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AMCHAMu2019S Agriculture & Food Processing Committee members prepared a capability deck on Sustainable Initiatives undertaken by their respective organizations. The deck showcases member companiesu2019 best practices in agriculture and food sectors. It aims to promote sustainability as a way forward and motivates companies to take a more sustainable approach towards development.
FOREWORD Mr.PrashantPeres Chairman- Agriculture&Food ProcessingCommittee, AMCHAM ManagingDirector–SouthAsia, Kellogg Agriculture & Food Processing in India is a future-forward sector for the country. WithIndiabeingapowerhouseofgrains andproduce, thisindustryhasthe potential to provide immense benefits to the country, boosting farmer incomes, creatingjobsandcontributingtothe'MakeinIndia'vision. American companies, operating in the agriculture & food sector in India, some for manydecades, have donesometremendous work inthespaceof sustainability andhelpingcommunities.Thisisacompilationofsuchexamplesthatcaninspire us togo further andinnovate in this space, likeJohnDeere’samazing work in sustainable farming, Coca-Cola's ‘water stewardship’ project, Cargill’s improvement of nutrition and economiclivesprogram centered aroundpoultry,thediversity celebrationbyHershey’sonitschocolatebars,andsoon. I would like to thank the partner companies for sharing their valuable knowledge around ESG practices. I would also like to congratulate AMCHAM for taking the initiative in bringing together member companiestoshowcase their best practices in the space and compiling them in an extremely user-friendly and easy-to-adopt manner.I hope we can all learnfromsuch examplesand that the booklet will inspiremore companiestotakeamore responsible andsustainableapproach towardsdevelopment!
FOREWORD Ms.RanjanaKhanna DirectorGeneralCEO AMCHAMIndia India is the fastestgrowing economyin the world, it is goingto be at the center of economic activity. India’s $3 trillion economy is projected to be $10 trillion economyinthecomingdecade. Theagriculturesector,thelargestworkforceemployer in India,hasexhibited great resilience in the last three turbulent years. The sector experienced buoyant growth andaccountedfor asizeable18.8% (2021-22)inGVAof thecountry registering agrowthof 3.6% in 2020-21and 3.9% in 2021-22. Complementing this is India’s food processing sector poised to be one of the largest in the world with output expected to reach $535 billion by 2025-26. The sectors will be the criticaldrivertoreach the$10trillionmark. Policy and logistical support by the Government of India through initiatives like Digital Agriculture Mission, growing institutional credit, increasing MSP, schemes including Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana, Pradhanmantri Gram, Sinchai Yojana, Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, Kisan Rath, Kisan Rails, Krishi Udaan Scheme, cold storage facilities at Airports and Inland Container Depot, e-NAM and attractive fiscalincentivesinthefoodprocessingindustrywillaccelerateeconomicgrowth. For these sectors to achieve maximum potential, it is imperative that they adopt innovative and affordable technological solutions leading to sustainable practices acrossthevaluechain.AgTech,ESGandsustainabilityarethenewbuzzwords. U.S. companies have been significant partners in the growth of these sectors and arecommittedtobringthebesttechnologywhileprovidinggainfulemployment. U.S.companies’sustainableinitiativesin theagriculture andfoodprocessing sector in the compendium, offers a knowledge bank and motivates all to adopt suchinspiringpractices.
