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School Transformation Project . Part 1: Interviews with Assessment Coordinators. To begin my school transformation project, I had the pleasure of interviewing two assessment coordinators in Green County. I interviewed Amanda Abell and Missi Surratt.
Part 1: Interviews with Assessment Coordinators • To begin my school transformation project, I had the pleasure of interviewing two assessment coordinators in Green County. I interviewed Amanda Abell and Missi Surratt. • I asked several questions during the interviews. The slides to follow will provide summaries of the interview.
Interview 1 with Ms. Amanda Abell A brief bulleted summary of interview 1 is listed below and on the following slides. • Our district goals for this school year are to improve student achievement as much as possible. We want to improve each student’s reading and math ability based on where they are. We want to ensure that all students show growth. We not only want to help those children who are at risk, but we also want to challenge gifted students so they continue to master skills and reach to their fullest potential.
Interview 1 with Ms. Amanda Abell (Continued) • We use several assessments at GCPS and throughout the district to drive instruction. They are MAP, GRADE, DIBELS, and GMADE. Common assessments are also implemented district wide. The use of these common assessments help drive instruction in the regular core reading and math classroom. • All assessments will be used to drive school improvement. We use the MAP test to target skill area deficits for each child and to plan enrichment activities which are taught during RTI. We also use data from the DIBELS test to implement lessons in the areas students need help in. We progress monitor every Friday in RTI to make sure that students are making gains to benchmarking specific skills tested. We analyze common assessments during PLC meetings and plan our next steps for instruction and re-teaching activities for standards that were not mastered.
Interview 1 with Ms. Amanda Abell (Continued) • Teachers, principals, district staff and the community are involved in the data collection and analysis at Green County. Teachers are responsible for creating the common assessments and making sure they are teaching and assessing common core standards. They also administer the DIBELS assessment. Teachers are also responsible for analyzing assessments and modifying instruction to meet the needs of the students. School level leadership meets with the teachers during PLC meetings to advise and oversee the creation, implementation, and analysis of the common assessments. Results are then communicated to parents when the assessments are sent home or when the standards-based report card is sent home. Parent/teacher conferences also take place throughout the year to communicate results of data to parents.
Interview 1 with Ms. Amanda Abell (Continued) • There are always gaps between the vision of the school and the reality of it. We set our goal for every student to show growth, but in reality we always have a few students that do not demonstrate progress in a few areas. We try to reflect on our curriculum and instruction practices to determine reasons why a particular student does not show growth. Also, these student sometimes end up in Tier 3 and the pre-referral process. • We use assessment data to drive PD at GCPS. We use assessment results to determine what PD opportunities need to be available to teachers. If we are significantly lower in one areas than another, this may indicate the teacher needs to be updated on instructional practices.
Interview 2 with Ms. Missi Surratt A brief bulleted summary of interview 2 is listed below and on the following slides. • The goals that our school district has set forth for this school year is to expect all students to show improvement in reading and math. We expect as many students as possible to meet the benchmark goals on assessed skills, and those who don’t, to show progress toward those goals. Our goals are for our students to be reading when they leave our second grade classrooms. Then, we know they are ready for the transition to the intermediate school and will continue to succeed in the upper primary grades.
Interview 2 with Ms. Missi Surratt (Continued) • Our school implements several different assessments that are all used to drive school improvement and meet the goals of students benchmarking goals on assessed skills. Our school implements the use of the MAP assessment, as well as GRADE and GMADE, and DIBELS. Our teachers also implement the use of common core assessments and checklists in their classrooms. All of these assessments are used to determine whether or not our students are progressing as they should be or what we need to spend more time teaching students about.
Interview 2 with Ms. Missi Surratt (Continued) • We compile the data from all of the assessments listed above. Our assessment data determines the placement of our student in tiers for RTI. It determines what skills we need to focus on during the RTI block. It also determines what re-teaching needs to take place in the classroom by the teacher. Our assessment data is also analyzed by committees to target unmet skill areas and provide solutions to improve student success.
Interview 2 with Ms. Missi Surratt (Continued) • The teachers, principals, district staff, and the community are all involved in data collection and analysis. Teachers are responsible for writing common assessments that align specifically to the common core standards. They are also responsible for collecting the data from the common assessments in their own classroom and re-teaching any skills that were not mastered. Teachers also administer the DIBELS assessment. The classroom teachers, along with principals, and other staff, then analyze results of those assessments, and plan according to deficit areas during PLC meetings. Results are passed to parents by way of report cards, progress reports, or parent teacher meetings.
