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青树教育基金会ITIE2010信息技术与教育国际学术研讨会 Evergreen Education Foundation ITIE2010: Information Technology in Education International Symposium 欠发达地区图书馆应对信息鸿沟的途径 R esponsing Way s to Information Gap about the library in Less-developed regions. 李桂荣 土巴 乔兴平 Ligr.happy@163.com
青树教育基金会ITIE2010信息技术与教育国际学术研讨会Evergreen Education Foundation ITIE2010: Information Technology in Education International Symposium欠发达地区图书馆应对信息鸿沟的途径Responsing Ways to Information Gap about the library in Less-developed regions 李桂荣 土巴 乔兴平 Ligr.happy@163.com 青海:0971-4396481 1399712816 15909765779 2010.6.21 兰州大学
主要内容 Main contents • 信息鸿沟及其应对 Information Gap and Response • 随着人类步入信息化社会,通讯科技飞速发展,网络的视角不断被提出,信息鸿沟产生,信息化和信息素质教育成为热门话题,并逐渐成为探讨地方治理的一项工具。 As human society entered into informatization society, network has been put forward, and the Appeareance of information gap, information and education becomes hot topic of information literacy, and gradually become a tool of local governance. • 欠发达地区图书馆的使命 Underdeveloped areas Library Mission • 制度欠缺或者失灵,政府无力回应地方发展需求的时候,社会力量便应运而生。图书馆肩负重要的社会治理责任--通过信息化和信息素质教育引导全民网络阅读,应对信息鸿沟。 when system lack or Failure, Government inability respond local demand, social forces thus arose.Library shoulder important social governance responsibility——Through information technology and information literacy education to guide national network of reading to address the information gap.
宝苑图书馆的实践与探索 Baoyuan Library Practice and Exploration • 在我国欠发达地区,在图书馆应对信息鸿沟这一巨大挑战的过程中,除了政府积极投资投资建设地方各级公共图书馆服务体系和对贫困地区进行知识扶贫外,社会各界力量包括个人起着很大作用。许多仁人志士,怀着对家乡人民的满腔热情,为发展地方文化和本民族文化,纷纷解囊捐资,修建图书馆。坐落于三江源头的雪域高原的青海玉树州结古镇的宝苑图书馆,就是僧人密南仁波切发愿修建的。 In China's less developed regions, in the library to meet their information divide this great challenge of the process, in addition to the government invest more actively invest in local public library system and on the poverty-stricken areas of knowledge Fupin addition, the social forces of all the individual play significant role. • 信息素养教育创新 Information Literacy and Education Innovation • 推广阅读和识字启蒙是边远落后地区图书馆的首要使命。如何提升社会大众对于社区居民阅读和识字启蒙重要性的认识、开展阅读活动和引导阅读活动,宝苑正在探索和实践中。宝苑人认为,读者信息素养教育和图书馆使用技能培训非常重要,如何设计和开展相关培训,方案,正在被宝苑图书馆工作者提上议事日程。 • Enlightenment is to promote reading and literacy in remote backward areas of the primary mission of the Library.How to enhance public literacy for community residents to read and understand the importance of the Enlightenment, to carry out reading activities and guided reading activities, Po Court is to explore and practice
信息鸿沟的内涵 The content of the information gap • 所谓“信息鸿沟”(Information Gap),是指在信息网络技术迅速发展和广泛应用的过程中引发的新的社会发展差异和社会分化,即发达地区和欠发达地区之间由于在进入网络方面的差距而产生的信息富足者和信息贫困者之间的差距,包括信息网络技术在不同地区或社区和社会群体中分布均衡和使用均衡状况。 Information Gap, is the rapid development in information network technology and application of the process lead to differences in the new social development and social differentiation, which developed areas and less developed areas into the network to another due in respect of The information gap caused by the poor rich and the information gap between, including the information network technology in different areas or communities and social groups in the distribution and use of a balanced equilibrium state • 目前,我国互联网普及率为28.9%,高于世界平均水平,但受经济、文化发展和教育水平影响,区域差异、城乡差异大,造成不同地区、不同群体之间信息鸿沟,影响社会和谐与未来发展。 • 我国地域广阔,经济发展不平衡,图书馆事业的发展也很不平衡,从地域来分析,大城市及东南沿海地区要远好于中西部欠发达地区。因此,加强西部欠发达地区网络信息图书馆建设,促进知识资源整合和利用是地区未来发展中应对信息鸿沟的希望。
