The theme/title of this year’s meeting was “Real Change Calls for Real Leadership.” Every topic was pertinent to the whirlwind of change that surrounds our profession. We are all at an exciting place in our history with so much legislation, growth and opportunity it makes your head spin just to think about one small piece we need to change, let alone the whole gamut that is coming our way in increments. In a nut shell, the conference was a call to arms. For everyone at all levels of our profession, to advocate for each other, to teach and be taught about the HIM role in the new health care reform climate. I came away feeling solidarity with AHIMA again. I really feel if you look at the strategies they are developing for us, you will agree. I encourage everyone to go on to the CoP (communities of practice) on AHIMA’s website. Lots of topics, even educational tools and ideas for workshops, etc are there if you look. You can also post your own items too. You can find local, state and national meeting minutes, power point presentations, etc. You can join a group and get alerts, chat live or virtually about a document or subject. Real change calls for Real leadership
Lead the Industry HC Industry Serve Stakeholders Evolve/ Innovate Processes & Infrastructure: • Employ Resources to Advance Organizational Effectiveness AHIMA DRAFT 2010/2011 (18 month) Strategy Map Lead the Profession Current & Future HIIM Professionals Lead the Association Current & Future Members • Improve health information management practice through effective adoption and use of EHRs & ICD-10 • Define future HIM & HI roles • HIIM workforce development • Develop long-term membership strategy • Promote value of AHIMA members • Design policies & standards • Engage stakeholders • Enhance HIM role • Advance adoption • Engage HIIM workforce • Recruit to HIIM • Develop competency based resources (products/services) • Communicate future HIIM roles • Provide targeted products & services • Enhance AHIMA’s brand Develop influence opportunities & authoritative resources • Confidentiality, privacy, security, ICD10, EHR adoption, HIE, Clinical data & documentation integrity • Update learning content • Identify & promote AHMA to new HIIM markets • Develop customized resources for new markets • Enhance customer experience • Strategically align affiliates/ partners • Expand leadership capabilities • Optimize organization to accommodate membership strategy Create Positive Impact • Meet financial plan • Optimize technology and communications investments • Increase effectiveness and efficiency of operations • Coordinated operational processes
Mission And Values Current: Recommended: • To be the professional community that improves healthcare by advancing best practices and standards for health information management and the trusted source for education, research, and professional credentialing. • AHIMA values: • The public’s right to accurate and confidential personal health information • Innovation and leadership in advancing health information management practices and standards worldwide • Adherence to the AHIMA Code of Ethics • Advocacy and interdisciplinary collaboration with other professional organizations • AHIMA leads the health informatics and information management community to advance professional practice and standards. • AHIMA values: • Member's diversity, continuing education, leadership development and professional credentialing • Adherence to AHIMA Code of Ethics • Research to advance innovative and ethical health informatics and information management practice • Advocacy and interdisciplinary collaboration with other professional organizations • The public’s right to accurate and confidential personal health information • The development, implementation and use of electronic health records and other automated technologies, based on HIM best practices &and standards, to facilitate health information exchange and quality healthcare.
Vision Current: Proposed: Quality healthcare through quality information. • “AHIMA… leading the advancement and ethical use of quality health information to promote health and wellness worldwide” • AHIMA is the worldwide professional association of recognized leaders in health information management, informatics, heath data technology and innovation. • AHIMA proactively promotes the technological advancement of health information systems that enhance the delivery of quality healthcare. • Based on AHIMA’s code of ethics, and applicable law, AHIMA will promote the ethical and appropriate use of health information, and its members will ascribe to and conduct themselves in accordance with the code of ethics as part of their professional responsibility. • AHIMA recognizes that quality health and clinical data are critical resources needed for efficacious health care and works to assure that the health information used in care, research, and health management is valid, accurate, complete, trustworthy and timely. • AHIMA is concerned about the effective management of health information from all sources and its application in all forms of health care and wellness preservation. • Health issues, disease, and care quality transcend national borders. AHIMA’s professional interest is in the application of best health information management practices wherever they are needed.
