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A Webquest

A Webquest. Introduction. We will soon begin reading John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men. The novel takes the reader on a journey through the lives of two men, Lennie and George. These two men become best friends and make big plans for the future. Introduction.

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A Webquest

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  1. A Webquest

  2. Introduction We will soon begin reading John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men. The novel takes the reader on a journey through the lives of two men, Lennie and George. These two men become best friends and make big plans for the future.

  3. Introduction • Today, each of you will be researching some of the background information about the novel. There is much to learn about the time period, setting, author, and other information important to the novel. • Step 1: After you receive your topic, you will answer the questions ON YOUR OWN and will be turned in the day the group project is due (typed). • Step 2: After everyone has individually answered the questions for their section, you will get together with your partner(s) and create a group presentation.

  4. The Quest: • Each group will be responsible for presenting information on one topic. The topics include the Dust Bowl; the Great Depression; migrant workers; 1930’s culture; the New Deal; Salinas Valley and Soledad; John Steinbeck; and mental illness.

  5. The Process and Presentation: • After everyone has completed their individual quest, the group will get together to prepare and present the information they found to the class in powerpoint form. (8 slide minimum.) • Each member will be expected to participate in the oral presentation.

  6. The Resources/Grading • You will use the websites provided to find the information you need. Just click on the URL address, and the computer will go right to it. • When you get to the websites, read over your information and answer the questions as completely as possible. • Your individual answers that you turn in will be a minor grade. • Your oral presentation and powerpoint will count as a major grade (group grade).

  7. The Great Depression • Use the following links to answer the following questions: • What lead up to the stock market crash? • Explain “Black Thursday” and “Black Tuesday.” • What was the impact of the Crash? • How and by whom was the term “depression“ coined? • What were some social problems during The Great Depression? • How did the depression affect children? http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/wall_street_crash.htm http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/snpmech5.htm http://us.history.wisc.edu/hist102/lectures/lecture18.html http://newdeal.feri.org/eleanor/er2a.htm

  8. The Dust Bowl • Use the links below to answer the following questions: 1. What kind of severe weather conditions did the nation experience between 1935-1936? • What caused the Dust Bowl of Oklahoma? • What was “Black Sunday?” • What is a “snuster?” • How were students affected during a dust storm? • What did the Dust Bowl era teach farmers? http://www.ccccok.org/museum/dustbowl.html http://www.weru.ksu.edu/new_weru/multimedia/dustbowl/dustbowlpics.html http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/water_06.html

  9. Farmers/Migrant Workers • Use the links below to answer the following questions: • Why were the farmers forced to migrate to California? What were some of the benefits for farmers living in California? • What were the migrants called and why? • How many migrants would enter California each month? • Was California the “promised land” of the migrant’s dreams? Why or why not? 5. What did the migrants do to maintain a steady income? 6. How did WWII help the working conditions of some of the migrants? http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/afctshtml/tsme.html http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/water_06.html

  10. The American Culture in the 1930’s • Use the links below to find one interesting fact on the following topics: • Famous people Also, how much did • Education the following items cost? • Art and architecture * milk • Fads and fashions * bread • Literature * steak • Music * car • Radio * house • Science/Technology • Theater and film Also, what was the average income? http://www.geocities.com/bettye_sutton/greatdepression.html http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1930s.html

  11. The New Deal • Use the links below to answer the following questions: • Who was the president at the beginning of the Great Depression? Who beat him in the 1932 election? Why? • What line did the president say in his inaugural address that quickly became a famous quote? • What was the president’s first act when he got into office? • What was the “Hundred Days?” • Explain how the president created jobs for the unemployed. Include at least three specific examples. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USARnewdeal.htm http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0835397.html http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5057/

  12. John Steinbeck • Use the links to answer the following questions: • When and where was John Steinbeck born? When and where did he die? • Where did Steinbeck go to college? When did he graduate? • What experience helped Steinbeck portray the lives of workers? • What was Steinbeck’s first successful work? • What two important awards did Steinbeck receive for his writings? • When was Of Mice and Men published? • Which works were made into a play and/or movie? http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9069547/John-Steinbeck http://americanwriters.org/writers/steinbeck.asp

  13. Salinas Valley/Soledad, California • Use the links below to answer the following questions: • Where is the Salinas Valley located? • What county is it a part of? • What does Soledad mean? • What are some of the agricultural productw produced in Soledad? • What makes the Salinas River so special? http://www.mtycounty.com/pgs-misc/salinas-river.html http://salinaschamber.com/living_here.asp http://www.beachcalifornia.com/soled.html

  14. Mental Illness • Use the links below to answer the following questions: • What are the causes of mental retardation? • What are four signs of mental retardation? • By what is a person’s level (moderate to severe) of mental retardation defined? • How common is mental retardation? • What challenges might someone who is mentally retarded face when learning? http://www.prevention-news.com/1997/causes.htm http://www.hmc.psu.edu/childrens/healthinfo/m/mentalretardation.htm http://www.onestops.info/article.php?article_id=54

  15. Good Luck on your Quest!

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