目前,我国互联网普及率为28.9%,高于世界平均水平,但受经济、文化发展和教育水平影响,区域差异、城乡差异大,造成不同地区、不同群体之间信息鸿沟,影响社会和谐与未来发展。目前,我国互联网普及率为28.9%,高于世界平均水平,但受经济、文化发展和教育水平影响,区域差异、城乡差异大,造成不同地区、不同群体之间信息鸿沟,影响社会和谐与未来发展。 At present, China's Internet penetration rate was 28.9%, higher than the world average, but by economic and cultural development and education of the impact of regional differences, large differences between urban and rural areas, resulting in different areas of information gap between different groups and affect social harmony and the future developing. • 我国地域广阔,经济发展不平衡,图书馆事业的发展也很不平衡,从地域来分析,大城市及东南沿海地区要远好于中西部欠发达地区。因此,加强西部欠发达地区网络信息图书馆建设,促进知识资源整合和利用是地区未来发展中应对信息鸿沟的希望。 China's vast territory, unbalanced economic development, library development is also very uneven from region to analyze the big cities and the southeast coastal region is far better than the less developed central and western regions. Therefore, in the western underdeveloped areas of network information library construction, and promote integration and utilization of knowledge resources is a regional response to the information gap in the future hope.
希望在未来 Hope in the future 宝苑图书馆目前面临的发展困 难是:专业传播人才缺乏、通 讯不畅、信息环境落后等等。 在宝苑的实践工作中,因为资 金来源不固定,工作人员都是 义工。因为信息技术人才严重 缺乏,影响了图书馆现有系统 的维护、系统的稳定以及图书 馆功能的开发利用。宝苑图书 馆正在期待社会各界的关注和图书馆同行的支持。 Baoyuan Library is currently facing development difficulties: lack of professional communication personnel, poor communication and information environment, backward, etc.Po Court Library is looking forward to the community concern and support of peer libraries
网络信息技术发展带来的机遇 The development of Network Information Technology Brings Opportunity. 网络技术的出现和网络时代的来临,给欠发达地区发展带来了挑战,同时也带来了缩短与发达地区距离的历史机遇。这是由于,在网络世界中,区域之间在信息的传递、互动、交换中处于平等的位置,可以说正处于同一起跑线上。因为信息技术知识具有明显的外溢性,在经济全球化和信息革命相互作用的过程中,有助于不同区域直接获得和利用这种外部性,直接分享各种技术好知识的收益,可以充分运用信息和通信技术实现某种形式的追赶,因此说使用了网络信息技术的地区图书馆可以架起本地区与全球共享知识信息资源、缩短知识、信息差异的桥梁。 The emergence of network technology and network era, bring challenges to the development of underdeveloped areas, but also a historic opportunity to shorten the distance with the developed areas.Because of information spillovers of technical knowledge has obvious nature of economic globalization and information revolution Xianghuzuoyong the process, contribute to different Quyu direct access to and use of this Waibu nature, a good knowledge of the direct sharing of the benefits of various technologies, can be fully used information and communication technology to achieve some form of catch up, so that the use of information technology areas of network libraries can be erected in the region and the world to share knowledge and information resources, reduce the knowledge, information bridge differences.
图书馆的使命Missions of library • 图书馆开展信息素养教育是欠发达地区跨越“信息鸿沟”的重要机遇和途径。欠发达地区缺少的不仅仅是知识信息资源,还缺少信息素养教育。如何引导地区图书馆读者和用户利用图书馆,利用先进技术获取知识资源,是更为重要的问题。信息化能够有效缩小知识差距。作为地区文化引擎和知识生产、传播、汲取的社会公益职能机构,图书馆及其馆员应该积极投身于网络信息技术的开发利用的进程中,树立紧迫意识、超前意识,抢占信息社会的制高点意识,配合其他社会教育机构积极开展读者信息素养教育及创新服务工作,使欠发达地区的图书馆有效服务地区读者和用户。 Libraries information literacy education is an important opportunity and way to across the “information gap” in underdeveloped areas. Less developed areas not only lack of knowledge and information resources, but also lack of information literacy education. How to guide the district library readers and users use the library, access to knowledge resources, using advanced technology, is a more important issue.