Be an advocate in your community for HIM leadership in EHR & HIE adoption Regional Extension Centers Physician offices & clinics Hospitals & health systems State or regional HIE programs Workforce Development Get Involved! • Read up: www.healthit.hhs.gov & follow the link to HITECH Programs • Consider a new career path for yourself • Or, consider taking a competency exam • Refer co-workers/friends/family Be an advocate in your community for HIM education • Support your local HIM programs • Consider faculty opportunities • Offer internships for HIM students • Mentor students
What is AHIMA Doing? • Announcements on AHIMA CoPs • Encouraging members to contact RECs and get involved in REC activities • Session at AHIMA convention • Get RECs to use HIM best practices • Get HIM professionals involved and hired by RECs • Website for RECs and the industry at large to visit http://www.ahima.org/advocacy/arraresources.aspx • Access to information on HIM best practices, value of HIM professionals • Graphic linking REC service areas with HIM skill set—under “sample job descriptions and job roles” • Access to resources in the Body of Knowledge • Links to state leaders
5010 level I compliance by January 1, 2011, level II by January 1, 2012 The regulation defines level 1 compliance as the completion of internal testing to determine if the covered entity can receive or transmit the HIPAA-compliant transaction. Level 2 is end-to-end testing, which would mean, for example, sending a HIPAA-compliant file from a provider through a clearinghouse and having a successful receipt by an insurance company. ICD10 impact assessment by early 2011 ICD code set freeze? (Oct, 2011) Begin ICD10 implementation 2011-12 ICD10 go live preparation 2013 ICD10 compliance date Oct 1, 2013 ICD-10 Transition http://www.ahima.org/downloads/pdfs/resources/checklist.pdf
Ten for Ten: Ten Tasks to Lead the Way to Successful ICD-10 Implementation Healthcare organizations nationwide have successful ICD-10-CM/PCS implementation in their strategic tool kits. HIM professionals play a critical role in this transition. It’s not too soon to consider what AHIMA component state associations (CSAs) can do to get the word out about preparation and training and provide the tools the industry will need. Here are 10 things a CSA can do right now to lead the way: • Make a plan for CSA activities for 2011 and 2012 to serve member needs • Prepare communications to show your members where they can find ICD-10 implementation tools. AHIMA has a wealth of resources on its Web site (http://www.ahima.org/resources/infocenter/ehr.aspx?Tab=4#AHDI). • Highlight ICD-10 member preparation activities on your state’s Web site • Communicate to your members about ICD-10 training opportunities that are available locally or in your state • Use the ICD-10-CM/PCS Leadership Model (http://www.ahima.org/about/leadershipmodelsforehim.aspx) to grow state leaders for this initiative • Energize regional and local coding roundtables by coordinating special programs connected to statewide planning • Include preparation guidance in your newsletters • Consider developing outreach programs to physicians to heighten ICD-10 awareness • Convene a discussion forum with health insurance providers to establish common ground and sharing of information about the new code sets • Lead the way to successful ICD-10 transition in your state by 2013
House of Delegates • The House of Delegates (House) is a deliberative assembly and grassroots member forum of AHIMA that governs the health information management (HIM) profession. The House carries out specific powers and duties outlined in the AHIMA Bylaws and provides oversight for the AHIMA Bylaws and AHIMA resolutions. Comprised of delegates elected or appointed from each of the 52 Component State Associations (CSA) and the AHIMA Board of Directors, the House is chaired by the AHIMA President. • The House conducts business virtually and in-person on a year-round basis, operating on a July 1 - June 30 calendar. Virtual business is conducted through the State Leaders and House of Delegates Community of Practice (CoP), which any interested AHIMA member can join. The annual business meeting is held in conjunction with the AHIMA Convention and Exhibit. • House of Delegates Teams • To advance the mission and strategy of AHIMA, the House is organized into six teams which are led by co-chairs appointed by the AHIMA President. The teams have charges to address throughout the year. Each delegate is assigned to one of the six teams. CSAs can appoint an individual to the House teams on which a delegate from their CSA has not been named, in order to have participation on all six teams. • Best Practices/Standards • Environmental Scan • HIM Higher Education and Workforce • House of Delegates Operations • Professional Development and Recognition • Volunteer and Leadership Development
HOD Operations Provides general oversight for the operations of the House of Delegates including providing delegate training resources and leading delegate training events, conducting delegate surveys and overseeing the House of Delegates performance measures. HIM Higher Education and Workforce Supports the Vision 2016: A Blueprint for Quality Education in Health Information Management, provides input on professional curriculum competencies, supports and makes recommendations to increase the number of clinical practice sites for professional practice experiences and the number of HIM educators and debates proposed resolutions and considers proposing new resolutions. Environmental Scan Conducts environmental scanning with the Component State Associations including analyzing the results and communicating them to stakeholders, provides educations to CSA leaders about environmental scanning and debates proposed resolutions and considers proposing new resolutions.
Professional Development and Recognition Provides input on AHIMA’s continuing education offerings, promotes credentials and the development of new credentials, serves as a liaison to the Commission on Certification for Health Informatics and Information Management and debates proposed resolutions and considers proposing new resolutions. Volunteer Leadership and Development Collaborates with the AHIMA Nominating Committee and CSA leadership, increases nominations for the AHIMA ballot and voter turnout for AHIMA and CSA elections, fosters diversity and inclusion, advances the Volunteer and Leadership Development resolution and debates proposed resolutions and considers proposing new resolutions. Best Practices/Standards Collaborates with the AHIMA Practice Councils, Professional Ethics Committee and related volunteer groups on the development of HIM practice guidance and professional guidelines, includes the AHIMA Foundation on research initiatives, supports the Action Community for e-HIM® Excellence and provides oversight for resolutions including debating and considering development of new resolutions.