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Supporting CCSS English Language Arts in K-5: Considering Instructional Materials Webinar Series 2013- 2014 Part 2. “ These standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business .” (CCSS-M) Liisa Moilanen Potts, English Language Arts Director
Supporting CCSS English Language Arts in K-5: Considering Instructional Materials Webinar Series 2013- 2014 Part 2 “These standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business.” (CCSS-M) Liisa Moilanen Potts, English Language Arts Director OSPI Teaching and Learning CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Agenda • Classroom Impact of the CCSS in ELA/Literacy • Big Shifts (what changes, what gets enhanced) • Resources to Support Implementation • Assessment System Updates CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
CCSS and NGSSWashington’s Implementation Timeline & Activities CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Washington State Learning Standards CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
OSPI CCR Quarterly Webinar Series http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/UpdatesEvents.aspx#Webinar CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Washington’s Vision for Education Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21stcentury. CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Class of 2011: Bridgeport High School
Before we begin… what’s your current focus? How are you approaching curriculum/ materials alignment to the CCSS? Please type in your response to the chat box. CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Classroom Impact of CCSS Reading in many contents Reading foundations Text to self Transferring skills spelling Reading comprehension Reading deeply Growing language skills Speaking and listening Writing foundations Leveraging funds of knowledge Writing process CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Washington State’s Definition of Literacy Literacy is an on-going cognitive process that begins at birth. It involves the integration of listening, speaking, reading, writing and critical thinking. Literacy also includes the knowledge that enables the speaker, writer or reader to recognize and use language appropriate to a situation in an increasingly complex literate environment. Active literacy allows people to think, create, question, solve problems and reflect in order to participate effectively in a democratic, multicultural society. CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
TheBigIdeas(introduction, page 7) CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Big Ideas Reflection Biggest highlights What we do well What we need to enhance How will we know/ accountability? CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Shifting to comprehensive literacy CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Anchored in the Foundations of Literacy & Communication… CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Literacy in SS/H* Literacy in Sci/T*
Foundational Skills (K-5) CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Print Concepts (K-1) Phonological Awareness (K-1) Phonics and Word Recognition Fluency
Three Shifts in English Language Arts • Building content knowledge through content-rich nonfiction • Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational • Regular practice with complex text and its academic language CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Shift One: Building content knowledge throughcontent-rich nonfiction • Provides an ideal context for building language, vocabulary, knowledge, and reasoning • Is challenging, complex, and has deep comprehension-building potential • Is an opportunity for students to learn how to engage, interact, and have “conversations” with the text in ways that prepare them for the type of experiences they will encounter in college and careers. CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
K-5 Balance Across a Year reading, writing, modes, genres, products CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Shift Two: Reading, writing, and speakinggrounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Moving from “how do you feel about what you just read? Do you like it?” to “Identify three examples that let you know what the author’s purpose is. Do you agree with the author?” CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Text-dependent questions What makes Casey’s experiences at bat funny? In “Casey at the Bat,” Casey strikes out. Describe a time when something was really hard for you. CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Consider the following questions: How does this task build on prior knowledge from earlier grades and support later concepts? How does this task provide access for ALL students What do we do to support students reading below or above this level? Why is this a task “worth doing”? CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Shift Three: Regular practice withcomplex textand its academic language CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Careful, targeted scaffolding of text complexity Focus on appropriately rigorous texts Strategic teaching of Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary with authentic application of new words and terms
Text Complexity Model: the right text at the right time for the right reason Best measured by an attentive human reader Best made by educators employing their professional judgment CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Best measured by computer software
Considering Depth of Knowledge/DOK CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 These standards are directed toward fostering students’ understanding and working knowledge of concepts of print, the alphabetic principle, and other basic conventions of the English writing system. These foundational skills are not an end in and of themselves; rather, they are necessary and important components of an effective, comprehensive reading program designed to develop proficient readers with the capacity to comprehend texts across a range of types and disciplines. Instruction should be differentiated: good readers will need much less practice with these concepts than struggling readers will. The point is to teach students what they need to learn and not what they already know—to discern when particular children or activities warrant more or less attention.
