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A Webquest compiled by Group 2. FOOD CHAIN. INTRODUCTION. TASK. PROCESS. RESOURCES. EVALUATION. CONCLUSION. Do you like to play games? If you do, you will need energy. Every time you run or jump, you are using up energy in your body.
A Webquest compiled by Group 2 FOOD CHAIN
Do you like to play games? If you do, you will need energy. Every time you run or jump, you are using up energy in your body. How do you get the energy to play? You get energy from the food you eat. Similarly, all living things get energy from their food so that they can move and grow. As food passes through the body, some of it is digested. This process of digestion releases energy. Like you, each and every living thing in the world requires food for the energy it needs to survive. The difference lies in what type of food each of these living things needs. Plants and animals pass energy and nutrients that are needed for survival through a continuous circle called the food chain. Plants get energy from the sun, animals get energy from plants or animals, and, when an animal dies, it is then energy for some plants. Every form of life is food at one time or another...this is the circle of life, or a food chain. You are about to embark on a fascinating adventure, where you will learn about food chains and the three types of plants and animals that are a part of them. BACK
In the task one tiered assignments students are asked to construct a food web to show the relationship of the animals and plants in a given environment. The task one assignment is for those students who have already mastered task two content. In the task two tiered assignment students are asked to create a food chain in a given environment. This task is for students who need practice on creating a food chain. As a student, you are just beginning to learn about food chains. Your task on this expedition will be to learn all you can about food chains, the plants and animals that are native to this island so that you and the scientists can determine the various food chains that exist here. Your job will be to work with your group to research, illustrate, and create a food chain book with the animals and plants that are native to this island. BACK
1. Choose from one of the following types of food chains: LAND FOOD CHAIN OCEAN FOOD CHAIN POND FOOD CHAIN NEXT
LAND FOOD CHAIN RESOURCES The following sites have an assortment of land food chains that will help you create some food chains for your report. http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/Science/FoodChain/FoodChain.htm http://www.zephyrus.co.uk/landfoodchain.html This site has facts about the animals that are native to the rainforest on this island. http://mbgnet.mobot.org/sets/rforest/animals/ BACK
The following sites have an assortment of ocean food chains that will help you create your own. http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/Science/FoodChain/FoodChain.htm http://www.mos.org/oceans/life/webs.html http://www.ncfisheries.net/kids/foodchain.htm http://www.ftexploring.com/me/pyramid.html http://www.soc.soton.ac.uk/CHD/education/posters/productivity.html http://oceanlink.island.net/oinfo/foodweb/foodweb.html http://www.oceans.gov.au/education/htmlIncludes/food_chains_students.jsp http://www.learninglive.co.uk/srb-projects/internet/pages/habitat%20adaptation/webpages/ocean/oceanfoodchain.html BACK
The following sites have an assortment of pond food chains (freshwater habitats) that will help you create some food chains for your report. http://www.zephyrus.co.uk/simplefoodchain.html http://www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml BACK
2. Choose roles for the members of your group. Roles include:
3. Now you and your group will begin to research your chosen habitat's food chains and webs. From your research you will write a report of information using a word processing program that answers the following questions: BACK
Group Check List Did the group work as a cooperative unit, sharing the responsibilities of the mission? Did the group use all of the suggested Web site resources? Did the group answer all of the questions listed in the Introductory Activities? Did your group research all the animals and plants that live in the chosen habitat so that you could create possible food chains? Did you use a word processing application to write, edit, and revise your research? Did you successfully use a drawing and painting application to illustrate and annotate your food chains? Did you use appropriate voice, volume, pitch, and eye contact in delivering your oral presentation? BACK
Congratulations! You and your team have completed this webquest! Now you have studied the delicate cycle of the food chain, and in the process, you have also worked cooperatively with your peers to complete your quest!