INDEX 1.Agilent………………………………………………………. 10-13 2.BeamSuntory…………………………….........……. 3.Cargill India ……………………………........………… 4.Coca-Cola India ………………………….……………. 5.Hershey………………………………………….……….. 6.International Flavors & Fragrances ……………. 30-33 7.John Deere …………………………….…………………34-37 8.Kellogg………………………………………….…………. 9.MondelezIndia……………………………………….. 14-17 18-21 22-25 26-29 38-41 42-45 46-49 10.PepsiCo……………………………………………………
2021ESGHighlights Steps takenin 2021
BEAMSUNTORY INDIA Beam Suntory was created in 2014 by combining the world leader in bourbon and the pioneer in Japanese whisky to form a new company with a deep heritage, passion for quality,innovativespiritandvision ofGrowingforGood, whichnowincludes its transformativesustainabilitystrategy,ProofPositive. Beam Suntory made its long-term commitment to sustainability across every facet of its value chain,from seedto sip–throughProofPositive.Thesecommitmentsto the environment, consumers,andsocietyare alignedto theUnitedNations’Sustainable DevelopmentGoals(SDGs)thataimtocreateamoresustainableandequitablefuture forBeamSuntoryanditsstakeholders. COMMUNITYPOSITIVE NATUREPOSITIVE CONSUMER POSITIVE Proof Positive is inspired by Suntory’s vision of Growing for Good and represents a step- changeinoursustainability ambitions.Resting onthreepillars–NaturePositive, Consumer Positive and Community Positive, it features a range of aims to be achieved by 2030, 2040 and beyond under each with actionable goals that we aim to achieve In set timelines.
I. NATUREPOSITIVE Building on the progress to reduce its environmentalfootprint,BeamSuntoryis 19percent* Reduced greenhousegases emitted by direct operations by 19 percent* 22percent* Reduced water use per unit of productionby22 percent* setting bold targets focused on the environment,suppliersandpackaging,in India: • Over 12,000treesplantedinGoaand Mumbaithroughplantationdrives. • Water conservationstructureshave been built in various parts of India, such as in Behror,Pune,Hyderabad,andKolkata Through investments in efficient technology and cleanerfuels, BeamSuntoryhas reduced water use per unit of production by 22 percent* and reduced greenhouse gases emittedby directoperationsby19 percent+. allowingforthestorageofmore 1.095billionandhavebenefited 10,000 people. than over • Reduced dependency on mono-cartons for packagingacross selected brandportfolio to help conserve 715 million litres of water andreduce3 tonnesof carbon emission. II.CONSUMERPOSITIVE Toelevateitscommitmenttoreducing Investing responsible $500 million decisions topromote andpositively harmful drinking and empowering consumerstomakethe rightchoicesfor them,thecompany hasset goalsthat include impactbehavior • Elevating theDrinkSmartplatform,a digital platform for communicating with legal-purchase age adults about making informed,responsiblechoices. • Developing, introducing and investing in awarenessoflow- orno-ABVproducts • Providing nutritionand alcoholcontent information
III.COMMUNITYPOSITIVE • Fostering a more inclusive and equitable culture, while working to increase gender, racial, and ethnic representation across business, and continue to engage and support employees aroundthe worldtovolunteertheirtimetopositivelyimpactsocietyandthe environment • Invested USD 800,000 in COVID relief initiatives to support on-trade partners, strengthen communities,andprevent long-termimpacts ofthepandemic. • Dedicated700+ volunteering hours this past year,working towards the goal of giving back one million volunteer hours by 2030 to our communities around the world, using their skills andpassions. • Reach 50% women in leadership positions globally, 45% racially and ethnically diverse employeerepresentationin theUS andachieveindustry-leading senseof belonging amongemployeesby2030
Our ambition is to have the most sustainable food supply chainsintheworld From smallfamilyfarmstoglobalshipping lanes,Cargillworkseverydayto implement new sustainable practices to reduce our impact on the planet and protectpeople.Ifyouarekeen to readmore aboutCargill’s sustainability commitments on climate, land and water,and people, aswellas our efforts around communityimpact andethics andcompliance —Check outourESG Report! Corporate responsibility and sustainabledevelopment remaininextricablepart ofeverythingwe dointhecountry.Cargillintroducedinnovativebusiness solutions to create enduring impact. As far back as 2008, we supported efforts to combatmalnutritionby pioneeringfortification ofedible oilswithessential micronutrients. Thesearenowreaching over100millionconsumers inthe country.Through our Animal,NutritionandHealthbusiness,wetrain approximately 150,000 farmers in the country annually. This is done across the livestock andfoodvalue chaininthearea offarmmanagement,livestock management and practices, productivity enhancement, financial management, etc.