Interview 2 with Ms. Missi Surratt (Continued) • There are always gaps sometimes between the vision of the school and the reality of it. Our motto states that we accept the child where they are and move them to where they need to be. The reality of that is that not all children progress enough to meet all of the benchmark goals that are set for them. We provide every opportunity available to us to ensure as much growth as possible. If a student simply does not show any signs of progress, a pre-referral process may need to begin. • The assessment data drives the professional development at GCPS. Our professional development is planned around the needs of our teachers and students according to our professional growth plans, needs assessments, and our core content. All professional development works to help our teachers improve teaching and assessing. We hope to implement professional development that benefits all teachers in the building and helps our students achieve.
Part 2: Accountability Plan • After interviewing district coordinators, I next met with a team of teachers to discuss how our school can be transformed to improve the accountability data. We had the chance to look at our school improvement plan and discuss ways of making our school better. The slides that follow will give information on the outcomes of our meetings.
Green County Primary School • Green County Primary School has a school improvement plan in place for 2011-2012. Several goals and objects were determined based on various needs within our school. • Due to Green County Primary School only servicing Pre-school-2nd grade, our goals are a bit different than the Intermediate, Middle, and High School.
How the needs of the school were determined for GCPS • GRADE assessment • GMADE assessment • DIBELS assessment • KASC staff and parent surveys • Pupil, staff, and attendance data • Extending School Services Program • Technology Needs Survey and Plan • Professional Development Plan • Special Needs Program Information • Standards and Indicators for School Improvement Document • Parent/Teacher Organization Information • School discipline records
How goals and strategies were decided: • GRADE data • GMADE data • MAP assessment data • DIBELS data • Staff/Parent Surveys
Goals/Objectives Identified for GCPS – 2011-2012 • By June 2012, GCPS will reduce the number of students not reading on grade level. All students identified as having the greatest need will be given the opportunity to participate in after-school tutoring and/or daytime waiver tutoring which will provide additional time for mastery of skills and equity for all students. Participation will be measured by teacher checklist, pre and post test, teacher observations, and student data forms.
Goals/Objectives Identified for GCPS – 2011-2012 • By June 2012, GCPS will reduce the number of students not at grade level in Math. • Teachers will follow the literacy plan and provide more experiences for writing in all subject areas as measured by lesson plans and teacher made tests. • All parents will continue to be informed of SBDM meetings, parent/teacher conferences, and PTO meetings and urged to participate in decision making as evidenced by a sign in sheet, etc.
Goals/Objectives Identified for GCPS – 2011-2012 • The Preschool Program will prepare students for Kindergarten, ensuring a smooth transition. • Attempts will be made to reduce the number of students not reading on grade level by participating in Response to Intervention (R.T.I.). Participation will be measured by teacher checklists and results on the DIBELS test, MAP test, and GRADE test.
Goals/Objectives Identified for GCPS – 2011-2012 • Attempts will be made to reduce the number of students that are not on grade level in math by participating in Math Response to Intervention (R.T.I.). Participation will be measured by teacher checklists and results on the GMADE test, and the MAP test.
Summary of the Meetings • I had the opportunity to meet with 4 teachers to discuss the goals that are currently listed on our School Improvement Plan. We discussed various ways that these goals could be achieved to transform our school and meet accountability goals. Our accountability goals would be that students are on-level in reading, math, and writing by the end of second grade. • The team of teachers I met with included: • Missi Suratt • Michelle Corbin • Darlene Henderson • Audrey Cross
Summary of the Meetings • While meeting with the team of teachers, we discussed various ways to improve our areas of need. We focused on Reading, Writing, and Math because that is our main focus in the primary school. The needs and suggestions for those areas are located on the following slides.
Improving Reading for All Students • We all agreed that R.T.I was working well for all students. It provides early intervention for students who are at risk and it also provides differentiated instruction for all students. We discussed the use of learning center games as a way to teach skills and also engage students in learning. • We agreed that teachers could analyze the MAP test results and focus on the skills that students have not yet mastered. There is a report that prints out specific skills each student is lacking. We feel that it would be extremely beneficial to analyze each individual student’s report and implement activities to build on the skills that have not been mastered. • We also discussed implementing First Grade PALS as a supplement to our reading program to improve our students in Reading. Research has shown this program to be successful. We would like to familiarize ourselves with this program and begin implementing it into our own classroom. • We also discussed the use of common assessments as a means of improving Reading. After analyzing the assessments, we can see exactly which standards have not been mastered and re-teach accordingly.
Improving Writing • We also feel that writing is an area of need at our school. We discussed this issue and came up with some ideas for helping students improve in writing. Our ideas are listed below. • We feel that the new literacy plan that has been put in place will provide students with more writing opportunities. This plan is aligned with the new common core standards also. • We also concluded that students should have daily writing time each day. We feel that everyone should have journal time set aside for approximately 15-30 minutes daily. This will allow students to write about various things and also choose their own topics to write about. • As a team, we also feel that giving the students the opportunity to write through the use of technoloy will engage students in wanting to write. We feel that students could be given the opportunity to actually type their journal entries and use Paint to draw their pictures. They are able to not only write, but technology is also addressed.
