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B eams for E uropean N eutrino E xperiments ( BENE ) subtitle: A Network aiming at a consensual road map for accelerator based neutrino programs in Europe. International Design Studies of future Neutrino facilities ( IDS ). FP7R&D program(s)
Beamsfor European Neutrino Experiments (BENE)subtitle: A Network aiming at a consensual road map for accelerator based neutrinoprogramsin Europe International Design Studies of future Neutrino facilities (IDS) FP7R&D program(s) of next European Accelerator Neutrino Facility “Euroν” in world wide collaboration IDS A complex multi-parameter problem V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Since CARESG Apr 11 Joint BENE & 3rd ISS meeting RAL 24-25 Apr 28 April LOI !!!! BENE Midterm Report gets yellow in May Open BENE SG 4 Jul CERN (FP7) CERN Council Strategy Document 4th meeting of the ISS at UCI (21-23 Aug) NuFact06 (24-30) “End” of the ISS, next steps V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
BENE : the longer term plan 2005 06 07 08 09 10 11 19 Construction window Int. Scoping Study(*) feasibility Design Study Physics Feasibility & TPW CDR … at the time of end of LHC payment first LHC results ILC decision be ready to catch any construction window HIPPI, HARP MERIT MICE PRISM, EMMA NB Betabeam CDR End 2009 ! V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Milestones & Deliverables BENE III periodJan 06 - Jun07 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun BENESG 1/ month NNN06, Seattle NBI, CERN Open SG, CERN ISS/IDS, 21-22 V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
NuFact06NuFact high energy stategy.1 Mton magnetic detector USNF,UKNF .. NNN06Betabeam/SuperBeam low energy strategy0.5-1.0 Megaton Water(HyperK, UNO, Memphys).1 Megaton Li-Ar Japan, DUSEL ….. Frejus, Gran Sasso+FNAL V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
stronger BENE SG PHYSICS Mezzetto (Padua) + Donini (Madrid) DRIVER Zito (CEA) TARGET Bennet (RAL) COLLECTION Dracos (IN2P3) NOVEL BEAMS MUFRONT Long (ICL) MUEND Meot (CEA/IN2P3) BETABEAM Lindroos V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
European Regional Outlook V. Palladino NuFact06 UC Irvine, Tue Aug 29, 2006 V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
what have we got in Europe? how much is that worth? the CNGS OPERA Icarus BENE and HIPPI Betabeam DS ISS Groups SPL CDR2 HARP MICE MERIT Laguna The CERN Council Strategy Document V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
The CNGS has started V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
μ/p just about right Preliminary Courtesy P. Sala and E. Gschwendtner High intensity mid october Thanks, Malika & Konrad et al. ! V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
OPERA : it is worth silver (t detection) νμ/νe →νtt V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
νμ→νe ICARUS & beyond …. worth platinum V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
A new accelerator neutrino facility? CARE Coordinated Accelerator R&D in Europe Within CARE (ECFA) 3 Networks BENE 2004-2008 and 4 “JRAs” HIPPI V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
BENE/CARE 2004-2008 rooted in the Muon Study Groups, active since 1998 CERN worth travel money hopefully the embryo of a real continental collaboration France: CEA, CNRS-IN2P3 Germany: TUM, GSI, FZJ Spain : CSIC + Universities Italy :INFN Labs & Universities the UKNF includes new Cockroft & Adams Institutes! UK : CCLRC & Universities B : Louvain CH : PSI & Universities NB : HIPPI is worth a lot 3.6 M from EC only V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Betabeam Design Study 2005-2008 worth several M (1 from EU, within Eurisol) echo of progress at Nufact06 with Fabich’s plenary talk and V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Nobel class contribution:superior production of Li & B parents C. Rubbia V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
ISS Detector Group : worth gold? Blondel, Soler νe→νμ Super Minos, INO ……….. Hyper-CDHS V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
ISS Physics Group : very solid: Long ….. Donini, Gomez-Cadenas, Hernandez, Huber, King, Lindner, Mezzetto, Winter & many more boosted the work of comparison, systematics included ISS Accelerator Group : EU effort not yet adequate UKNF, CEA …… we need the CERN divisions V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL) : CDR2 a 4 MMW Backbone 5 GeV appear possible V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
At last, large angle data from HARP V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Muon Ionization Cooling experiment at RAL Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment at RAL V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Pivot Target & Collection CERN PS Experiment can we digest the MMW? V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
The CERN Council Strategy Process Almost one year long Two CERN task forces PAF = proton accelerators for the future POFPA = physics opportunities of future proton accelerators ……many other input from all sectors in Europe Orsay Preparatory Open Symposium Jan 30-Feb1 Zeuthen Closed Meeting of the strategy group May 2-6 Special session of Council in Lisbon Jul 14 V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
