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NIEHS-MAST ACADEMY OCEANS AND HUMAN HEALTH CHALLENGE. Friday, February 28 th 9:00 – 11:30 PM Auditorium at the MAST Academy, Miami Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL 9:30-9:40 Pre-Show Students and Teachers enter auditorium
NIEHS-MAST ACADEMY OCEANS AND HUMAN HEALTH CHALLENGE Friday, February 28th 9:00 – 11:30 PM Auditorium at the MAST Academy, Miami Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL 9:30-9:40 Pre-Show Students and Teachers enter auditorium 9:40-10:10 Scientists talk briefly on their research and how they came to be a scientist 10:10-10:50: Ocean Challenge Game MAST Ocean Bowl Teams vs. Scientists 10:50-11:05 Open Mike Students in audience get a chance to ask questions of scientists Moderator: Master of Ceremonies: Jeff Burnside, NBC6 Pat Walsh PhD, UM NIEHS Center Science Experts: Dan Baden PhD, Biochemical Toxicologist (UNC, Wilmington, NC); Lora E Fleming MD, PhD, Physician/Epidemiologist (UM NIEHS Center); Roberta Johnson PhD, Environmental Educator (National Center for Atmospheric Research, CO); Gus Loret de Mola EdD, District Science Supervisor (M-DCPS, FL); Ken Olden PhD, Director NIEHS (RTP, NC); Shirley Pomponi PhD, Natural Products Chemist (Harbour Branch Oceanographic Institution, FL); Ellen Prager PhD, Oceanographer/Educator (RSMAS, Miami, FL); Helena Solo-Gabriele PhD, Environmental Engineer (UM, Miami, FL); Fred Tyson PhD, NIEHS Environmental Scientist (RTP, NC) MAST Academy Students: Mr. Mark Tohulka, Science Teacher MAST Academy; Amaury Betancourt, MAST Student; Jeremy Citron, MAST Student; Alex Correa, MAST Student; Rachel Dacks, MAST Student; Adlai Grayson, MAST Student; Andy Mendoza, MAST Student; David Miskis, MAST Student; Chris Rokicki, MAST Student; Zack Sherman, MAST Student; Monica Simo, MAST Student http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/groups/niehs/townmeeting2003 Special Thanks to:Dr. Consuelo Dominguez (Principal) and the entire staff of the MAST academy; Mr. Mark Tohulka and the MAST Academy National Ocean Bowl Teams; Dr. Otis Brown (Dean of RSMAS); Still Photography: Ms. Aleja Ortiz; Video: Dr. Hilarie Davis; Audio: Dr. Lisa Pitman (MFBSC/Miami-Dade Public Schools); Computer Production: Ms. Gayl Van De Bogart (MFBSC/RSMAS); Gaffer: Mr. Terry Pitman; Publicity: Alex Ravinet (University of Miami); Post-Production: Ms. Bryanna Herzog (UM-Digital Media Lab); AV Technical Support: Mr. Shaheed Haniff (MAST Academy); Special Funding and Support thanks to the staff of the: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), NIEHS Marine and Freshwater Biomedical Science Center (NIEHS P30 ES 05705); Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (University of Miami); MAST Academy and Miami-Dade Public Schools; Sonesta International Hotels, Coconut Grove, FL; MSCI, Inc.