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Explore the division caused by slavery, the Compromise of 1850, resistance and violence, new political parties, and conflicts leading to secession. Examine the impact of these events on the outcome of the Civil War.
Do Now: 9/22 or 9/23 Refer to the image to the left. What do you see? What do you think happened? How do you feel about this image? Explain. How might this image be used to support the abolitionist movement?
Do Now: 9/24 You are going to hear a letter read from a slave to his former master. On your Do Now write: Jordan Anderson to Master: August 7, 1865 1) What does Jordan say he now makes in wages? 2) What does he say his time served was worth? 3) Do you think he will return to his former master, why?
Do Now: 9/26 Use the Northern and Southern resources chart on page 169 to answer the following in complete sentences: Which side had the advantage in terms of industrial production? What was the approximate population of the North? The South? What predictions can you make about the outcome of the Civil War from this information? Use evidence from the chart.
Do Now: 9/29-9/30 Write “North” and “South” on the top of two columns for your Do Now. -Put the following terms, people, or description under the correct column (do this from memory or use Chapter 4 if needed: Blue Grey Jefferson Davis Robert E. Lee Richmond Washington DC Abraham Lincoln Slave States Gettysburg Stonewall Jackson Ulysses Grant Union Confederacy
4.1 The Divisive Politics of Slavery How did slavery divide the nation?
Differences Between the North and South • The North and South had developed into very separate regions • The South depended on slavery; the Northern industry did not need it and opposition grew • In 1849, CA asked to enter the Union as a free state; Southerners were angry b/c much of CA was south of the Missouri Compromise Line • They felt that any move to ban slavery was an attack on their way of life and threatened secession, the decision to leave the Union
The Compromise of 1850 • Henry Clay presented the Compromise of 1850 • To please the North, it said that CA would be admitted as a free state • To please the South, it included the Fugitive Slave Act, which required Northerners to return escaped slaves to their masters • It also included popular sovereignty, or the right to vote for or against slavery, for New Mexico and Utah territories
Protest, Resistance, Violence • Many Northerners were angry over the Fugitive Slave Act; freed African Americans and white abolitionists organized the Underground Railroad, a secret network of volunteers who hid fugitive slaves on their journey north to freedom • Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave, was a famous ‘conductor’, or worker
Continued • Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) showed slavery’s horrors to Northerners, while Southerners saw the book as an attack on their way of life • Meanwhile, the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 split Nebraska into the territories of Nebraska and Kansas; both could decide whether to allow slavery • Pro and anti slavery people rushed to Kansas to try to sway the vote, which earned it the nickname “Bleeding Kansas” after violence broke out on both sides
New Political Parties Emerge • Franklin Pierce, a Democrat, was elected President in 1852 • Several new parties appeared in the North: • Free Soil Party: against the extension of slavery but not abolitionist • Know-Nothing Party: supported Nativism and was against immigration; feared slavery competing with the wage labor system in the North • Republicans: formed in 1854 and brought together Free-Soilers, Whigs, Democrats, and nativists
Conflicts Lead to Secession • Dredd Scott was a slave who’d been taken to free states for a time and claimed that being in free states had made him free • In 1857, b/c of his case, the Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property protected by the Constitution • Southerners felt that this decision allowed slavery to be extended into the territories
Continued • In 1858, Stephen Douglas ran against Abraham Lincoln in Illinois for a Senate seat • They held a series of debates about slavery in the territories that became known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates and made Lincoln famous • He was then nominated for President in 1860; his election was not supported by the South and caused them to secede from the Union in 1860 • By Feb. 1861, seven Southern states had seceded; they feared an end to their way of life in the Union and felt they had lost their political power in the US • They formed the Confederacy, with Jefferson Davis as their President