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Active Citizen

Active Citizen. Community Communication Architecture to Connect Citizens and Augment Responders Cultural Information for Public Safety and Law Enforcement. Information. Knowledge. Active Citizen Concept. Community Intelligence Coordination Center. Products: Planning Tools

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Active Citizen

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  1. Active Citizen Community Communication Architecture to Connect Citizens and Augment Responders Cultural Information for Public Safety and Law Enforcement

  2. Information Knowledge Active Citizen Concept Community Intelligence Coordination Center Products: Planning Tools Environmental Info Cultural Info Incident Scene Info Public Safety And Law Enforcement Active Citizen Data All Source Reporting What’s happening Context Decision Support

  3. Active Citizen Program Main Concept: Community based approach to empowering citizens as partners with law enforcement in the effort to protect their neighborhoods and communities. Issues: *Events of Sept 11th and subsequent investigations reveal that the terrorists easily integrated into American communities. *Americans are not aware of what indicators to look for. *No program currently exists to educate the American public about things to look for in pre-attack environments *No processes or programs exist to motivate Americans to inform law enforcement officials of suspicious activity. *Most terrorists will infiltrate into ethnically-friendly lower/middle class economic communities. *Most ethnic communities are suspicious of or non-cooperative with law enforcement programs. *Existing community-based programs are not compatible with the terrorist modus operandi. *An Alert and Trained Public is the greatest Deterrent to attacks Active Citizen Program leverages the eyes and ears of the community to assist law enforcement

  4. Active Citizen Program • Components: • Organizational and Operational Structure *ActCit Coordination Center *Cadre of trained citizen volunteers • Reporting Context *Provide citizens with specific information reporting requirements • Reporting Infrastructure *Community Communications Bridge *Internet based reporting portal *Does not replace 911! • Information Fusion *Validate and Coalesce into Products • Dissemination to Law Enforcement ActCit Coordination Center Coordination Center is not a law enforcement entity Neighborhood ActCit Teams Active Citizen Program leverages the eyes and ears of the community to assist law enforcement

  5. Community Communication Infrastructure And Cyber Citizen Corp Portal Active Citizen Coordination and All Source Fusion Center • Environmental Data • Cultural Data • Specific information Requirement • Incident Situation Reporting • Damage Assessments • Cultural Analysis • Environmental Risk Mitigation • Pattern Recognition • GIS Products Portal Specific Information Requirements Public Safety and Law Enforcement Agencies Communications Grid Augments Field Responders

  6. Situation Awareness: Community Partnership with Public Safety and Law Enforcement Situation awareness Community Active Citizen Program Operational Area Unified Intelligence Cmd (TEW) Forms Organizational Legs of CIAP Products Requirements Situation awareness Situation awareness Community Comms Grid Cyber Citizen Corps Portal Public Partnership Space E-Team & Counter-terrorism Info Net As Required Situation awareness Situation awareness Active Citizen Neighborhood Teams Public Agency Field Units Incident Situation awareness

  7. Technologies • Cyber Citizen Corps Portal • Incident Management • GIS • Reporting • Chat • Video • Alert and Notification • Strong security! • Video teleconference • Virtual EOC • San Diego State University Vis Lab • San Diego Community Communications Grid

  8. End State: Collaboration Link between Federal & State Information Centers, local LEA and Community Federal Information Center Cyber Citizen Corp Portal Community State Information Centers Local LEA • Document Library Archive • Imagery Archive • Collaboration Tools for Chat and VTC • Surveillance Video over TCP/IP • Voice over TCP/IP • Incident Management Application • Real-Time Reporting • Report Forms and GIS Mapping National Information Awareness Grid that Emphasizes Local Field Requirements

  9. Proof of Concept • Domestic Emergency Response Information Service (DERIS) March, 2002 • Burning Man, August, 2002 • Shadow Bowl, January, 2003 • Community Communications Augmentation • Mass Casualty Medical Reach-Back • Vulnerability Analysis and Threat Assessment Concept • Indications and Warning/Situation Awareness Concept

  10. Domestic Emergency Response Information Service (DERIS) • Demonstrated feasibility of portal based approach for LEA crisis response • Implements National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue standards for eXtreme Information Infrastructure (XII) • Prototype a common operational picture and provide real-time C2 for Joint Civil-Military Operations • LEA from Chicago, San Diego and Los Angeles utilized collaboration portal within context of a potential terrorist attack

  11. Burning Man Event • Burning Man Event held annually • Spontaneous community of 25,000 people gathering to explore social phenomena • Implentation • Established robust collaboration network in an austere environment • Employed portal tools as primary means for receiving, archiving and disseminating emergency management essential elements of information • Over four day period, implemented complex cultural analysis focused on the dynamics of an emergent community • Social Structure (caste, tribal, warlord) • Religion, Ethnic Groups • Evolving Economic Structure and Status • Political structure and stability • Language and Dialect • Reaction to intervening forces • Location and identification of key social facilities, etc • Implications Terrain and Weather • Developed Reach-back technique to interface with San Diego State University Sociology Lab and San Diego Data Processing Center’s GIS applications • Provided Situation Awareness Products describing community profile in real time • Integrated products and tools within 3-D virtual Emergency Operations Center • Employ advanced visualization techniques

  12. Shadow Bowl Concept • Public Safety Super Bowl Planners Develop Distributed Command Center Concept • Concerns • “As-is” Communication Infrastructure didn’t support concept • WMD attack impact on pre-staged Responders • Non-traditional threat warning, Situation Awareness, and Cross Cultural Collaboration gaps • Shadow Bowl Addresses Concerns • Employed subject matter experts from community to establish a state of the art communications infrastructure to help link command centers • Established national medical reach-back architecture and mass casualty triage site • Employed chem, bio, radiological, physiological, high resolution optics and acoustic sensors grid. Tied these feeds into an all-source fusion center and disseminated situation reports over multiple collaboration networks • Tied together entire regions law enforcement and emergency response agencies into an information awareness network

  13. Shadow Bowl Community Communications Augmentation

  14. Shadow Bowl Medical Reach-back

  15. Shadow Bowl Threat Warning, Situational Awareness and Cross Cultural Collaboration Public Safety And Law Enforcement Field Units Sensor Field Stadium Main Ops Center Fwd Ops All Source Fusion Center Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center Monitored for Potential Threats

  16. Riverside County SO San Diego Counter Terrorism Info Net (CTIN) Portal Region 6 LE Titan Site SD County EMS Supporting Activities SDPD DTC Vis Lab Fwd San B County SO SDPD EMB (Harbor PD) SDPD Gaslamp Sensor Grid SD County SO DOC SDPD DOC SD County PDs CHP Supported Activities “The inner circle” SDPD Juarez Vis Lab Main FBI Aero Imperial County SO SDPD Qualcomm SD County EOC SD FLSS JTTF Med SMEs SD City EOC Border Patrol SD County Health TSA Federal DOJ/ODP Mil NRSW LA County TEWG FEMA FAA Bases Orange County TEWG CATIC VTC Capabilities

  17. Implementation • Monitoring Events OHS Link to vast Federal, State and Regional Information Resource Support SDPD DOC FBI SIOC City EOC CTIN FEMA SD Sheriff DOC Military COCs CATIC LA TEW SD County EOC Shadow Bowl

  18. Pilot Concept: Active Citizen • Establish Coordination Center • Establish Cadre Sample for initial implementation *Link with SDPD Neighborhood Policing Program *Link with Sheriffs Neighborhood Watch • Establish Community Communications Architecture *Communication Nodes *Reporting Channels -Portal • Train and Exercise • Implement Small Scale Sample Implementation During Pilot

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