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Outage Response Timelines NPRR111

Outage Response Timelines NPRR111 . Woody Rickerson Beth Garza TPTF April 22, 2008. A little history…. NPRR111 was drafted to increase ERCOT’s response time to 45-day outages from 5 to 15 days. Concerns were raised that this change would interfere with the CRR Auction timeline.

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Outage Response Timelines NPRR111

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  1. Outage Response TimelinesNPRR111 Woody Rickerson Beth Garza TPTF April 22, 2008

  2. A little history… • NPRR111 was drafted to increase ERCOT’s response time to 45-day outages from 5 to 15 days. • Concerns were raised that this change would interfere with the CRR Auction timeline. • Consolidated CRR and OS timelines were presented at the April 2, 2008 TPTF meeting. • Since then, ERCOT has developed several alternative timelines for discussion. • This discussion is complicated by Nodal protocol section 3.10.3 (4) which seems to require that the CRR Network Model, including any outages be assembled at least 2 months prior to the effective month. ERCOT shall perform updates to CRR Network Model for CRR auctions as described in Section 7, Congestion Revenue Rights, a minimum of two months in advance. TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  3. Combined CRR and OS timeline TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  4. Option 1 – CRR pulls outage information as late as possible TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  5. Option 1 – CRR pulls outage information as late as possible Considerations: • All outages submitted in the 90-day timeline would be included in the CRR Network model • 90-day outages would still have a 15-day approval window • NPRR111 would have no effect on the CRR Network Model • There is no requirement to enter outages 90-days in advance of their start • Creates extremely compressed timeline for the creation of CRR Network Models. This will be particularly challenging during the first six-months of monthly CRR allocations and auctions, and subsequently if monthly true-up allocations are required. TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  6. Option 2 – Move 90 day outages out to 100 days TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  7. Option 2 – Move 90 day outages out to 100 days Considerations: • All outages submitted in the 100-day timeline would be included in the CRR model • 100-day timeline would still have a 15-day approval window • No requirement to submit outages in 100-day timeline • Difficult for TSPs to coordinate outages 100 days before their start • No changes to CRR process • Requires a NPRR to change the 90-day timeline into a 100-day timeline TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  8. Option3 – Reduce 90-day approval time to 5 days TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  9. Option3 – Reduce 90-day approval time to 5 days Considerations: • All outages approved in the 90-day timeline would be included in the CRR model • No Changes required in the CRR process • No protocol requirement to submit outages in 90-day timeline • 5-day approval window would require 7-day a week coverage and more personnel from both ERCOTand TSPs • Difficult to coordinate complicated outages in a 5-day analysis window (90-days out) resulting in some outages being rejected or moved into the 45-day approval timeline because of a lack of information • Requires a NPRR to change the 90-day timeline approval window from 15-days to 5-day TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  10. Option 4 – Create CRR monthly outage deadline TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  11. Option 4 – Create CRR monthly outage deadline Considerations: • Provides the ability to define specific outage types to be included in CRR model • Simplifies the long-term Outage Approval Process • Requires advance scheduling of outages by TSPs • Advanced approval of CRR transmission outages still subject to withdrawal due to automatic acceptance of Resource Outages • Could require the rejection of CRR-type outages that are submitted outside the CRR timeline • Requires CRR team to operate with a compressed timeline TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  12. Possible CRR-type Outage definitions • All 345-kV lines and transformers • All lines and transformers in West Load Zone outages during October - March • Any outage associated with the construction of new equipment • Any continuous outage lasting more than 10 days • Any reoccurring daily outages lasting more than 10 days TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  13. Nodal Protocol and Operating Guide excerpts TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  14. Nodal Protocols3.10.3 CRR Network Model • (1) ERCOT shall develop models for CRR auctions that contain, as much as practicable, information consistent with the Network Operations Model. Names of Transmission Elements in the Network Operations Model and the CRR Network Model must be identical for the same physical equipment. • (2) ERCOT shall verify that the names of Hub Buses and Electrical Buses used to describe the same device in any Hub are identically named in both the Network Operations Model and the CRR Network Model. • (3) Each CRR Network Model must include: • (a) A complete one-line diagram with all Settlement Points (indicating the Settlement Point that the Electrical Bus is a part of) and including all Hub Buses used to calculate Hub prices (if applicable); • (b) Generation Resource locations; • (c) Transmission Elements; • (d) Transmission impedances; • (e) Transmission ratings; • (f) Contingency lists; • (g) Data inputs used in the calculation of Dynamic Ratings, and • (h) Other relevant assumptions and inputs used for the CRR Network Model. • (4) ERCOT shall perform updates to CRR Network Model for CRR auctions as described in Section 7, Congestion Revenue Rights, a minimum of two months in advance. • (5) ERCOT shall make available to TSPs and/or DSPs and all appropriate Market Participants, consistent with applicable policies regarding release of Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII), the CRR Network Model. ERCOT shall provide model information through the use of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and NERC-sponsored “Common Information Model” and web based XML communications. TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  15. Nodal Protocols7.5 CRR Auctions 7.5.1 Nature and Timing • (2) The CRR Network Model must be based on, but is not the same as, the Network Operations Model. The CRR Network Model must, to the extent practicable, include the same topology, contingencies, and operating procedures as used in the Network Operations Model as reasonably expected to be in place for each month. The expected network topology used in the CRR Network Model for any month must include all outages from the Outage Scheduler and identified by ERCOT staff as expected to have a significant impact upon transfer capability during the month.  These outages included in the CRR Network Model shall be posted on the MIS Secure Area consistent with model posting requirements by ERCOT with accompanying cause and duration information, as indicated in the Outage Scheduler. Transmission system upgrades and changes must be accounted for in the CRR Network Model for CRR Auctions held after the month in which the element is placed into service. • (a) ERCOT shall use Dynamic Ratings in the CRR Network Model as required under Section 3.10.8, Dynamic Ratings. • (b) The CRR Network Model must use the peak Load conditions of the month being modeled. • (c) ERCOT’s criteria for determining if an Outage should be in the CRR Network Model shall be in accordance with these Protocols and described in the ERCOT Operating Guides. TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

  16. Nodal Operating Guides5.5 System Modeling Information • (6) Congestion Revenue Rights (CRR) Network Model Outage determination uses network topology of the CRR Network Model identified by ERCOT Staff. This must include Planned Outages of Transmission Elements approved by ERCOT at the time the CRR Network Model is being built and that demonstrate significant impact to the transfer capability during the effective period.   ERCOT Staff will consider including Outages in the CRR Network Model that are scheduled to occur in the relevant time period and meet one or more of the following criteria: • (a) Consecutive or continuous approved Outages greater thanor equal to five days; • (b) Approved Outages which include Transmission Elements included in the definition of a Hub; • (c) Approved Outages which include Transmission Elements in a 345 kV Transmission Facility; • (d) Approved Outages that require the use of a Block Load Transfer (BLT); and • (e) Any other approved Outage that has been determined by ERCOT Staff to carry a substantial risk of causing significant congestion. • All Outages included in the CRR Network Model shall be posted on the Market Information System (MIS) Secure Area consistent with the model posting requirements and with accompanying cause and duration information, as indicated in the Outage Scheduler in Protocol Section 7.5.1, Nature and Timing. TPTF / Outage Response Timelines

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