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STAND TEST 3MeV. POWER CONVERTERS AB-PO-PH ( Pulsed and High voltage converters) WHERE ARE WE ?. AB-PO-PH mars 2007. Jean-Pierre ROYER. STAND TEST 3MeV. Power converters summary. SOURCE H- 1 High Voltage Converter (40kV, 15 mA, dc) 1 High Voltage Converter (65kV, 4 mA, dc)

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  1. STAND TEST 3MeV POWER CONVERTERS AB-PO-PH ( Pulsed and High voltage converters) WHERE ARE WE ? AB-PO-PH mars 2007 Jean-Pierre ROYER

  2. STAND TEST 3MeV Power converters summary SOURCE H- • 1 High Voltage Converter (40kV, 15 mA, dc) • 1 High Voltage Converter (65kV, 4 mA, dc) • PLCs for converters 40 and 65 kV • 1 Screen bias Converter 2 kV, 1A, dc • 1 Grid bias Converter 500V, 500mA dc • 1 Anode bias Converter (5 kV to 20 kV, 20A pulsed 2msec, I dc 20 mA) LEBT (SOURCE H-) • 2 pulsed solenoids converters (1200A, 800 microsec. , 2 Hz) • 4 « LPSS » for steerer (70V, 10A bipolar, dc) • 1 « LPS2 » for bending (50A, 35V, dc) CHOPPER LINE • 11 « maxidiscap » for quad (300A, flat top 800microsec, 2 Hz) • 2  « LPSS » for steerer (35V, 20A, dc) KLYSTRON MODULATEUR • Prototype AB-PO (100kV, 20A, 800 microsec, 2Hz) • Indian collaboration (100kV, 20A, 800 microsec, 2Hz) AB-PO-PH – mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  3. STAND TEST 3MeV • SOURCE H- • 1 High Voltage Converter (40kV, 10 mA, dc) • 1 High Voltage Converter (65kV, 2 mA, dc) • Technical Specification For DC High Voltage Power Converters Rated - 40 kV, 10 mA- 65 kV, 2 mA • AB-PO EDMS No.: 799586 • DO FUG, HEINZINGER, TECHNIX •  order: TECHNIX 22 kFS ( 40kV 15mA + 65 kV 4 mA) • delivery time ~ April 2007 • PLC’s for converters 40 and 65 kV AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  4. STAND TEST 3MeV AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  5. STAND TEST 3MeV • SOURCE H- • 1 Screen bias Converter 2 kV, 1A, dc •  order FUG 6384 Euros (similar LEIR) may 2007 • 1 Grid bias Converter 500V, 200mA dc •  order FUG 3258 Euros (similar LEIR) may 2007 • 1 Anode bias Converter (5 kV to 20 kV, 20A pulsed 2msec, I dc 20 mA) •  order capacitor 46 microf. 26 kV: delivery 11-6-2007 •  specification for “capacitors charging power converter” doneand sent for DO (demand offer) • FUG, Heinzinger, Technix: answer foreseen end of march, • then order and manufacturing, cabling the cabinet at CERN with the different elements. AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  6. STAND TEST 3MeV • LEBT (SOURCE H-) • 2 pulsed solenoid converters (1200A, 800 microsec. , 2 Hz) 2 power converters modified (ex septa EPA-PS) : -No matching transformer -Third harmonic to be modified and adjusted -Active filter must work for 800 microseconds -Modifications and adjustments on regulation loops and electronics. AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  7. STAND TEST 3MeV • CHOPPER LINE • 11 « maxidiscap » for quad (300A, flat top 800microsec, 2 Hz) Market survey and call for tender for consolidation Linac 2 and Stand Test 3 MeV :  Contract placed at OCEM. Delivery of 11 units foreseen for end May 2007  12 kFS / power converter (power and electronics) AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  8. STAND TEST 3MeV • CHOPPER LINE • 11 « maxidiscap » for quad (300A, flat top 800microsec, 2 Hz) AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  9. STAND TEST 3MeV Example of current and voltage waveforms delivered by a maxidiscap on a LEIR magnet voltage The flat top will be increase until 800 microsec. current AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  10. STAND TEST 3MeV  Maxidiscap E1 to E4  AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  11. STAND TEST 3MeV • LEBT (SOURCE H-) • 4 « LPSS » for steerer (10A bipolar, dc) • 1 « LPS2 » for bending (50A, 35V, dc) • CHOPPER LINE • 2  « LPSS » for steerer (20A, dc) •  Power part: Delta power converters ordered and at CERN • Electronic crates and different electronics cards are in progress for manufacturing. AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  12. STAND TEST 3MeV  LPSS LPS2 E5 to E6  AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  13. STAND TEST 3MeV • KLYSTRON MODULATOR • 1-Indian collaboration (100kV, 20A, 800 microsec, 2Hz) • 2-Prototype AB-PO (100kV, 20A, 800 microsec, 2Hz) • It was foreseen to start the stand test 3MeV with the Indian modulator but now, due to the delay, the PO prototype will be installed for operation. AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  14. STAND TEST 3MeV AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  15. STAND TEST 3MeV • MODULATOR PROTOTYPE • The most important parts have been ordered ( ex: capacitors, high voltage pulse transformer, power converters for charging capacitors and for filament heater, H.V. switch, etc…). • Mechanical assembling has begun. • Preliminary tests of components in lab are in progress. • Planning: first tests with klystron foreseen 15-9-2007 AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  16. STAND TEST 3MeV Pulsed power converter for Klystron AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  17. STAND TEST 3MeV Power converters AB-PO AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

  18. STAND TEST 3MeV • CONCLUSION for the different power converters: • Team PO/PH responsibility for 27 power converters ( High Voltage, pulsed or DC) • The planning is well followed to respect the general planning STAND TEST 3MeV. • Effort will be necessary to integrate, to test and to commissioning equipments • Permanent effort (mechanical design, manufacturing) for the high voltage pulsed power converter for klystron modulator. • Sometimes conflicts with other business: work for shut down, hardware test for start–up accelerators etc… • So we continue to go ahead …….. AB-PO-PH mars 2007 J.P. Royer AB-PO-PH

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