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Welcome to Health I ____________________ Ms. Hartman Room 008.
Welcome to Health I ____________________ Ms. Hartman Room 008
Welcome to Health I. By successfully completing the required work and attendance requirements, you will be able to continue with Health II. BOTH classes are a graduation requirement. Health I is designed to enable students to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions for a lifetime. In Health I, students explore a broad range of topics that relate to the following priority health areas as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): nutrition, dietary practices and physical fitness, prevention and reduction of tobacco use, prevention of drug and alcohol use, intentional and unintentional injuries, HIV/AIDS/ sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), and unintentional pregnancies. In this course you will be able to make positive choices about your lifestyle that will impact you for the rest of your life.
Course Objectives Students will be able to: Analyze the role of the individual responsibility for enhancing personal health. Evaluate a personal health assessment to determine strategies for health enhancement and risk reduction. Develop strategies to improve or maintain personal, family, and community health. Analyze how behavior can impact health maintenance and disease and prevention. Analyze how the family, peers, and community influence the health of individuals. Develop how to delay onset and reduce risks of potential health problems during adulthood. Analyze how cultural diversity enriches and challenges health behaviors. Demonstrate skills for communicating effectively with family, peers, and community. Demonstrate the ability to utilize various strategies when making decisions related to health needs and risks. Demonstrate the ability to influence and support others in making positive health choices.
What you should bring to class (Required Texts and Other Supplies) • Textbook: Glencoe 2009 electronic textbook • Pen or pencil, notebook (preferably a 3-ring binder), 1 folder
Assignments/Assessments Students should the following types of assessments each quarter: • Quizzes • Written essays • Projects
Classwork Daily agenda is always on the front screen. Highly recommend writing it in your planner. Occasionally there will be a quiz. All work is to be done individually unless directed otherwise.
Current Event article (CE) is due every other Wednesday, unless directed otherwise. A current event is a print article from current resources that is health related. Statement on Scholastic Honesty Students are expected to do all their own work. Students that hand in assignments that are copied or allowed other students to copy will receive no credit on that assignment. Students who plagiarize the work of others should expect academic and behavior consequences.
HOW?? Step by step process to ensure success (required) • Choose a health related article in the newspaper, magazine, website, etc. • Write a ONE page summary in your own words. Plagiarism will not be tolerated (refer to previous slide). • Cut/ print out the article. • Staple the article on TOP of your summary. • Place your summary in your hour’s tray as you walk in. Summaries will not be collected, just turned in. • Current Events are worth 10 points a piece (10/10). Absent on a due date? Your CE is due your first day back.
Want Extra Credit? • You may type your summary for 2 extra points!! that’s 12/10! (it adds up). • You will ONLY receive extra credit if the summary is typed within the following guidelines: 12 point font Double spaced 1” margins Times New Roman font **ONE completed typed page** NO EXCEPTIONS if done incorrectly, you will not receive the extra +2 points, just full credit
Grading Policies Grading Criteria: Most assignments will be based on a point system. A few assignments will be graded with a rubric that is given to the student prior to the due date. Grading Scale: A 90-100% B 89-80% C 79-70% D 69-60% F less than 59%
Late Work – All work is due on the assessment day (whatever the assessment is) unless a date has been assigned. • Extra Credit may be added within an assignment or in another assignment.
Extra credit may also be awarded by providing Kleenex, hand sanitizer, etc. The school does not provide these items.
Attendance Students are expected to be in class every day. It is important to remember that many class periods that may involve a learning activity that cannot be replicated. If a student is absent, they should plan on making up what they missed. Tutorials are often the best way to make up what was missed. According to Patrick Henry High School’s grading attendance policy, if a student is absent 8 times during the quarter, he or she will receive a failing grade in the class. Appeals may ONLY be made for extenuating circumstances and must originate with the teacher.
Communication The best way to get a hold of me is come to room 008 or email at dana.hartman@mpls.k12.mn.us. Please allow 24 hours to return messages. Specific information, assignment information and resources can be found on the teacher websites at http://henry.mpls.k12.mn.us/Ms_Hartman.html Please come to conferences! Academic Support Tutorials- usually mornings, or a date and time agreed by the student
Course Calendar These are topics that will be covered in 1 semester. The Centers for Disease and Control have prioritize the following topics to be covered upon finishing high school health. The National Standard associated with that topic is also listed.
Quarter 1 Module 1: Introduction to Health Module 2: Building Healthy Life Skills Module 3: Nutrition Module 4: Substance Abuse – Tobacco and Alcohol Module 5: Substance Abuse – Illegal Drugs Module 6: Communicable Diseases Quarter 2 Module 7: Non-communicable Diseases and Disorders Module 8: Asthma Awareness Module 9: Human Sexuality Module 10: Sexually Transmitted Infections Module 11: HIV and AIDS Module 12: Family Relationships