticallyCatherine: Adam! Adam get up!Adam looking tired and confusedAdam: What is it? What’s happening?Catherine: Adam, quickly hide under your bed Adam tries to interrupt Catherine: (pulls Adam closer, lowering voice almost to a whisper) Adam, get under your bed and be quiet everything will be ok if you just listen, promise me you won’t come out Adam
script Adam: but mum what’s… Catherine: I love you Adam, never forget that… now hide, and be quiet Catherine kisses Adam on the forehead, the moment is broken by the sudden bang at the door, Catherine gets up and exits his room, the door closes quietly, Adam gets under the bed anxiously listening to his mum in heated argumentFrank: Where is he! Tell me where he is!Catherine: He’s not here.Frank: Where is he?! He’s in his room isn’t he!Catherine: He’s not here! Frank: Where is he?!
script Catherine: He’s at my sisters get out!Frank: Good…Catherine: No what are you doing?!We hear gunshots from outside the room, the arguing stop. The shadow of the feet under the door appear to walk away. The door bursts open and a man walks in, stops in front of the bed and drops a note. We hear a second pair of footsteps and someone appears in the doorway, we hear another gunshot and frank falls to the floor face to face with adam.Adam wakes up in bed 17 year later, scared and sweating slightly sits up and sighs.