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Professional Development

Professional Development. Strengths and Opportunities. ComETS Community of Educational Technology Support at UW-Madison. WELCOME. New to Comets?. Announcements. Cheryl Diermyer. Lisa Jansen. Don Schutt. Professional Development. Strengths and Opportunities. Expand. Increase.

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Professional Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Professional Development Strengths and Opportunities

  2. ComETS Community of Educational Technology Support at UW-Madison WELCOME New to Comets? Announcements

  3. Cheryl Diermyer Lisa Jansen Don Schutt Professional Development Strengths and Opportunities

  4. Expand Increase Motivate Professional Development Strengths and Opportunities

  5. Think Broadly

  6. Defining Professional Development Definition #1: Any activity that helps you in your current job… • perform your job better • take on additional or different responsibilities • stay current with developments in your field • acquire certification(s) … OR prepares you for your next job(s)

  7. Defining Professional Development Definition #2: “The systematic maintenance, improvement, and broadening of knowledge and skills, and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional duties throughout working life.” Source: Institution of Engineering and Technology

  8. Defining Professional Development Definition #3: “It is the process which keeps us interested in our work, gives us the the drive to progress our careers, keeps industry competitive, and, ultimately, makes us employable throughout our lives.” Source: Information Technology Services (ITS) at the University at Albany, State University of New York

  9. Core Skill Set for IT Jobs Customer Service Leadership and Management Technology Expertise Source: http://connect.educause.edu/Library/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/TailoringProfessionalDeve/44836

  10. Picturing your ideal core skill set Collective Interpersonal Technical Individual Source: C2 Skills Framework in Leading Geeks by Paul Glen.

  11. Picturing your ideal core skill set • Technical competence • Personal productivity • Ability to: • juggle multiple tasks simultaneously • describe the business context of technical work • forge compromises between business and technical constraints • manage client relationships • manage technical teams • play positive politics • help expand client relationships • work through others, to make others productive • manage ambiguity • manage time horizons Source: “Performing Geekwork: The Twelve Competencies” in Leading Geeks by Paul Glen.

  12. Assessment & Reflection: Developing self awareness • 360 Evaluations • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)http://www.ccas.wisc.edu/explorationcenter/resources.html# • Johari Windowhttp://kevan.org/johari • Other?

  13. Strength-Based Approach to Career Development

  14. Opportunities • Discounts and Grants • Campus offerings • ComETS/Professional organizations • Mentoring • Campus service, including governance • Stretch assignments • Volunteering, moonlighting, consulting Comets link http://comets.wisc.edu/node/1005 Eastern Campus - UW-Madison University Communications

  15. Follow up possibilities ComETS Up coming Events

  16. Thank you!

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