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The marae

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The marae

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  1. A marae is a cultural and sacred place which gives social and religious purposes in Polynesian society. In Māori society the marae is a place where you can speak the language and where customs can be explored. The marae can be held for many occasions as well. The marae is a great place to visit with its cultural scenery and beautiful Māori carvings. The marae By Krishnan

  2. Marae facts The marae is the sacred Māori meeting place. A marae is normally in front of a meeting house. The word marae normally refers to the whole building.

  3. Marae questions

  4. question 1what is a marae A marae is a sacred Māori meeting house where you can speak the language, explore customs and be yourself. The marae is an institution from classical Māori society

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