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Byzantine Empire & Russia

Byzantine Empire & Russia. Overview. Byzantine formed after German invaders took over west of Roman Empire Constantinople was built Justinian (famous emperor) created Justian’s Code Schism between Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches Byzantine Empire fell in the 1400s

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Byzantine Empire & Russia

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  1. Byzantine Empire & Russia

  2. Overview • Byzantine formed after German invaders took over west of Roman Empire • Constantinople was built • Justinian (famous emperor) created Justian’s Code • Schism between Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches • Byzantine Empire fell in the 1400s • Russia began in present day Ukraine • Kiev became center of trade • Mongols cut Russia off from Western Europe • Mongols defeated; Ivan the Great ruled as czar • Russia carried on tradition of extreme power with Ivan the Terrible • Many new kingdoms and cultures came to Russia • Ottoman Turks took control of southeastern Europe

  3. WAIT!…you might want to know this • Schism – permanent split • Between Greek Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church • Czar – Russian word for Caesar • Ivan the Great took this title • Ethnic group – large group of people who share the same language and cultural heritage • Eastern Europe had no denominational ethnic group • Serf – lowest level of workers in medieval Europe

  4. wealthiest nation in Europe and Western Asia from A.D 500 to A.D 1200 defended by a mobile specialized army Constantinople was divided into 14 sections BYZANTINE

  5. Byzantine: the beginning • After the fall of the Rome, Europe divided into 2 civilizations • West – medieval civilization • East – Byzantine Empire • German invaders caused emperors to move base to eastern Medditerranean • Emperor Constantine rebuilt Byzantium to Constantinople • Thrived in Middle ages, trade routes linked Europe and Asia • Eventually the eastern Roman empire became known as Byzantine

  6. Byzantine: Justinian’s Code • Justinian was Byzantines most famous emperor • Ruled from 527 – 565 • Aided by wife Theodora • Set up quest to collect law of ancient Rome, which later became known as Justinian’s Code • Reached Western Europe by 1100s • Influenced laws and principals of Roman Catholic Church and medieval monarchs • Spread heritage of Roman law

  7. Byzantine:Christianity • Division grew between Byzantine Christians and Roman Catholics • Emperor controlled Church affairs; rejected pope to have authority over Christians • Byzantine clergy retained the right to marry • By 1054, a schism separated Eastern Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches • Empire began to decline • Constantinople fell in 1453 • Istanbul (ancient Christian City) became center of Muslim culture

  8. Byzantine:Heritage • Byzantine thrived for 1000 years • Blended Greek science with Christianity • Philosophy, arts, literature • Expanded on Roman achievements in engineering and law • Greek Scholars left Constantinople to teach elsewhere • Italian universities • Took Greek manuscripts to the West • Contributed Greek knowledge to European Culture • Aka, the Renaissance

  9. Review!Byzantine Empire • What was name of Eastern Roman Empire? • Byzantine Empire • What was the church called of that empire? • Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Church • Who created a code of laws that we base our laws off today? • Justinian! • What is a schism? • Permanent split

  10. Collection of cities that eventually formed into an empire Ivan the Terrible divided Russia into two parts – and kept one for himself Kiev united with a city called Novgorod RUSSIA!

  11. RUSSIA! Early history • Began in present day Ukraine • Slavs moved into into southern Russia during Roman Times • Vikings traveling on Russian rivers during the 700s and 800s contributed from the Slavs • Vikings traded with Constantinople • Kiev became center of first Russian state • Major trade center • Trade brought Byzantine influence to Russian • Byzantine missionaries brought Byzantine culture to Russia • Greek alphabet – written language (863) • Art, music, architecture

  12. RUSSIA!Mongol Conquest • Mongols from Asia overran land from China to Eastern Europe • 1200s • Fierce conquerors, but tolerant rulers • Mongol rule cut Russia off from Western Europe at a bad time • Europe was making fast advances in arts and sciences

  13. RUSSIA!Rise of Moscow • Princes of Moscow gained power and defeated Mongols • Ivan the III (Ivan the Great) ruled Russia from 1462 – 1505 • Took title of czar (Russian for Caesar) • Built frame work for absolute rule, very successful • Ivan IV (Ivan the Great’s grandson) centralized power even more • Cut privileges of nobles and bound serfs to the land • Started tradition of extreme absolute power • Earned title of “Ivan the Terrible”

  14. Review!Russia • Name of trading center in the first Russian state? (present day Ukraine) • Kiev • Who invaded Russia in the West and influenced absolute rule? • Mongols • What is a czar? • Russian word for Caesar • What was Ivan IV known as? • Ivan the Terrible

  15. ShApInG eAsTeRn Europepart 1 • No single ethnic group • Slavs from Russia, Asian peoples, Huns, Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, Magyars, and Germans • Byzantine missionaries carried on Eastern Orthodox Christianity throughout Balkans • German knights carried on Roman Catholic Christianity • Eastern Europe became refuge for Jewish settlers • Western European Christians prosecuted them

  16. ShApInG eAsTeRn EuRoPepart 2 • Many new kingdoms/small states arose • Poland battled Germans, Russians, and Mongols to survive • Magyars of Hungary controlled parts of present-day Slovakia and Romania • 1500s, Ottoman Turks ruled over southeastern Europe

  17. www.middle-ages.org.uk/serfs.htm • http://www.kidspast.com/world-history/0142-byzantine-empire.php • http://www.guidetorussia.com/ivan-the-terrible.asp

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