Anchored in the Foundations of Literacy & Communication… CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Literacy in SS/H* Literacy in Sci/T*
What is Vertical Articulation CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Vertical alignment asks: • How are the content standards/objectives related from one year/grade to the next? • Knowledge or skills extend to a wider range of content • Deeper understanding of the (cognitive process) for same content • New content or skills
Reading Standard 10: CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Emergent Literacy is Part of a Continuum Laura Justice, et al. 2010 National Literacy Panel, 2009 Knowledge and skills in reading and writing obtained prior to conventional literacy Provides a foundation for higher-level literacy CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
how word choice contributes to meaning and tone (RL.8.4) be able to cite textual evidence (RL.8.1) Grade 8: compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the different structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style (RL.8.5). support the assertions (arguments) they make in writing (W.8.1, W.8.9) CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Annotated Tasks http://www.achievethecore.org/dashboard/300/search/1/1/0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/page/642/text-complexity-collection CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
how word choice contributes to meaning and tone (RL.8.4) be able to cite textual evidence (RL.8.1) Grade 8: compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the different structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style (RL.8.5). support the assertions (arguments) they make in writing (W.8.1, W.8.9) CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Instructional Materials: The Trouble with “Checklists”
The Possibilities of “Checklists” CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 NOT TO RATE/ just to check… What do we need more work on seeing? What do we see and know easily? What are our strengths? What are our weaknesses? What data do we collect to identify components?
Multiple tools to get organized:local/state/cadre/associations http://www.achievethecore.org/page/783/instructional-materials-evaluation-tool-imet CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
“PC”/ IMET/ EQuIP CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 • Review your copy of the Publishers Criteria (the BIG PICTURE OF CONTENT) • Highlight 1-3 components/lines/ sections that stand out to you • Share your choices with your table mates • What makes these things challenging? • Why are they important? • Can you “rank order” them? • What questions do you have? What else do we need to learn?
Publishers Criteria http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Publishers_Criteria_for_K-2.pdf K-8 and High School CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
“PC”/ IMET/ EQuIP CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Non- Negotiables Across the Whole Complexity of Texts Range of Texts Quality of Texts Text Dependent/Text Specific Questions Scaffolding and Supports FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS Writing to Sources Speaking and Listening Connected to Sources Language Vertically Aligned K-12
Description/Metrics/Check/Comments: CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
“PC”/ IMET/ EQuIP CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 -- Designed to evaluate a unit/ lesson (and identify revision possibilities) -- Not intended to be used for whole courses I. Alignment to the DEPTH in CCSS II. Clear support for the KEY SHIFTS III. Instructional Supports IV. Assessment Components
Instructional Materials—What is available? • Engage NY – Districts Adopting • Achieve the Core – Lessons and Annotated Tasks • Achieve – Exemplar Units and Lessons • Smarter Balanced Practice Test – Examples of computer adaptive items and performance tasks. CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Implications for Instruction and Student Achievement Critical to spend time learning the standards, understanding the shifts and knowing the progression of learning the standards attend to. We must transform how we present math ideas/concepts. Progression documents give guidance on research based approaches to learning such as unit fraction, number lines, etc. Know these documents deeply. Ensure ALL students have opportunities to engage in meaningful mathematics. CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Resources and Support Resources from local, regional, state, and inter-state collaboration: what’s new and what’s next CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Communicating supports CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 Council of Great City Schools: Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards– English Language Arts ://www.cgcs.org/Page/244 What do your parents and community members need to know to support students?
Communications Campaign Ready Washington is a coalition of state and local education agencies, associations and advocacy organizations that support college- and career-ready learning standards. The coalition believes all students should be better prepared for college, work and life to build the skills to compete for the quality jobs that our state has to offer. *Initial support for ReadyWA received in October 2012 grant awarded from College Spark Washington to Partnership for Learning & Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013 www.ReadyWA.org
Washington Ongoing: Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation (Professional Learning Providers and Partners Across WA ) • Including: • School Districts (CCSS District Implementation Network) • Higher Education • Education and Educator Content Associations • Business Partners CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
Opportunities to be involved English Language Arts Network http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1034072/ELA-Contact-List ELA and Math “Fellows” build capacity around common learning OSPI CCSS Webinar Series PD Offered through all 9 ESDs CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013
2013-14 CCSS Implementation Resources CCR_CCSS_ELA_DEC_18_2013