Cargill million through empowering 3.3 people in India and nutrition livelihoodinterventions. Inthepast5yearsworking withourpartners and stakeholdersontargeted interventions to improve food security&nutrition,build resilientandinclusivefarming communitiesand education and promote livelihoods opportunities for women and youth,CargillIndiahasthus far impacted 3.3 million lives. Hatching Hope India is one of thelargestcontributors improving nutritionand income of 1.76 million people inOdisha.Cargill hasfurther strengtheneditsfootprintin India inthespace offood securityandnutritionby partnering with Akshaya Patra Foundationtosupport schools.In thecurrentfiscal year, we have reached out to more than5000+children through themid-day meal programand supportedtheir kitchenoperationsby donatingmore than600 stainlesssteelutensils.
Cargill also promotes economic developmentbyworkingwith women from underserved communitiesto start their own small businesses,through initiative like Samriddhi & Societymaker, Cargillhastrained morethan1000 womentobecomeself-reliant, earn livelihoods and lead meaningfullives. Empowering 30,000 women farmers at grassroots, through poultryproduction The HatchingHopeinitiativewas launched in Indiain2018byCargilland Heifer International.Thisinitiativeaims to improvethenutritionandeconomic livelihoods of 100 million people globally by2030through theproduction, promotion, and consumption of poultry. Althoughalmost80%ofrural households indevelopingnationskeep chickens,themajorityoffarmerslack theknowledge,technicalsupportand marketaccess necessarytomake poultryfarminga dependablesource of revenue andnutrition.The bold initiativeaimstoimprove thenutrition and economic livelihoods of 60 million peoplein Indiaby2030throughthe production, promotion and consumption ofpoultry
HERSHEYINDIA The Hershey Company, headquartered in Hershey, U.S.A., is an industry-leading snacks company known for bringing goodness to the world through its iconic brands, remarkable people and enduring commitment to help children succeed. Continuing the legacy of125years,HERSHEY'SforayedintoIndia with its impeccableandirresistible assortment offlavorswith chocolates,syrupsandbeverages. Our founder, Milton Hershey, had a vision to make chocolate accessibletoeveryone.Hisdedicationtocreatingabetter worldcontinuestoinspireourmissionstatementoraswecall it, our purpose, of making more moments of goodness. Caring forourpeopleandcommunities,takingcareof theplanet, helpingchildren succeedandmakingthebestquality, affordablesnacksforpeopleeverywheretoenjoyhavedriven usandwillcontinue todoso.
URESGINITIATIVES O. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) shapes every part of The Hershey Company’s business. Wewant to drive positive and lasting change around the world using our expertise and strong partnerships and respondto globalchallengeswithlocalcare. MakingTheInvisibleVisible |CelebratingUnsung Sheroes SupportingOurCommunities ThroughCOVID-19 The global pandemic continued to impactcommunitiesaroundthe worldthroughout2021.Whenthe pandemic devastated India, we acted rapidly by distributing 500 oxygenconcentratorstohospitals acrossthecountry.Inaddition,we madea $50,000commitmentwith nongovernmentalorganizations (NGOs)GiveIndiaand Milaap to assist hospitals with procuring ventilators,oxygenconcentrators andcylinders. As partofWomen’sDay celebrations,HersheyIndia recognized the accomplishments of womenachievers andcustom illustrated them on the HERSHEY’schocolatebars. Ina bid to make the invisible woman visible,Hershey’shonoured these womenandtheirefforts towardschoosing and succeeding in unconventional careers.
TransformingOurApproachTo EnvironmentalSustainability DirectWorkerEngagement| “Worker Voice”Survey Weareconstantlyworkingon reducing ourcarbonfootprintwhile manufacturingourproducts.We haveconverted Coalbasedboiler to Agricultural waste-based Rice Husk boiler andtherebyconverting 60%ofit togreenenergy.Apart fromthat,50%ofelectricityis sourcedthrough solarenergy. Moreover,weareproudtosay that 80%ofourcocoais sustainably sourcedtocreatebestoutcomes forcocoafarmersandtheir families. Hersheyrecognizesthe importance of tools that directly engageworkersontheir experience.In 2021,wepiloteda workerengagementsurveyin India thatempoweredmore than306contractworkersto share their experienceofbeing part ofHershey’ssupplychain. The facilityshowedstrong performance in all parameters, making us the most preferred employerintheregion.
