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L’ Imparfait

L’ Imparfait. Is a past tense You do not need a helping verb You need the “nous” form of the present tense You drop the “ ons ” from the nous form to have the stem. Imparfait. The stem is the “nous” form minus “ ons ” You add the endings to the stem

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L’ Imparfait

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Presentation Transcript

  1. L’ Imparfait • Is a past tense • You do not need a helping verb • You need the “nous” form of the present tense • You drop the “ons” from the nous form to have the stem

  2. Imparfait • The stem is the “nous” form minus “ons” • You add the endings to the stem • The endings are: ais, ais,ait, ions, iez, aient • Example: verb regarder • “nous” form: regardons • Stem: regard • Imparfait: je regardais, etc….

  3. When do you use the Imparfait? • When you want to say : I used to • When you want to describe a progressive past action • To talk about the weather • To talk about the time • To describe people • To talk about feelings

  4. Imparfait • When you want to say was happening compared to something that happened • The Imparfait is different from the passé composé • The imparfait is used to describe a habit • I was watching is imparfait • I watched is passé composé

  5. Parler in the Imparfait • Je parlais Nous parlions • TuparlaisVousparliez • Il parlaitIlsparlaient

  6. Passé composé and Imparfait • You can have the two tenses in the same sentence. • Example: • Je regardais la téléquand ma copineest • arrivée. • I was watching TV when my friend came.

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