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Imperialism and WWI

Imperialism and WWI. Wilson’s Peace Plan. Wilson’s Plan. Eleventh day, eleventh hour in eleventh month ( Nov. 11 ) Met at the Palace of Versailles on January 1918 Allies met to decide the peace terms Central Powers and Russia were not invited

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Imperialism and WWI

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  1. Imperialism and WWI Wilson’s Peace Plan

  2. Wilson’s Plan • Eleventh day, eleventh hour in eleventh month (Nov. 11) • Met at the Palace of Versailles on January 1918 • Allies met to decide the peace terms • Central Powers and Russia were not invited • Wilson presented his plan called the “Fourteen Points” on January 18, 1918 • Wanted a just and lasting peace • Wanted to establish a League of Nations which would serve as an open forum for nations to discuss and settle issues w/o war • Wilson personally led US delegation • Not good at negotiations • He only took 1 Republican with him-Not influential and old

  3. Wilson’s Fourteen Points • January 18, 1918 Wilson delivered his plan to Congress • 1st 5 pts were to prevent war • No secret treaties • Freedom of the seas • Lower tariffs • Arms reduction • Colonial policies should consider the colonial people- self-determinism • Next 8 dealt with boundary changes • New countries were created • 14th point called for a League of Nations • International organization to address diplomatic issues • It had no army

  4. Allies Reject Wilson’s Plan • France and England were furious at Germany-Germany destroyed tons of lives and land • Felt Wilson was being too easy on Germany • George Clemenceau- (French premier) lived through 2 French invasions • David Lloyd George- (British Prime Minister) won election on the slogan “make Germany pay!” • Vittorio Orlando (Italian Prime Minster)wanted control of Austrian-held territory • These 3 men worked out most of the details by themselves and left Wilson out • Wilson agreed as long as he got his League of Nations

  5. Debating the Treaty • What was in the Treaty of Versailles • Established 9 new nations from former German and Austrian-Hungary land • Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia • France and Great Britain got former Ottoman colonies on a temporary basis- mandates • Germany had to restrict its army, lost land and had to pay war reparations- $33 billion for war damages

  6. The Treaty’s Weakness • The treaty humiliated Germany and they remained bitter and angry • War Guilt Clause- Germany had to take sole responsibility for starting the war • Their military was weakened • Germany had to pay back an insane amount of money • Germany lost its colonial possessions • Italy and Japan are angry b/c they felt like they should have been given more land • Russia was left out of the talks • New communistgov’t under Vladimir Lenin was determined to get taken land back • Colonized people were angry. They wanted self-determination: ability to decide on their own gov’t

  7. Opposition to the Treaty • When Wilson returned home most felt the treaty was too harsh • Many felt it didn’t help the colonized people gain freedom or self-determination • Many Americans wanted to stay out of European affairs • Return to isolationism

  8. Debate of the League of Nations • Democrats- supported treaty w/o modifications • Republican “Irreconcilables”- opposed it completely • Hiram Johnson and Robert La Follette • Republican “Revisionists”- wanted modifications to treaty • Said it threatened the US policy of isolation • Staying out of European affairs • Henry Cabot Lodge- (conservative Senator) was suspicious of joint military and economic action against aggression • Article 10- a provision that allowed Congress to declare war to be added

  9. Wilson Refuses to Compromise • Wilson alienated the Republican Party by not having more of them to join the delegation • Wilson refused to compromise on the League • Wilson traveled throughout the nation explaining why the US should join the League • On Oct. 2, 1919 Wilson suffered a stroke and was weakened • Senate vote- Nov. 1919 • Didn’t pass and didn’t ratify the treaty • Wilson refused again to compromise • Senate voted again- March 1920 • Didn’t pass • The US never joined the League and decided to sign a separate treaty with Germany in 1921

  10. Legacy of War • America emerges as an Industrial Giant • African-Americans move north (Great Migration) • There are intensified anti-immigrant views • Brought over 1 million women into the work force • The Treaty of Versailles settled nothing • France and Great Britain got their way and punished Germany harshly • Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia were left bitter

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