Do More Good
AboutUs Wearea health, bioscience, and sensorial experience company that is changing the world for the better. We’re no longer a flavors and fragrance house. Today, we’re building on our heritage ofcreatingsenseexperiences withtheaddition ofworldchanging scientific expertise and R&D. This potent combination of science and creativity, along with the passion toservecustomersofall shapesandsizes meansthere’snolimittotheimpactwecan have. We aren’t the same IFF. And with our focus on people and planet, our world won’t be the sameeither. OurFocus IFF has been working toward contributing to the people of marginalizedsections of society. To build a better future for the people, we believe that it is extremely important to empower them by implementing CSR projects. Our strategic focus on several distinct areas: Education, WomenEmpowermentand Healthcare. PerformanceHighlights 63% SupportwenttoGirls 79% Developedtheirskills 09% CitiesinIndia 5,000 Liveseveryyear
Positiveoutcome OurPresence 74%Says theirCommunication skillsimproved 59%mainstreamedinGovernment schools Gosainganj Mewat 61%Improvedtheirreading andwritingskills Nathupur Nagpur Karimnagar Sricity Tumkur Quality Education IFFsupportsEducationproject Chennai Salem through variousImplementingpartners the programme works primarilywithchildren andyoungpeoplewhoarestruggling withtheirlearningandatriskof droppingout, supporting them to engage and succeed in education. The programme focus young peopleto developtheirlife skill,technical skill, and entrepreneurship development. This helps the participants to gainlearningandemployment opportunity to lead a sustainablelife. Our Partnerssupportthe children and young oneswithvariouslearningmethodsto bringpositivechangeineveryindividual.
IFF expandingwomen’seconomic opportunitiesthrougheducation, entrepreneurship,Vocationaltraining, andvariousskill-basedtraining. The primary objective of the program is to provideyoung girlsandwomento develop theirskillsandstrengthening governance anddecisionmakingfor promoting genderequality.Wealso encourageannualsavingsscheme amongwomenthroughSelfHelp Groups. Thesegroupswereactively engageinincomegenerationactivities. WomenEmpowerment Sportsfor Development Technology basedtraining Activitybased learning HealthCare Thisprogrammehelpsthe participantsto receive healthcare benefits atthedoorstep.The main objective ofthisprogrammeisto reducevulnerabilitytodiseases andpromotingahealthseeking behavioramongeconomically backwardandmigrantpeople.The 12 by The in programmebeingdeliveredin villages where health support less. thegovernmentisvery programmealsoinvolved organizinghealthcampsperiodically.
John Deere, with its higher purpose, ‘WE RUN SO LIFE CAN LEAP FORWARD’ has been a leader in modernization of agricultural practices in several regions of the world. John Deere understands the aspirations of the small holder farmers and the fact they are looking up to modern solutions as against conventional agricultural practices.JohnDeere hasinterest andrelevantexperienceinhelpingtransform enterprisingfarmersfrom subsistencelevels to alevelofAgri-business entrepreneurs. CSRatJohnDeereIndia John Deere has responsibly and cautiously developed an ecosystem for incubatingfuture technologies for sustainable adoption. John Deerealso prioritizes and supports inclusion ofaspiringwomen farmers in the journey of farm mechanization as neededinyour country. John Deere also prioritizes and supports inclusion of aspiringwomenfarmersinthejourneyoffarm mechanization as needed in your country. John Deere hassuccessfullycompeted25yearsinIndiaandhas madenoticeablecontributions intheIndian Agriculture by bringing advanced technology, product, and