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AKS 33 & 34: POST CLASSICAL WORLD. BYZANTINE EMPIRE, ISLAM, RUSSIA, and the Mongols. I. Islam 1. Began in Arabia a. largest peninsula in the world ; people were nomadic & loosely organized

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  2. I. Islam 1.Began in Arabia a. largest peninsula in the world; people were nomadic & loosely organized b. Independence of tribes prevented unity of people c. Connected the Mediterranean Sea to Indian Ocean Sea trading routes

  3. d. Mecca – town on Red Sea, becomes trading center e. Kaaba – temple in Mecca f. Bedouins: Arab nomads; ideals of life became part of Islamic way of life

  4. 2. Muhammad: Founder of Islam a. Born in Mecca around 570; orphaned and raised by relatives b. Married a wealthy widow (Khadijah) and becomes a wealthy businessman c. Becomes concerned about violence and unethical behavior d. While praying in the desert he is told by the angel Gabriel that he has been chosen by Allah (God) to become His prophet

  5. e. Hijrah: Muhammad was opposed by leaders in Mecca so he flees to Medina – when he returns to Mecca in 630 A.D. most Meccans pledge their loyalty to him and convert to Islam f. Gains political and military power in Medina; returns and conquers Mecca g. works to unite Arab world until his death in 632 Used to be called Yathrib

  6. 3.Teachings of Islam a. Islam – “submission to God”; Muslim – “one who submits” b. Five Pillars of Islam 1. FAITH - belief in one God (Allah); Muhammad is His prophet 2. PRAYER five times daily, facing Mecca 3. ALMS for the poor – giving “alms” – money for the poor 4. FASTING during the Holy month of Ramadan – dawn to dusk -shows spiritual needs are greater than physical needs 5. HAJJ – pilgrimage to Mecca at least once - if physically and financially able (- increased the occurrence of trade in the Muslim world)

  7. c. No clergy, all worshippers are equal d. Muslims may pray alone or at a mosque – meeting place

  8. 4. The Koran/Qur’an – Holy Book; contains word of God as it was revealed to Muhammad 5. Koran becomes the basis for government and lawsa. shari’a law: guidance of the Qur’an + Sunna (Muhammad’s example) put together into a body of law • Also accepted the Old and New Testaments of the Bible • Muhammad is God’s final messenger; highest authority **Allah = original authority8. Caliph: political & religious leader in a Muslim government9. Arabic language: served as a unifying force throughout the Muslims trading world

  9. 10. Caliph Abu-Bakr spreads Islam by waging jihad against non-believers 11. Jihad: “striving” and refers to the inner struggle against evil and it also means “holy war” against non-believers 12. 4 reasons the “rightly guided” caliphs succeeding in spreading Islam - drew energy and inspiration from victories as signs of Allah’s support - Muslim armies were well disciplined & expertly commanded - weakness of the Byzantine & Sassanid empires - groups who had been persecuted by the Byzantines &Sassanids welcomed this new group

  10. II. The split between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims (AKS 34c) 1. 656 A.D. Uthman is murdered sparking a civil war 2. Ali (Muhammad’s cousin) and Muawiya (Syrian governor) both claimed to be the new Muslim ruler 3. Umayyads –ruling family that took over after Ali was assassinated 4. Umayyad Dynasty – ruled 100 years; moved capital from Mecca to Damascus

  11. 5. Most Muslims accepted the Umayyad rule in the interest of peace – some resisted a. Sunni – “followers of Muhammad’s example” - Muslims who accepted the Umayyad rule b. Shi’a – “party of Ali”- those who resisted Umayyad rule because they thought that the caliph had to be a descendent of Muhammad

  12. 6. Abbasids – overthrow Umayyads, move capital to Baghdad 7. Seljuk Turks – 1055 – conquered and overthrew the Abbasids 8. 1071 – Seljuks attack Byzantine Empire and take over Anatolia (Asia Minor) 9. 1095 – Pope Urban II announced Crusade against Seljuks to drive themout of Anatolia and Jerusalem; tookJerusalem in 1099 10. 1187 – Saladin led Turks to re-take Jerusalem; signs truce with King Richard I 11. Mongols attack Turkish Empire; attack and destroy Baghdad 12. Ottoman Turks – eventually reunites Turkish Empire into Islamic state that lasts until 1918 & World War I

  13. III. Muslim Culture and Civilization (AKS 34d) 1. Contributions/Advances: a. Armillary sphere b. Astrolabe c. Calligraphy d. Arabesque design e. Algebra f. Underground wells

  14. 2. Other notable Muslims: 1. IbnBattuta: traveler, geographer, & historian who visited most of the countries in the Islamic world a. Battuta praised people for their study of the Qu’ran but criticized them for not strictly practicing Islam’s moral code 2. IbnSina: Arabian physician/Islamic philosopher – many medical contributions – refer to class reading

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