Practice and Exploration of Baoyuan Library • 宝 • 苑 • 图 • 书 • 馆 • 的 • 实 • 践 • 与 • 探 • 索
Library Baoyuan appearance is Tibetan, Chinese, Continental mixture of three architectural styles, with strong ethnic characteristics without losing the modern flavor, is the combination of traditional and period style architectural features. Memory publishing world culture, science and technology, religious and modern education, knowledge of books, pictures, maps for readers, several thousand copies of those tapes and discs for viewing audio-visual appreciation. More than 20 computers available to the reader to find the network data and information. Public meeting rooms equipped with very advanced features for the library staff with timely data and information.
图书馆人宝苑图书馆创办人密南先生如今正在利用图书馆进行藏文辞海编纂工作。他擅长和坚持书法创作,可以用几十种藏文书法体进行书写。他能够将传统文化艺术与现代工具电脑相结合开展创作工作,他不仅自己是个文化信息素养水平很高的图书馆人,而且经常地利用图书馆的资源和场地,以讲座等形式开展读者的教育和培训 . Po Yuen, founder of Middle South, Mr. library now are using the library to compile the Tibetan Ci Hai
Since 2001 to June 2005 ,from planning to commence a formal approval, which lasted 5 years of hard efforts to run around and pouring, an area of more than 2900 square meters, construction area of 1100 square meters of the four floors of the Library in the snow-covered plateau uplift to the sky, Po Court Library (Tibetan Music “Norlin”) was completed in July 2007 15 kinds of language text containing more than 50,000 volumes of books, setting 20 sets of computers for the home people free of charge. Library construction funds and the purchase be funded from the Library resources believers worship the support and close the South Tibetan calligraphy art works themselves Sale section.
经验和启示 Experience and Inspiration • 宝苑图书馆的发展及其工作实践的经验表明,图书馆工作需要获得社会的认同和支持。宝苑图书馆之所以能够在政府和民众支持下得以建立,图书馆的宣传起了非常重要的作用。图书馆员和图书馆的倡导者必须将宣传和服务拓展到社区潜在的图书馆用户以及政府相关部门。联系社会力量发展图书馆的义工网络、筹得社会资金和争取政府支持是宝苑成功的关键。 Baoyuan library development and their practical experience shows that the library requires to receive social recognition and support.Baoyuan Library was able to support the Government and the public be established, the library's publicity plays a very important role. Librarians and library advocates to expand advocacy and service to the community of potential library users and relevant government departments. Contact the public to develop a volunteer network of libraries, the community raised funds and solicit government support is critical to the success.
宝苑人认为,图书馆员是一个具有信息素养的人,应该能够意识到读者和用户何时需要信息并能有效地帮助读者符合规范地获取信息、评估信息,和应用信息来解决眼前的问题。宝苑人认为,图书馆员是一个具有信息素养的人,应该能够意识到读者和用户何时需要信息并能有效地帮助读者符合规范地获取信息、评估信息,和应用信息来解决眼前的问题。 Baoyuan thought, librarian is a person who should be able to realize that when the readers and users need information and can effectively help the readers compliant access to information, assess information, and apply information to solve immediate problems. • 宝苑图书馆在实践中获得的最重要经验是:必须提高高馆员(包括图书馆其他工作人员)的综合素质,这是搞好图书馆服务关键。 Baoyuan Library gets the most important lesson from practice: is the key to improve library services is to improve the high-librarians of the overall quality. • 宝苑图书馆要求馆员在综合素质上应具备道德素养、知识素质、业务素质和能力素质. Baoyuan Library librarians in comprehensive quality requirements should have the moral qualities, knowledge, professional competence and ability and quality.