solutions. John DeereIndia is committed to transform the lives of communities in five states in partnership with various NGO to support projects / programs that empowers farmers,students,and communities to improve theirqualityoflife. COMMUNITIES ShortTerm —Supporttoestablish LongTerm –Enhancinghealth care infrastructure- Improvedprimaryhealth 5 35 9 1 Covidcarecenters 32 2 1 centers Ruralhospitals BARABANKI Supplyoxygenconcentrators Ventilators DEWAS Civilhospitalwithadvanced medicalfacilitiesin Pune District NAGPUR SOLAPUR Oxygengeneratorplant PUNE – Enablingaccesstovaccination- 10,000 Individualsvaccinated in home communities • Supported frontline workers with safetykitsandmedicalequipment’s • Providedfoodkitstoneedyfamiliesin • homecommunities SupportedGeographies ForCovidresponse
Variousactivitiesunder theseprogramsareaimedto increaseagriculture productivity & income, inspire studentsto attendhigher learning. John Deere Indiaprogram adoptsgenderlenstoensure womenparticipationand contributionacrossall theprograms. John Deere India CSR program contribute to threeUNSDG(United NationSustainable Development Goal) andourmetricsare alignedto majorthe performance of these 3SDGs.(SDG1–No Poverty, SDG 2 – Zero Hunger,SDG 4– QualityEducation). Our CSR program also leverages John Deere India employees time and talent to complement the project outcomes on the ground. Our CSR programs also has beenrecognizedatvariousNational andInternationalplatforms. John Deere CSR vision “We will focus the power of our corporate social responsibility on delivering impactful, integrated programs that will enable the people we serve to unlock economic, social, andenvironmental value throughout their lives in ways that are sustainableforall.”
John Deere’s quality education program has benefitted over 3,500 students with improved school infrastructure. In the Agriculture domain nearly 12,500 farmers have witnessed increase in their productivity by 20-25 % and income- levels by 15-20%. Under the safe drinking water mission basic amenities were upgradedforprovidingaccesstocleandrinkingwatertoover5000familiesin 43villagesspreadover2statesthatincludedsanitationinfrastructure development. Hunar TheprojectHunaraimstoincludewomenfarmersinthefarmmechanization byskillingthem ontractoroperations andmaintenance. Thesewomen Agri positively overall entrepreneurs contributetothe economy and wellbeing of the family.Theprogramwas carried inthestateof MaharashtraandMadhya Pradesh that include 107 small holderwomenfarmers;the next phaseoftheprogram shall includeabatchof220 womenfarmers.Thetotal economicvaluegenerated$ 21,400byincreasingtheir financialliteracy leadingto improvedcreditworthiness. Deere&Company(www.JohnDeere.com)isaworld leaderinproviding advancedproducts,technology,and servicesforcustomerswhose work is revolutionizing agriculture and construction —those who cultivate, harvest, transform, enrich and build upon the land to meet the world's increasing need for food, fuel, shelter and infrastructure. For more information on Deere & Company,visitus atwww.deere.com/en/news
KELLOGGINDIA Strong market leader who innovated, invested in, and built the ‘Breakfast Cereal category’.Been inIndiafor ~30years, andtoday weareateam of~2500 employeesacross5officesand 2manufacturingplants. Ourfounder,W.K.Kellogg,believedthatpartof runninga goodbusinesswas doinggood forthesociety.Thispromise remainsan integralpartofour vision andpurposetoday. NOURISH PEOPLE FEED PEOPLE INNEED NURTURE PLANET SUPPORT FARMERS In our global commitment to nourish 1 Bn people with our foods, feed 375 Mn peopleinneed, support1Mnfarmers&engage 1.5Bnpeoplethrough volunteering.KelloggIndia’scontributionhasbeensignificantinthisregard.