Improving Math • We all agreed that math is an area that could be improved on. • We discussed that one way of improving this area is by providing students with more maniuplatives while learning various concepts. We also feel that R.T.I is crucial to improving Math. We talked about the positive effects that small group instruction would have on Math. Also, programs such as A+LS and computer games could also help students improve in the area of math. • We feel that implementing math journals could also improve this area. Students would be given the opportunity to apply mathematical skills they are learning in their journal entries. These could be completed whole group. • We also discussed the use of common assessments as a means of improving Math. After analyzing the assessments, we can see exactly which standards have not been mastered and re-teach accordingly. • The team also discussed how we dislike our math series and feel that it does not provide enough practice with basic math skills. We discussed the new Singapore math program. Our testing coordinator, Missi Surratt mentioned that this program is being looked at district wide. We all felt this could be something really good for our school.
Conclusion • I feel that looking at GCPS’s school improvement plan and discussing ways of improving student achievement was a great opportunity. We can only improve student success by implementing the suggestions the team came up with.
Part 3: Staff Development Proposal • The next part of the school transformation project dealt with staff development. I worked with other teachers and we developed a staff development proposal for improving our school. The following slides will provide information on our meetings and ideas.
Notes from Meetings • I had the opportunity to meet with 3 teachers to discuss the staff development proposal. We looked at our school improvement plan and also the mission statement at GCPS. We discussed critical areas that our school currently has. • The team of teachers I met with included: • Missi Suratt • Buffy Scantland • Julie Walker • Ginny Scott (myself)
Notes from Meetings • While meeting with the team of teachers, we discussed various areas of need that we had addressed the week before. Those needs identified were: • Improving Reading • Improving Writing • Improving Math We discussed which need or needs were the most critical to our school and to student success. Notes from the discussions are on the following slides.
Notes from the Meetings • We looked at improving writing. While we feel that writing is an area of need, we also discussed that we felt those needs are being addressed as we speak. We have implemented a new literacy plan which aligns with the new common core standards. We have also worked journal writing into our daily schedules to ensure that students are writing every day about different topics.
Notes from Meetings • We then examined the area of math. We all felt that math was a need for our school. We are currently seeing a problem in this area. When the children enter kindergarten, some do not even know what a number is and have little to no number sense. It is very hard to prepare a child with the skills he/she needs when they come in so low. We have currently seen from looking at our fall scores that our first and second graders are not scoring as high in math. This is definitely a problem. Our accountability plan states that we will reduce the number of students that are not on level in math. The team felt that this is one of the areas that we need to work to improve.
Notes from Meetings • We all agreed that math is an area of need. • Our short term goals will be to reduce the current number of students below level to on level by the end of the year. • The long term goal is to have all students on-level by the time they finish second grade and move on to transitioning to the Intermediate School.
Notes from Meetings • After reviewing our short and long term goals, the team discussed ideas or possible innovations to help achieve the goals of the school. • We would really like to receive training on Singapore math curriculum. We have heard of many school systems in various counties that have implemented this program. Our math series currently doesn’t do a good job at providing our kids with the basic skills they need to be successful in math. The teachers basically are pulling various ideas and lessons to get the job done. We would really like to learn more about the Singapore Math and look into implementing it in our school. Of course this would be a district decision; however, we heard that our district is currently looking into this program. • We also see a great need for the pre-school program to focus on math skills a little more. Even if children came in knowing their numbers 1-10 it would help tremendously. We thought it would be great if the kindergarten and pre-school teachers could meet with one another to establish learning centers and share various ideas for improving math with children in pre-school.
Notes from Meetings • We also discussed improving reading for all students. • We all felt that we have worked so hard on improving reading over the last 3 years. We have really worked hard on implementing RTI and providing differentiated instruction to all students. We have seen scores go up tremendously. However, reading will always be a critical need. We have to make sure to do everything we can for students year after year. • We discussed implementing the PALS program in our school this year. This program has shown great results in other schools. It improves students’ phonological awareness skills. We would only be implementing this intervention to the students who are below level.
Pro/Cons to Implementing PALS • There are also pros and cons to any innovation. We looked at implementing PALS in our school and listed the pros and cons. • Pros: Improved test scores on the MAP, DIBELS, and GRADE assessment. Also, students would receive extra practice in reading and hopefully be on level by the end of the school year. The program will cost no money because our reading intervention teacher has all the resources needed to implement the program. She also has experience with PALS and can give teachers guidance and support. • Cons: By implementing this innovation, we are going to have to find a time in the day to do it. We are already using every spare moment to work in our daily lessons. We would have to work together to come up with a time in which this program could be implemented to our lower achievers.