宝苑图书馆要求图书馆员了解本民族的价值和文化,更好地传承民族文化.宝苑图书馆要求图书馆员了解本民族的价值和文化,更好地传承民族文化. Baoyuan Library asked librarians to understand the nation's values and culture, cultural heritage and better • 宝苑图书馆要求馆员在职业理念上具备创新、协作和奉献等精神;要求馆员在职业技能上应担当“信息挖掘”者的责任、能够协助用户建立个人知识库和培养用户、读者的知识素养. Baoyuan Library asked librarians in professional ideas with innovation, the spirit of collaboration and dedication, etc. • 宝苑图书馆正在寻求通过岗位培训、派出进修、参加网络学历教育等多种形式,培养和建设一支高素质的图书馆人才队伍来为读者和用户提供全方位的知识服务。 Baoyuan Library is seeking job training, sending training, academic education and other means to participate in the network, train and build a library of high quality personnel to serve readers and users a full range of knowledge services
创新信息素养教育模式的构想 Innovative concept models of information literacy education 1、构建面向知识创新的信息素质教育联盟体系。 Construction of Knowledge Innovation for information education alliance system 这样不仅可以不断提高读者利用先进技术获得知识信息的能力,还可以不断积累图书馆网络文献信息资源服务的能力。图书馆之间以及图书馆和其他机构之间联网合作,对于资源和知识储备或服务努力有限的欠发达图书馆而言非常重要。在网络条件下联盟不仅是人们最好获取信息的方式和寻求知识的渠道,可为需求不同的读者和拥护甚至馆员提供不同层次的信息素养教育服务,还为各类图书馆积累了各种来自于先进馆的服务经验,从而积累本馆的服务能力。发展图书馆网络有利于缩小地区间图书馆用户和读者的教育差距,是实现建设好学习型图书馆、服务型图书馆、提高全体国民素质的有效途径。联盟体系还可以开展其他诸如联合参考咨询、联合学科化服务、联合跨界合作等有益于提高图书馆整体服务水平和能力的各种工作。宝苑图书馆期待与更多地区图书馆合作。
2、科学规划,保证培训的有效实施。 Scientific planning, to ensure the effective implementation of the training • 要对读者和用户的培训需求进行科学、细致的需求分析,避免培训、教育工作带有盲目性和随意性。. • 图书馆的生存和发展意义在于被读者不断地使用。如果读者信息素养教育和培训缺乏合理定位和科学安排,就会脱节于图书馆的目的,影响图书馆事业长期的可持续性发展。 • 要全面提高馆员的观念、知识和技能水平才能全面改善馆员的行动实施能力。 • 要从实际出发,加强馆员职业道德教育,提高馆员的责任感、使命感和危机感。 • 提高馆员学习和服务读者的积极性和自觉性,切实保证图书馆读者、用户信息素养教育和培训工作的有效开展。
结语Concluding Remarks:网络是一种机会均等的新力量,欠发达地区的图书馆要凭借它紧紧抓住机遇,及时跟进经济科技、社会发展需求,充分发挥图书馆在地区社会的基石作用,弥合城乡、地区间在信息资源开发利用和用户信息素养教育方面的差距。 Network is a new force of equal opportunity, less developed regions should rely on it to seize the opportunity to timely follow-up economic and technological, social and development needs, give full play to the cornerstone of the community library in the district role in bridging the urban and rural areas between the development and utilization of information resources and user information literacy education gap
以宝苑图书馆的发展为例,可以联合地方公共图书馆、高校图书馆、中小学图书馆和非盈利组织等各方力量,甚至可以求助于发达地区图书馆,通过联合,寻找图书馆在信息化时代加强读者信息素养教育的最佳模式以应对信息鸿沟,让图书馆建设,逐步纳入国家创新信息服务体系,成为其重要组成部分,在现代中国社会,发挥知识、信息基地的作用。以宝苑图书馆的发展为例,可以联合地方公共图书馆、高校图书馆、中小学图书馆和非盈利组织等各方力量,甚至可以求助于发达地区图书馆,通过联合,寻找图书馆在信息化时代加强读者信息素养教育的最佳模式以应对信息鸿沟,让图书馆建设,逐步纳入国家创新信息服务体系,成为其重要组成部分,在现代中国社会,发挥知识、信息基地的作用。 To Bao Yuan library development, for example, can be combined local public libraries, university libraries, school libraries and nonprofit organizations all forces, or even turn to libraries developed areas, through the joint, looking for libraries Information Age to enhance the reader the best model for information literacy education to address information gaps, Rang library construction, information services and gradually into the national innovation system, as an important component of modern Chinese society, play knowledge, information centers, the role.
Change in this ongoing era of globalization, the world is getting smaller, more interdependent, through extensive contacts with participation, whether individual or collective action to achieve the following objectives: 1, maintaining and strengthening the community, care and services and other humanitarian values; 2, each person as a member of the community, can enjoy the rights and fulfill their obligations, and can be life-long learning and growth, realize their full potential; 3, to eliminate differences, enhance communication, allow us to live in a healthy and sustainable development of society, work together to develop innovative, to meet the challenges we face together, shaping our common future, we, human beings have the power to change the world!
Thank you! Ligr.happy@163.com • 0971-4396481 13997128168 15909765779