I.NOURISHPEOPLEWITH OURFOODS 100%Corn 56% Corn exported Our purpose is to ‘nourish India’s potential’ through nutritiousfoods andtappinginto our100years+ofexpertiseingrainsto makethata reality. inIndiais homegrown Wetakeindigenous grains and serve them inaconvenientready-to-eatformatto provide consumers with balanced nutrition, simultaneouslysavingtheir timein the preparationofabalancedmeal. toJapan,Thailand, KelloggIndia isproudlyhomeKtoorethaeResearch and Development, Centre of Excellence for AMEA (Asia, Middle East & Africa) to cater to innovation &demandneeds. II.FEEDPEOPLEIN NEED • Morningbreakfastof cereal&milk. • Baselinenutritionevaluation;On-going • educationonnutritionandhygiene KelloggIndiaruns aprogramme‘Bright Start’underitsglobalCSRprogramme ‘BetterDays’ toaddressthelackof nutritionamong under-privilegedchildren in India, because of morning hunger.This model includes the following activities for eachchild: Kellogg India encourages employees to volunteertheirtimeindoingaworldof goodtocommunities. 4.1Mn MealsFed(2019to2022) ~370volunteeringhrs. Inoneyear
III.NURTUREOURPLANET Weworkacrossourvaluechainto nurtureourplanet. • KelloggIndiaiscommitted toworkingtowards: • 100%reusable,recyclable orcompostablepackaging bytheendof2025 • Recycling70%ofplastic volumecreatedthrough theprocessofEPR (ExtendedProducer Responsibility) ~30%TotalElectricity consumedinourmanufacturing plantsfromrenewablesources (Taloja+SriCity) Treessaved 1,82,011 Co2Emission prevented 4,004,250Kgs IV.SUPPORTFARMERS Supportingsmallholdercorn&wheat farmers,includingwomeninMadhya Pradesh&UttarPradesh, empoweringthemonclimate-smart practices 26,000SmallholderFarmers
MONDELĒZSUSTAINABILITYVISION Mondlez’s sustainabilityvisionistocreateafutureofsnackingwherepeopleandplanet thrive together. Tomaximizeimpact,Weaimtoleadinthe areaswhere wemattermost,likesourcing key ingredients and helping to protect human rights across our value chain, and to help drive change wheretheworldneedsit most–likereducingcarbonemissionsandpackaging waste. DriveChange WheretheWorldNeedsitMost Lead WhereWeMatterMost Ingredients Climate CO2eEmissions reductionfromscope1&2 (vs2018) Cocoavolume forchocolatebrands NetZero by2050 100% sourcedvia CocoaLife Maintain100%PalmOilvolume RSPOcertification Reductionin foodwaste in internal manufacturing (vs2018) ↓15% 100% Reductionin absolutewaterusage inprioritysites (vs2018) ↓10% Packaging Social Child Labor Monitoring & Remediation Systems(CLMRS)coverageinCocoaLife communitiesinWestAfrica 100% 100% Packagingdesignedtoberecyclable
MONDELĒZSUSTAINABILITYINITIATIVES –COCOALIFE CocoaLifeprogramholisticallytacklesthecomplexchallengescocoafarmersandtheircommunitiesface, includingclimatechange,deforestation,genderinequality,povertyandchildlabor. $1B Investmentby2030 Vision:CocoaMadeRight Keyareasof intervention Principles Increasetransparency,connecting consumerstoourjourney/farmers Promote“self-sustainability”by building capacityinorigins Respecthumanrights,focusonchild rightsandwomen’sempowerment Pursuepartnershipsandpolicydialogue forgreaterimpact Ourinterventionsonthe groundfocusonthethree areaswherewecan makethe mostimpact. The challengescocoafaces areallconnected,so wetake aholisticapproachto tackling them. Goal:sourcing 100%cocoavolumeforour chocolatebrandsthroughCocoaLifeby2025 Partnershipwith UnivResearchon Cocoasince1984 Soil & Water Conservation, Increasing OrganicInputs, EnvironmentalResearch Supporting Farming since1965 Cocoa Research, Planting Materials, GAP, Technical Team, PartneringGovernment Increasing Income, Intercrop Model, Farm-Gate Procurement, Focus on Small Farmers, FarmerOutreachfor Better Productivity Women Empowerment, Tribal Community Support, SchoolInfrastructure Support Community engagement since2010 Skill Development for the Youth &encouragingChildren to attendSchool Ensuringafuture sustainablecocoa supplywhilecreating empowered&productivecocoafarmerswholive inthriving communities.“By2025,allourchocolatebrandswillsourcetheircocoafromCocoaLife.
