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9 th Grade PEP. Goal Setting. Overview. Introduce goals and pathways Introduce post-secondary readiness and evaluate 21 st century knowledge, attitudes, and skills
9th Grade PEP Goal Setting
Overview • Introduce goals and pathways • Introduce post-secondary readiness and evaluate 21st century knowledge, attitudes, and skills Note: (this is just an introduction to the rubric so feel free to move quickly, allowing students to fill out and reflect more in-depth at home) • Introduce co-curricular, extra-curricular, and service learning opportunities • Connect current interests to future activities and college/career goals • Introduce resume building tool on Naviance (Note: this is just an introduction to Naviance Resume Builder. Students must practice navigating the site, but can complete resume at home)
Goal Setting Activity • Instruct students to complete goal setting prompts with neighbor (5 min) When I grow up… Ten years in the future… When I graduate from HS… When I am in college… My dream job is…
Goal + Path • What is the path to reach these college/career goals?
Goal + Path • Research indicates that students need the following to be successful in reaching their college/career goals: • Academic Knowledge • Brainstorm: What do you think this includes? • 21st Century & Workforce Skills • Brainstorm: What do you think this might include • Certain key attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors • Brainstorm: What do you think this includes?
Readiness Rubric Academic Knowledge • Academic knowledge includes core academic subject mastery in reading, writing, math, and science as measured by student grades and standardized assessments(e.g. TCAP and college entrance exams) • Get out your College & Career Readiness Rubric and complete the first section entitled, “Academic Knowledge” (Example responses) 3.2 GPA Is this student developing or meeting, according to his/her GPA? TCAP?
Goal + Path • Research indicates that students need the following to be successful in reaching their college/career goals: • Academic Knowledge • Brainstorm: What do you think this includes? • 21st Century & Workforce Skills • Brainstorm: What do you think this might include • Certain key attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors • Brainstorm: What do you think this includes?
21stCentury Skills • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AvZ5ulVyLc Critical thinking Problem solving Decision making Collaboration Communication Self-direction Creativity & Invention Information technology
Readiness Rubric21stCentury Skills • Use the College & Career Readiness Rubric to assess your development of “21st Century and Workforce Readiness Skills” (Example responses)
Goal + Path • Research indicates that students need the following to be successful in reaching their college/career goals: • Academic Knowledge • Brainstorm: What do you think this includes? • 21st Century & Workforce Skills • Brainstorm: What do you think this might include • Certain key attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors • Brainstorm: What do you think this includes?
Academic Attitudes & Beliefs • Growth Mindset • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8JycfeoVzg • What mindset do you think the pigs have? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNG41u3xbDc
Readiness RubricAcademic Attitudes & Beliefs Use the readiness rubric to assess your Academic Beliefs (Example responses)
Readiness RubricAcademic Behaviors Use the readiness rubric to assess your Academic Behaviors
Goal-Setting • Given what you just learned, what might be some example steps (or short-term goals) to help you reach your long-term college/career goal? • See next slide for ideas
GOAL:____________________________________________________ 5) Complete assignments on time 4) Earn 80% or above on each test or assignment Increase organization by using planner and cleaning out binder & backpack once per week. 3) Set aside at least 1 hour per night to read, study, &/or complete homework 2) WHY: 1) 5) 2) 6) 3) 7) 4) 8) Increase attendance (90% of above) 1)
Co-curricular Interests & Activities • Academic-focused goals are very important. However, just as important are activities that support but are not directly a part of your academic program. • These activities are called co-curricular or extra-curricular activities and include service learning. • Theseactivities can help you discover your talents, explore your interests, reach your goals and even build your resume.
Examples: • Co-curricular or Extra-curricular Activities: • List or discuss extracurricular opportunities available at your school • Discuss where students can go to find out more information and how to sign up. • Discuss relevant eligibility requirements • Service Learning Activities • Provide handout of service learning opportunities
Co-curricular Activities Complete handout to discover how your interests relate to various activities and college/career goals.
Resume • Resume • Document that highlights your academic and co-curricular strengths; your relevant skills, including 21st century and workforce skills; as well as your work habits, experiences, and behaviors. • Used as a tool to market or sell yourself when applying for a job, scholarship, college program, or another related opportunity. • It’s important to know how to access Resume Builder on Naviance so you may use this tool to begin keeping track of all you academic and co-curricular activities and accomplishments throughout HS. You will find this valuable when it’s time to complete college applications, scholarships and job applications.
NavianceResume Builder • Open a new tab and log-in to Naviance using the following Username and Password Student ID # mmddyy Click, “Log In”
Naviance Resume Components Objective Summary Work Experience Education Volunteer Service Extracurricular Activities Awards/Certificates Skills/Academic Achievement Music/Artistic Achievement Athletic Achievement References Leadership • Click on the drop down menu to select a category. • Complete as many categories as you are able to at this time. • Focus on extracurricular activities , awards, and other achievements