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American Imperialism. The Spanish American War Annexation of Hawai'i. Vocabulary. Imperialism – Extending a country’s political or economic authority over other territories. Rebellion – organized defiance of the government in charge.
American Imperialism The Spanish American WarAnnexation of Hawai'i
Vocabulary • Imperialism – Extending a country’s political or economic authority over other territories. • Rebellion – organized defiance of the government in charge. • Annexation – Adding land from one to another country, usually without permission. • Territory/Colony – A piece of land that’s controlled by another country but not fully part of that country. • Coups d'état – the overthrow of a government by non-democratic means (sometimes force)
Cuba In Rebellion - 1895 • Cuba was Spanish Colony • Cuba was fighting for independence from Spain • The rebellion (in 1895) was lead by Jose Marti • Cuba is only 90 miles from Florida and the US was very interested in getting Spain out of our backyard.
Spain Responded to Rebellion • Spain sent General Valereano Weyler to crush Cuban rebellion. • He placed thousands of Cubans into “concentration camps” – thousands die. • U.S. is getting nervous about the violence.
The United States & Cuba Why did we care about Cuba? • 50 million dollar Cuban sugar industry • Trade was going downhill because of fighting there… Made US businessmen angry. • US was concerned over hunger, starvation, and disease in Cuba
American Response • By 1896, tensions were very high in Havana • Havana is the Capitol City of Cuba • McKinley responded by sending U.S.S. Maine to Havana Harbor • McKinley was intending to protect American citizens and property
“Remember the Maine” 260 Americans are killed
What happened to the Maine? • Explosion was initially a mystery • U.S. immediately blamed Spain for the incident • Later investigations pointed to internal engine problems
Quick Quiz • Explain Imperialism? (own words) • Explain THREE facts about the Cuban rebellion. • How did Spain respond? • Why was U.S. interested in Cuba? THREE FACTS. • What happened in Havana Harbor? Why was the boat there in the first place? Who did the U.S. blame?
Yellow Journalism • Press printed headlines and stories with little attention to facts • Their Goal was to gain readers to make $$$ • William Randolph Hearst famous publisher of Yellow Journalism • Angry public pushed American government to declare war.
McKinley Responds • June 20th 1898 • 17,000 troops sent to Cuba to fight Spanish • Sends Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders - special unit under Roosevelt (Secretary of Navy)
Spanish American War in Cuba • San Juan Hill • Decisive battle of Spanish American War • Rough Riders charged up the hill in heroic fashion • T. Roosevelt awarded Medal of Honor for his heroism
War expands to the Philippines • The Philippines was a Spanish Colony • US Commodore George Dewey destroyed 10 Spanish ships with 6 American ships • Filipino independence rebel Emilio Aguinaldo helped the U.S. • U.S. promised Philippines their Independence – this was not kept.
Spanish American War Ends • U.S. defeated Spain by August 1898 • Other Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico and Guam become U.S. territories. • 385 American soldiers killed in battle • What do we do with our new colonies? Cuba, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico?
Cuban Independence • America promised Cuba independence, but with exceptions on December 10, 1898 • The Platt Amendment prohibited trade, and treaties with other nations • Guantanamo Bay was built as our military presence in the Caribbean
Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam • The Philippines remained a U.S. territory until independence from the United States was achieved in 1946 • Guam and Puerto Rico still remain U.S. territories today (the people are considered U.S. citizens and U.S. citizens do not need a passport to travel to or from there). • People in Guam and Puerto Rico do not get to vote for president or representatives in Congress
Quick Quiz • Explain yellow Journalism. • How did McKinley respond to the Maine? When? Who did he send? • Explain four facts about the S.A. War in the Philippines. • Explain three facts about the end of the S.A. War. • What happened to each new territory: Guam, Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico.
The Hawaiian Kingdom • In 1810 Kamehameha the Great United all of the Hawaiian Islands into one kingdom, he called it Hawai'i. • The Hawaiian kingdom was an independent country with its own language, customs, and religious traditions.
Hawaii’s Sugar Industry • By 1848, foreigners, mostly American Sugar Planters, had gained influence with the Hawaiian King (Kamehameha III) • In 1875 Hawaii’s King David Kalakaua and the United States signed a treaty so Hawaiian sugar could be sold in the US tax-free… • This made Hawaiian Sugar cheaper in the US than it had been before, so Americans bought more of it and the sugar industry in Hawaii boomed
Pearl Harbor • In 1887 King David Kalakaua was forced, by a militia of American sugar planters, to sign a new Hawaiian constitution • It was called the Bayonet Constitution and it stripped him of many of his powers as King. • It also made it easier to pressure the King to allow the United States to build a naval base at Pearl Harbor to refuel American ships.
Queen Lili'uokalani • When King Kalakaua died in 1891, his sister took the thrown. • She was determined to gain back the power that had been stolen from her brother and return power to the Hawaiian People.
Hawai'i’s last Queen • The American sugar planters of Hawai'i did not like Queen Lili'uokalani’s ideas. • They wanted to maintain power over the islands business affairs. • A prominent businessman named Sanford Dole, with the help of the U.S ambassador to Hawaii John Stevens organized an overthrow. • With the help of the U.S. Marines they overthrew the Queen in January of 1893
President Cleveland Responds • Grover Cleveland was US president at the time and wanted the Queen’s power restored. • He did not want to annex Hawaii unless a majority of Hawaiians approved, which they didn’t. • However, he refused to force the new Hawaiian Government, made up of mostly American sugar planters, to give the Queen back her power, which they didn’t.
Hawaii is Annexed • In 1897 William McKinley became president of the US. He was an expansionist and was very much in favor of annexation. • On August 12 1898, Hawaii was proclaimed a U.S. territory by Congress and this bill was signed by President McKinley into law • No Hawaiians had ever voted on this. • Hawai'i became a State in 1959
Quick Quiz • Explain three facts about Hawaii’s Sugar Industry. • What was the Bayonet Constitution? What did it’s signing make possible? • What did Queen Liliuokalani want to do? Who overthrew her? How? • Explain the responses of two different U.S. Presidents (Cleveland & McKinley)