MONDELĒZSUSTAINABILITYINITIATIVES– PACKAGING Managingplasticwaste MondelezhassurpassedEPR normsin 2021-22toachieve 100%plasticwasteneutralityandhasworked towardsaimingtobeplastics neutralforthe year2022-23. Mondelēz is largely using Multi-layered plastic for packaging. In 2021-22, Mondelez recycled 64% of its total plasticswaste,andend-of-lifedisposal was done for the remaining 36%byco-processingincement kilns or wasteto energy. Two key enablers that will help food companies reduce their plastic footprint include the amendment of BIS standards related to the use of recycled plastics for food contact purposes and finality on the draft of the Food Safety andStandards(Packaging)Regulations. Reducingplasticusage Mondelez is also focused on reducing plastic usage. With a focus on recycled plastics and adopting R-PET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate) for the leading SKUs; reducing pack size and use of PCR (Post-consumer resin)whereverpossibleandremovingsingle-useplastics in someof the SKUs. 600 MT VIRGINPLASTICSUSEIS REPLACEDBYPOST-CONSUMER RECYCLED(PCR) CONTENT Raisingconsumer awareness As an effort towards reducing plastic waste at the consumer end, mondelez is arranging for the collection of usedproductcanistersto ensureproperdisposal.Thisprimarilyhelpsaddressthedisposalofplastic packaging materialwhichisoftenimproperlydisposed ofdueto lackofawareness. InJuly2021,MondelēzIndiamadeaseedinvestmentintoHasiruDala,anNGO,tocreateasocialenterprise to sort, clean, and recycle flexibleplastic wasteinto more sustainable everyday products and targets to recycle 600 tons of multi-layered plastics every year. The project implements recycling technology purchased from a local start-up and, together, these women-led local businesses positively impact the local economy throughjobcreation. MondelēzhasalsoinvestedintheCirculateCapitalOceanFund(CCOF)whichisfocusedonadvancingefforts inPlasticWasteCollectionandRecycling inIndia.Thecompanyis alsopartoftheIndiaPlasticsPact. • Futureplans • By2025: • 100%of packaging tobedesigned forrecyclability • Utilize5%recycled plasticcontentacrossplasticportfolio • Reducevirginplasticby 25%inrigidplastic portfolioand5%for allplasticpackaging
PepsiCoIndia Since its entry into India in 1989, PepsiCo has expanded to rank among the country's major multinational food and beverage companies. From supporting farmers to manufacturers and retailers,thePepsicoNetworktodaysupportsmorethan118,000 jobsthroughoutIndia. AtPepsiCo India, we focus on productimprovement, acting sustainably to safeguard the environment, and empowering people which in turn provides long-term value for the society andourshareholders. Sustainability In 2021, we introduced pep+ (pep positive) - a strategic end-to-end transformation initiative with sustainability at the center to create growth and value by operating within planetary boundariesandinspiringpositivechangeforthe planetandpeople. Underthisvision,thethreepillarsof PositiveAgriculture PositiveValueChain PositiveChoices willcontinuetoremaincentraltoourprogressgloballyaswellas in India. Agriculture Water Plastic Climate Nutrition
Agriculture PepsiCoinIndiawasthepioneerincollaborativepotatofarmingandworks (directlyandindirectly)with27,000farmersacross14statestoday. Through an award-winning womenempowermentprogram fromPepsiCo&USAID,wehave trainedmorethan1000women inpotatoagronomyand sustainable farming practices since 2019 and are on track to train 500+ additional women farmersin 2022. In addition, PepsiCo India also initiatedN-Driptechnologyinthe states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, andRajasthantohelpthefarmers with improved crop yields, and reduced fertilizer usage, and reduce water consumption by an averageof39%ascomparedto floodirrigation. PepsiCoIndiahasalsoinitiateda prototype Biochar program in Punjab to create awareness aroundtheissueofstubble burning.Underthisprogram,we havebuiltaretortkilntoturn agriculturalwasteintofertilizerto reduce carbon emissions & improvesoilhealth. PepsiCoset a targetof reachingnet-zeroemissions by 2040,onedecade earlier than called for in the Paris Agreement. We are also targeting an absolute GHG (greenhouse gas) reduction of more than 40% by 2030 againsta2015baseline. PepsiCoIndiahasthe Climate In line with our RE100 strategy, all our company owned plants have rooftop solar panels & we are looking at generating more renewable electricity through PowerPurchaseAgreementsgoing forward. globalbeston renewableenergymix witharound82%energy forcompanyowned plantscomingfrom renewablesources. PepsiCohasbeenactivelyworkingonsustainable andscalablesolutions Waterforcommunitiesto provideaccessto cleanandsafewaterandcreating 100%positivewaterimpactbyreplenishingit inhighwater-riskareaswe operatein. PepsiCo Foundation has provided safe wateraccessto27mnpeoplein India since 2006 in partnerships with NGOs & multi-lateral organizations including the latest project with WaterAid to provide safe water access in Maharashtra and West Bengal for farming families through a $3 mn investment.