BENE’s document to Council outline and plea for a timely R&D program CERN Yellow Report 2006-05 available at http://bene.web.cern.ch/bene/ V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
nice words…. but, any place for ν’s in PAF? HIPPI +FETS V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
nice words …. but, Єuros from labs, agencies and EC? creation of a continental collaboration with a leading CERN kernel with regular and adequate participation & funding from each national lab and national agency richness of options makes consensus more laborious NB legitimate different scientific interests do exist need an unprecedented level of coherence & good will otherwise ….. LHC upgrade, ILC, CLIC …. V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
ISS (and IDS) in a nutshell • Physics boosted comparison unprecedently, including systematics • Accelerator updated NuFact Baseline, defined R&D priorities started exploring sinergies with Superbeams • Detector rejuvenated simulations, established baselines for the few main options, defined R&D priorities V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Set one up in Europe! OK OK OK? OK !!! FP7 EU νCollaboration V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Present highest priority aim: a European Neutrino Oversight Body for BENE and future initiatives to report to to bring about the indispensable consensus PAF shows the way MMW Driver, Target, Collectors ….. everybody needs them need advice & help of CARE & ESGARD V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Reserves V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
Acomplete Euro-Neutrino Design Study physics, accelerators, detectors, baselines ISS= International Scoping Study … American and Asian collaborations as full partners June 2005 to late 2006: mostly neutrino factory & superbeams define priorities and ways of Design Study consolidate regional & international collaboration us in EU, gain support of Council and ECFA IDS = International Design Study (neutrino factory & superbeams & betabeam) start late 2006 or early 2007 achieve higher funding, start design effort us in EU, prepare FP7 Proposal (March 2007, it seems) structure EU collaboration, get CERN involved as much as possible FP7 DS = EC (support for EU effort in the) Design Study … CNGS & beyond aiming at first EC funds Jan 1, 2008 inter-twined with IDS keeping American and Asian collaborations as full partners …. T2K , Nova Goal: Conceptual Design Report of a European Precision Neutrino Facility by end 2010 is next natural step for accelerator νISS & IDS/FP7 DS CDHS CHARM I/II CHORUS NOMAD OPERA ICARUS BENE V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities
guessing the Content of the Design Study conceptual feasibility study of the following components: a high power proton driver of at least 4-5 GeV the engineering of the handling, containment and safety aspects of a hi power target & collection station a performing and cost effective muon phase rotation and cooling channel non-scaling FFAGs for acceleration of muons (and possibly protons) an optimised storage ring for muons higher intensity and higher gamma beta beams technical preparatory (R&D) projects, aiming at demonstrating: the existence of at least one adequate choice of target an extended lifetime of the horn prototypes at high rate and radiation muon ionization cooling, by completion of the MICE experimental program operation of a non-scaling FFAG RF cavities and kicker magnets for fast manipulation of muon beams + specific detector R&D and design efforts on : photo detector development for very large far detectors developments of the liquid argon technique including the presence of magnetic field study and tests of a magnetic calorimeter susceptible to be built with a mass of up to 100 kton. detectors dedicated for tau detection such as the emulsion cloud chamber last but not least the necessary near detector concepts and beam instrumentation V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities pre-submitting it now to ECFA/ESGARD scrutiny
Agenda of the BENE day at RAL >> Fri Apr 28 Morning : general introduction >> >> 9:00 Status and prospect of the ISS, towards the IDS (Dornan) >> 9:10 Address from ESFRI Chair (J. Wood) >> 9:40 News from EC (R. Aleksan, tbc) >> 10:00 FP7 (DS, JRA's) and general outlook in EU (Edgecock) >> 10:30 US contributions to the IDS (A.Bross) >> >> 10:40 Break >> >> 11:00 Japan contribution to the IDS (Kuno) >> 11:20 Other contributions to the IDS (Mondal, tbc) >> >> 12:00 General Discussion until lunch >> >> >> Fri Apr 28 Afternoon : EU contributions to the IDS(*) > >> 1) Initiative in the Physics studies sector (Mezzetto/Donini 20') >> 2) Initiative in the Proton driver sector(Cavata 10') >> 3) Initiative in the Target sector (Bennett 10') >> 4) Initiative in the Collection sector (Dracos 10') >> 5) Initiative in the Muon Front End sector (Long 10') >> 6) Initiative in the Muon Back End sector (Meot 10') >> 7) Initiative in the Betabeam sector (Lindroos 15-20') >> 8) Initiative in the Neutrino detector sector (Blondel 20') General Discussion on EU contributions to the IDS (introduced & chaired by R. Garoby) (*) NB this will be match very closely our requests to FP7 V. Palladino Report on BENE Activities