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The Rise of Totalitarianism. Standard 10.7.3. Lecture 3. Standard 10.7.3. Analyze the rise, aggression, and human costs of totalitarian regimes (Fascist and Communist) in Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union, noting especially their common and dissimilar traits. Don’t WRITE!!!.
The Rise of Totalitarianism Standard 10.7.3 Lecture 3
Standard 10.7.3 • Analyze the rise, aggression, and human costs of totalitarian regimes (Fascist and Communist) in Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union, noting especially their common and dissimilar traits. • Don’t WRITE!!!
Totalitarian state Benito Mussolini March on Rome Fascism Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf Gestapo Vocabulary Lecture notes or P.434-453
Italy Benito Mussolini~ II Duce The Leader • Mad about not getting lands in the 1919 Paris Peace Conference • Huge post-war economic & unemployment problems I will make Italy great again!
Mussolini’s Rise • Secret Police~ Black Shirts~ fascist gangs used violence & terror • March on Rome (1922)~ fearing civil war, King Victor Emmanuel III stepped down allowing Mussolini to become the prime minister • Controlled society: outlawed political parties, jailed opponents, censored radio/publications, black shirts
Partner A • Who were the Black Shirts?
Partner B • Discuss some of the ways Mussolini controlled the masses in Italy?
Germany Adolf Hitler~ Der Fuhrer • National Socialist German Workers’ Party. (Nazi~ brand of fascism) • Gestapo~ Secret police
The Beer Hall Putsch: 1923 attempt to seize power in Munichfailed. Hitler in Landsberg Prison
Mein Kampf 1923 [My Struggle] • Blueprint for Nazis (National Socialist) • Aryans are master race (Jews are parasites) • Treaty of Versailles an outrage • Germany needs more Lebensraum (living space)
Partner A • What were some of Hitler’s justifications for hating Jews?
Partner B • Why did he find the Treaty of Versailles to be an outrage?
Hitler • 1932- Nazis largest political party. • 1933- Pres. Paul von Hindenburg named Hitler chancellor of Germany. • Enabling act~ Hitler demanded absolute power for 4 years. • Revived economy/rebuild armed forces.
Hitler became a dictator legally August 1934~ Pres. Hindenburg died Hitler combined the role of Pres. & Chancellor
U.S.S.R. Joseph Stalin • Communism~ everything controlled by the state • CHEKA~ Secret Police • The Great Purge (1934) killed anyone who threatened his absolute power (dissidents)~ 4 million • Stalin industrialized the USSR • Propaganda/Censorship/Russification • War on Religion~ replace religion with communist ideology
Partner A • What was Stalin’s Great Purge?
Five Year Plan (1928) • Goal: transform USSR from agriculture to industrial based • Collective Farms • State owned farms that were operated by groups of peasants • Wealthy peasants (kulaks) that refused to live on collectives and sell their crops at low prices were brutally dealt with at labor camps • Gov. seized all the grain led to the Terror Famine of Ukraine (1932) 5-8 million died of starvation in the Ukraine (Genocide)
Partner B • Discuss Stalin’s goals for his 5 Year Plan?
Building a Totalitarian State • Totalitarian~ where the state, controlled by 1 person/class, recognizes no limits to its authority & strives to regulate every aspect of life • (Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Communist U.S.S.R) • Command Economy~ gov. made all basic economic decisions (no individual ownership/opposite of capitalism)
Emperor Hirohito Japan General Tojo (ordered attack on Pearl Harbor) • Type of Government: Militaristic • Goal: expansion in the west & control all of Asia • lacked the natural resources needed to further industrialize