PepsiCoaimstobecomeNetWaterPositiveby 2030, reducing absolute water use and replenishing back into the local watershed, including a new technology to recover 50% waterusedinpotato chipmanufacturing. PepsiCo also aims to adoptthe Alliance for WaterStewardshipStandardatallofourhigh water-riskfacilities, a frameworkfocused on sustainablewatermanagement. Achieved 100% of our water replenishment targets for Pune &ChannoPlants: creatinga recharge potential of 861 million litersbyrejuvenating24 rainwaterharvesting structuresin2021. SustainablePlasticwaste managementisacorefocusareawherein we arestriving tocreateaworldwhereplasticneedneverbecome waste.Weareactivelyworkingtowardsthisthroughmultiple partnershipsandcollaborations. Plastic Additionally, we are creating awareness around litter management, better waste sortationpractices&plastic circularity through on-ground initiativessuchas 'TidyTrails', 'Purna–UnnatikiSajhedaari', and'PepsiCoPlogRun'. PepsiCo is committed to have 100% of its packaging to be RCBR (Recyclable, Compostable, Biodegradable or Reusable) by 2025, and aim to reduce virgin plastic use fromnon-renewable sources across its productportfolioby 50%by2030. Achieved 100% equivalent ofMLPcollectionand sustainable disposal of plastic waste (since 2020) generatedthroughthesales of our products, in partnershipwithmajor wastemanagement partners. Nutrition In 2021, we launched 'Bowl of Hope' in India to porvoevrid1e00Knutritious bowlsofwholegrains tounderservedcommunitiesacrossthe country. Tohelpbuildamore sustainable food system, we areinfluencingtheconsumers to make the right choice for themselves & for the planet. PepsiCo is also working to providenutritiousofferings to the consumers and promote food security in at- riskregions. As part of our community programs focused onnutrition,PepsiCoIndiahaspartneredwith Smile Foundation across more than 20 Anganwadis to improve the nutritional status ofpregnant&lactating womenandchildren aged 0-6yearsin13villages of Punjab.
AboutAMCHAMIndia TheAmericanChamberofCommerceinIndia (AMCHAM)is theapexchamberofU.S. industryin India.Established in1992, AMCHAMhasover400 membersspreadalloverthecountry.Theincumbent U.S. Ambassador to India is the Honorary President of AMCHAM. The chamber enjoys a very close relationship withU.S.Embassy officials andreceivestremendous supportinfulfillingitsobjectives.Thechamber’s mission is to assist member companies to succeed in Indiathroughadvocacy,information, networking and businesssupport services. AMCHAM isheadquartered in New Delhi and has regional chapters in Bengaluru, Chennai,Hyderabad,KolkataandMumbai.
AMERICANCHAMBER OFCOMMERCEININDIA PHDHouse, 4thFloor,4/2,SiriInstitutionalArea,AugustKrantiMarg, NewDelhi–110016, INIDA Tel:91-11-26541200•Fax:91-11-26541222 Email: amcham@amchamindia.com•Web:www.amchamindia.com