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Manhattanville College Spring 2013

Portfolio Workshop Preparing for Your First Review. Manhattanville College Spring 2013. Workshop Overview. Submitting Your First Portfolio Review via ePortfolio Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – FORMS Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – EDUCATION

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Manhattanville College Spring 2013

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  1. Portfolio Workshop Preparing for Your First Review Manhattanville College Spring 2013

  2. Workshop Overview • Submitting Your First Portfolio Review via ePortfolio • Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – FORMS • Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – EDUCATION • Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – ESSAYS • Portfolio Resources • General Requirements of the Manhattanville Undergraduate Degree and General Education Requirements • Academic Policies & Procedures to Remember When Planning for Completion of Your Degree • Important Dates and Deadlines to Remember

  3. ePortfolio Info All Sophomores will submit Portfolios via ePortfolio 1) Logon on to your Digication ePortfolio account 2) Download the Manhattanville Portfolio template 3) Fill in the template with the required forms and essays: •  Descriptions of the required forms and essays can be found on the Manhattanville Portfolio System website 4) Have your Advisor and Major and Minor chairpersons electronically approve your Portfolio submission 5) Electronically submit your ePortfolio

  4. ePortfolio Info • How do you do all of this?? • Information can be found on the ePortfolio Help website:https://mville.digication.com/ePhelp • eTerns (student ePortfolio workers): available 3pm-9pm Sundays through Fridays in the ePortfolio Lab (2nd floor of the Library) • eTern workshops, including Sophomore submission (see calendar)

  5. ePortfolio Info • How do I download the Manhattanville Portfolio template? • How do I get my forms and essays electronically signed by my advisor and departmental chairpersons? • How do I electronically submit my Portfolio? • Where do I go for help?

  6. Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – FORMS • The General Study PlanIllustrates on a semester-by-semester basis the course of proposed study, listing each course the student has taken and plans to take in each semester to fulfill all degree requirements and graduate (general education, major, minor and Liberal Arts credit requirements). **Remember to count a minimum of 120 credits and a minimum number of Liberal Arts Credits for your applicable degree:Minimum of 90 Liberal Arts credits for BA degrees Minimum of 60 Liberal Arts credits for the BS degree Minimum of 30 Liberal Arts credits for BFA and BMus degrees • The Major/Minor Checklist A list of all courses taken and projected to fulfill the requirements of the student’s chosen major and minor. If a student chooses to double major, a minor is not required; however, the student should complete a separate checklist for each major, leaving the minor area blank.

  7. Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – FORMS • General Education ChecklistStudents must use it to list all courses taken and projected to fulfill the College's general education requirements. The courses that a student chooses to satisfy the Global Awareness Requirement should also be listed on this form (see below). • Global Awareness RequirementRequires that students complete two courses (6 credits) devoted to the study of a geographical or cultural area with which they were not previously familiar, or to the comparative study of cultural or behavioral differences, value or belief systems, religions, educational systems, community structures, economic or governmental systems, or artistic traditions. Students should use the descriptions of courses as listed in the Manhattanville College Catalog to determine the appropriateness of courses to satisfy this requirement, as well as confer with their advisor.  It should be noted, however, that introductory level foreign language classes (Levels I and II) do not fulfill this global awareness requirement. Students should list their chosen courses on the General Education Worksheet, which will be submitted with their First and Final Portfolio submissions.

  8. Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – ESSAYS • Freshman Essay • Connecting to the Liberal ArtsA narrative examination of the importance of the liberal arts to your education, both inside and outside of the classroom. This essay provides the opportunity to explore the courses you have taken, what you have gained from these courses, how they have helped you to identify a major and minor area of study, and how they will shape your remaining time here at Manhattanville. • Examining the MissionAsks students to explore how their educational and extracurricular activities together have helped them to better understand and engage with the College’s mission. A critical examination of one’s self and his or her relationship to the mission of this institution is expected. • Work of Which You Are Most ProudThe sample may be a paper, a photograph, a video of a dance or music recital, a piece of creative writing, or a mathematical proof, to name some examples. Along with the submission of the piece of work, students are asked to write a reflection about why they are proud of this piece of work and how and in what ways they have grown through its completion

  9. Required Components of the Portfolio for FIRST REVIEW – EDUCATION • Students completing a program of study in Education should also complete: • Education Major Approval Form, which supplements the Major/Minor checklist used for the liberal arts major. OR • Dual Degree in Education Approval Form, which lists the liberal arts major and minor courses, in addition to graduate courses and Education co-requisite courses. ** The major and minor departmental chairs and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Advising in the School of Education must approve each of the forms listed above.

  10. Resources to Assist You in Preparing Your Portfolio • Peer Portfolio AdvisorsYour fellow students are ready and waiting to guide students working on their Portfolio submissions and are offering “office hours” in the ePortfolio Lab (2nd Floor of the Library) • Kara A. Johnston [johnstonka@student.mville.edu] Thursdays 4:30-6:30pm • ElizavetaNikitin [nikitine@student.mville.edu] Mondays 5-7pm • SofieSantamarina [sofiesantamarina@hotmail.com] Wednesdays 5:00-7:00pm • Manhattaville Portfolio Website http://www.mville.edu/undergraduate/academics/academic-advising/portfolio/2328-first-review-sophmores-fall-2009-or-later.html • College CatalogReview Degree Requirements, Major and Minor Requirements, confirm Liberal Arts designation for courses, explore course descriptions, etc. • Your Faculty AdvisorReview all forms for Portfolio submission, ask questions about general degree/major/minor requirements and after doing so, ensure your Advisor approves required forms. • Department ChairsReview Major/Minor Checklist, ask questions about major/minor requirements, your planned sequencing of major/minor courses and be sure Department Chair approves required forms. • Academic Advising OfficeLocated in Founders G8

