1. Active Citizen Community Communication Architecture to Connect Citizens and Augment Responders
Cultural Information for Public Safety and Law Enforcement
2. Active Citizen Concept
3. Active Citizen Program
4. Active Citizen Program
7. Technologies Cyber Citizen Corps Portal
Incident Management
Alert and Notification
Strong security!
Video teleconference
Virtual EOC
San Diego State University Vis Lab
San Diego Community Communications Grid
8. End State: Collaboration Link between Federal & State Information Centers, local LEA and Community
9. Proof of Concept Domestic Emergency Response Information Service (DERIS) March, 2002
Burning Man, August, 2002
Shadow Bowl, January, 2003
Community Communications Augmentation
Mass Casualty Medical Reach-Back
Vulnerability Analysis and Threat Assessment Concept
Indications and Warning/Situation Awareness Concept
10. Domestic Emergency Response Information Service (DERIS)
11. Burning Man Event Burning Man Event held annually
Spontaneous community of 25,000 people gathering to explore social phenomena
Established robust collaboration network in an austere environment
Employed portal tools as primary means for receiving, archiving and disseminating emergency management essential elements of information
Over four day period, implemented complex cultural analysis focused on the dynamics of an emergent community
Social Structure (caste, tribal, warlord)
Religion, Ethnic Groups
Evolving Economic Structure and Status
Political structure and stability
Language and Dialect
Reaction to intervening forces
Location and identification of key social facilities, etc
Implications Terrain and Weather
Developed Reach-back technique to interface with San Diego State University Sociology Lab and San Diego Data Processing Center’s GIS applications
Provided Situation Awareness Products describing community profile in real time
Integrated products and tools within 3-D virtual Emergency Operations Center
Employ advanced visualization techniques
12. Shadow Bowl Concept Public Safety Super Bowl Planners Develop Distributed Command Center Concept
“As-is” Communication Infrastructure didn’t support concept
WMD attack impact on pre-staged Responders
Non-traditional threat warning, Situation Awareness, and Cross Cultural Collaboration gaps
Shadow Bowl Addresses Concerns
Employed subject matter experts from community to establish a state of the art communications infrastructure to help link command centers
Established national medical reach-back architecture and mass casualty triage site
Employed chem, bio, radiological, physiological, high resolution optics and acoustic sensors grid. Tied these feeds into an all-source fusion center and disseminated situation reports over multiple collaboration networks
Tied together entire regions law enforcement and emergency response agencies into an information awareness network
13. Shadow Bowl Community Communications Augmentation
14. Shadow Bowl Medical Reach-back
15. Shadow Bowl Threat Warning, Situational Awareness and Cross Cultural Collaboration
17. Implementation Monitoring Events
18. Pilot Concept: Active Citizen