Conclusion • I feel that looking at GCPS’s school improvement plan and discussing ways of improving student achievement was a great opportunity. Our school is currently looking at implementing the PALS program after December. I am currently implementing it to my below level learners in the transition room I am teaching. I think it is a wonderful program and could really help our students at GCPS.
Part 4: Action Plan • The next task in my school transformation project was to develop an action plan. I met with three other teachers to develop an action plan for our school based on our previous meetings. Again, for this part of the project I met with Missi Surratt, Buffy Scantland, and Julie Walker.
Smart Goal 1 • Our short term goal at GCPS is to reduce the current number of students below level to on-level by the end of the year in the area of reading. We also want everyone to show growth. As long as our students are progressing and not regressing, then it is a good thing. Our long term goal at GCPS is to have all students on-level in reading by the time they finish second grade and move on to transitioning to the Intermediate School.
Assessments Used The following assessments will be used to identify whether our children are on level, below level, or above level. • MAP Test • GRADE Test • DIBELS Test
Intervention Strategy • As a team, we have decided to implement “PALS” as a means to improve scores in Reading. This program is available for Kindergarten, First, and Second graders. The reading intervention teacher, Missi Surratt has been using this program for the last few months and has seen really great results from doing so. This program only takes 15 minutes a day to implement. It provides practice in letter sounds, blending, and oral reading fluency. The teacher acts as a coach and provides instruction to students so they know what to do for each activity.
Research/Best Practice Intervention • We have taken the time to research this intervention program and have found that many schools have seen really good results from implementing PALS. Many children who were struggling readers showed significant gains through the use of this program. The Reading Intervention Teacher, Missi Surratt has also attended training on the program and has also been given lots of information on why the program is successful. She feels that it helps children blend sounds into words which our children need help in.
Person’s Accountable • Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade Teachers • Reading Intervention Teacher
Timeline • We will begin implementing this in January, after Christmas and it will continue to be implemented until the end of the year.
Resources • 1. First Grade PALS teacher handbook • 2. Score sheet copies for students • 3. Progress Monitoring sheets for the DIBLES assessment
Staff Development • Missi Surratt, the intervention teacher will meet with teachers to explain the program and how it works. She will also show us examples of how to implement it in our classrooms. Also, there are various internet sources that provide information on the program. She will also offer support to teachers as it is needed.
Activities to Implement the Program • To begin implementing the program, students will need to be grouped by similar abilities. This program is fitted to meet the needs of all students so it will be implemented to not only the students “at risk” but also those who are considered on-level. The teacher will begin implementing the program by giving the placement test which is short and only takes a few minutes to give per student. This will tell the teacher exactly where the child needs to begin within the program. After that is determined, the student will complete one game sheet per day which only takes a few minutes. The teacher will act as the coach and explain what needs to be done each day. The activities are the same each day, so the students will soon become accustomed to what they are supposed to do. The student will be able to look at the game sheet to complete the various activities daily. The activities will include naming letter sounds, segmenting words, blending sounds into words, and practice on oral reading fluency. The student will have to master each game sheet before moving on to the next. The skills build upon one another and the game sheets will become harder and harder. The teacher will progress monitor students each Friday to ensure that students are making steady gains and not falling further behind.
Part 5: Redesign of School Day • The next step in my school transformation project was to revise the schedule for the school day. The following slides will show the new schedule.
Revised Schedule • 7:00-7:30 Morning Meeting in Gym • 7:30-8:00 Calendar Math • 8:00-8:30 Math RTI • 8:30-10:00 Reading, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Grammar, Writing • 10:00-11:20 Reading RTI • Literacy Centers • 11:20-11:45 Lunch
Revised Schedule (Continued) • 11:45-12:45 Math • 12:45-1:30 Activity (Computers, Library, Art, Practical Living, P.E., Music) • 1:30-1:45 Read Aloud • 1:45-2:15 Journal Writing • 2:15-2:30 Snack • 2:30 Dismissal
Rational for Changes • Due to math scores being low and math being an area of need, I would move RTI Math from 8:00-8:30. I would do this because students are fresh first thing in the morning and they learn best at this time. This would give the teacher and instructional assistant 30 minutes to really work on skills that each student is lacking. Hopefully, if our school adopts the new Singapore Math, then we can use this time to practice the skills we are learning in the regular math class.
Rational for Changes • I would make literacy centers longer. I would also lump literacy centers and RTI all in one. I would have four groups of students that I would work with daily. They would be grouped by ability. I would work on DIBELS skills and also implement “First Grade PALS” with all students. Right now, I am only implementing PALS with my lowest group for my action research project, but I feel it would benefit all students. However, there is not enough time to provide this program to all students.