  11. General Requirements of the Manhattanville Undergraduate Degree • Completion of General Education Requirements in place for ALL students regardless of major or program • Completion of a major (usually with course grades of C or better, though some majors accept a C- or higher) • Completion of a minor (usually with course grades of C or better, though some minors accept a C- or higher) OR a second major A minimum of 90 Liberal Arts Credits for the BA A minimum of 60 Liberal Arts Credits for the BS A minimum of 30 Liberal ArtsCredits for the BFA and BMus • Completion of a minimum of 120 credits (some majors may exceed 120 credits) with an overall average of C (2.0) or better • Two Portfolio Submissions with a final grade of Pass (“P”)

  12. General Education RequirementsStudents Entering Fall 2009 and Later Students who entered the College in Fall 2009 and thereafter follow the Competency based model of General Education and must complete the following three categories to fulfill their General Education requirements for graduation: I: Competency Requirements** II: Distribution Area Requirements** III: Global Awareness Requirement (in portfolio) **An official list of courses approved by the Committee on Core Curriculum as satisfying general education requirements is made available to students in the registration period for each semester and can be found on the College’s General Education webpage: http://www.mville.edu/undergraduate/academics/general-education.html

  13. Competency RequirementsStudents Entering Fall 2009 and Later **An official list of courses approved by the Committee on Core Curriculum as satisfying general education requirements will be made available to students in the registration period for each semester by the Registrar Competency Requirements† Competency Requirements total 37 credits Quantitative Reasoning (6 credits) Critical Analysis and Reasoning (6 credits) Scientific Reasoning (6 credits) Oral Communication (3 credits) Written Communication (6 credits) Second Language (maximum of 6 introductory-level credits in one language or demonstration of equivalent competency of reaching intermediate level) Technological Competency (3 credits) Information Literacy (1 credit) †In order for the student to count a course toward the General Education competency (and fill a distribution), the student must earn a minimum final grade of C-

  14. Distribution Area RequirementsStudents Entering Fall 2009 and Later Distribution Area Requirements All Manhattanville undergraduates who entered in Fall 2009 and thereafter must complete the indicated credit requirement in all four of the following curricular distribution areas in addition to Competency Areas: Humanities (6 credits) Social Science (6 credits) Mathematical (3 credits) & Scientific (3 credits) Fine Arts (6 credits) **Distribution area requirements can be fulfilled only by courses also approved for a General Education Competency. An official list of courses approved by the Committee on Core Curriculum as satisfying general education requirements, including Distribution value, will be made available to students in the registration period for each semester by the Registrar. In order for the student to receive the General Education competency, and therefore fill a Distribution, the student must receive a minimum grade of C-

  15. Academic Policies & Procedures to Remember When Planning forCompletion of Your Degree Requirements • All full-time undergraduates should plan to register for a minimum of 15 – 16 credits per semester. • Full-time students may not withdraw below 12 credits without special permission. • Students are permitted to take a maximum of 19 credits per semester (more if a declared Music or Dance/Theatre major or member of Castle Scholars). • If a student wishes to exceed the maximum credits in a semester, he/she must complete a course overload request and submit it to the Registrar’s office for the Provost’s consideration. • The student’s cumulative gpa, past academic performance, and reason for requesting the overload will all be considered. • Beginning Fall 2012 and later, courses taken below the 4000-level with an earned final grade of C- or lower MAY BE REPEATED FOR GRADE REPLACEMENT, HOWEVER CREDIT IS ONLY AWARDED ONCE • The lower of the two grades will be removed from the student’s GPA calculation. Repeated course work must be taken FA12 or later to benefit from this policy (it cannot be applied retroactively for courses completed prior to FA12). There is a limit of 5 grade replacements that may be applied within your academic career.

  16. Important Upcoming Dates • March 8 – March 25: Midterm Grade Reports (Students will receive reports through campus e-mail via Starfish) • March 22 – Undergraduate Program Declarations Due • March 25 – April 5: Full-time Undergraduate Advising Period • April 8 – April 19: Full-time Undergraduate Registration for Fall 2013 • April 12: COURSE WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE • May 6 – PORTFOLIOS DUE • May 7 – May 11: Final Exams

  17. Board on Academic Standards (BOAS) • Dr. Courtney Kelly • Education • Dr. Wendy McFarlane • Biology • Dr. William Perkins • Economics, Finance and Management • Dr. Gregory Swedberg • History • Dr. Alison Carson BOAS Chair Spring 2012 Psychology • Dr. Ross Collin Education • Dr. JoAnne Ferrara Education • Dr. Lynn Huber Education

  18. Academic Advising Staff • The Office of Academic Advising is located in Founders G-8 • The main number for Advising is (914) 323-5353 • We are open • Monday – Friday • 9am – 5pm • ***************************** • Ann SheaAdministrative Assistant sheaa@mville.edu (914) 323-5353 • Carolina RodriguezSecretary • Jennifer B. TalbotDean of Studies Class Dean for Seniors Jennifer.Talbot@mville.edu (914) 323-5181 • Delwing B. GainesClass Dean for Sophomores, Juniors and Transfer Students Delwing.Gaines@mville.edu (914) 323-5312 • Shirley BakerClass Dean for Freshmen Shirley.Baker@mville.edu (914) 323-5147

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