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How Much is a Liter? CMS Measurement Unit Day 1

How Much is a Liter? CMS Measurement Unit Day 1. Objectives: -I can understand the difference between capacity and volume -I can identify how much 1 liter is. -I can estimate amounts of liquids in liters. Review # 1 . Directions: Find the area and perimeter of the figure below. . Review # 2.

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How Much is a Liter? CMS Measurement Unit Day 1

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  1. How Much is a Liter?CMS Measurement Unit Day 1 Objectives: -I can understand the difference between capacity and volume -I can identify how much 1 liter is. -I can estimate amounts of liquids in liters.

  2. Review # 1 Directions: Find the area and perimeter of the figure below.

  3. Review # 2 • Directions: Measure the following line to the nearest quarter inch.

  4. Brain Melt – What can you tell me about measuring liquids? Let’s watch a video… Learn Zillion Liters Video

  5. Let’s Review from the video… • volume- amount of space that an object takes up (make sure to have in your notes) • capacity - the amount that container will hold (make sure to have in your notes) • Show students an example of 1 liter! 1 Liter = Half Full= 1 Liter

  6. Liter Workstations • You will rotate around the room and complete 3 liter workstations. You will need to record your findings in your notebook.

  7. Workstation # 1: Capacity Sort • Materials: containers of different sizes • You will be given a number of containers to look at. You will estimate whether each container is less than 1 liter, about equal to 1 liter, or more than 1 liter. When you are finished recording your estimates on the table in your notes, test your estimates and record your findings.

  8. Workstation # 2: Liquid Volume Line Up • Materials: Containers of different sizes • You will be given about 5-6 containers to look at. Place them in order from least to greatest capacity. When you are finished record the order of them in your notes. Explain using sentences why you put them in the order you did.

  9. Workstation #3: How Much is a Liter? • You will explore, estimate, and measure liquid volume. Your group should have the following: Materials: • a large pan or sheet of plastic (for spillage) • a large graduated cylinder or a container measuring 1 liter • 2-3 different large containers (jar, bottle, bucket, pot, etc.) • 1 bowl of water (may be colored for visual effect), • 1 funnel (to help avoid spillage) Directions: • Look at your two containers. Estimate how much liquid it would take to fill each container to one liter. • Talk with your group members about how much liquid it would take to reach your goal of 1 liter. • Take turns filling each container until you believe that you have reached a liter. Use a funnel if you need to. • Once your group has reached their estimate, take turns pouring the liquid from the each container into the graduated cylinder. As you are doing this workstation complete notes below:

  10. Exit Ticket Gallon of milk Gatorade Coffee cup Directions: Complete the following questions on a lined piece of paper. • Write or draw an example of something equivalent to 1 liter. • Look at the containers above. For each one estimate more than a Liter, about the same as a Liter, less than a Liter. • Look at the gallon of milk. Estimate how many liters it would take to fill this gallon of milk. • When estimating liquid capacity, what do you need to consider? • Does the shape of the container change the amount of liquid it can hold? Why or why not?

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